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Dam back yard breeders, there should be a law - front yard only!

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by NorCalTim, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. NorCalTim

    NorCalTim Big Dog

    FU:2012 Back Yard Breeding Bill:rolleyes:

    Description. With the growing number of malls that sell dogs in pet stores across the US,
    something needs to be done about the welfare of the parents of these puppies for sale.

    All to often the domesticated dog is treated like livestock by certain religious cultures and individuals.
    FU:2012 will mandate anyone who breeds more than 40 puppies, or 4 litters a year must foster out one female
    to a loving family with a backyard for her to be bred in for every female the breeder keeps in his professional kennel.

    At a one to one ratio, the breeder is still able to have ample breeding stock in his yard at his disposal. The
    breeders stock may live out there entire life living in a kennel. However, half of the
    bitches to be bred will live out their lives in a loving home with a back yard to play in. The fostered out females
    will be bred up to three times each. They will never be bred "back to back".

    FU:2012 is currently being considered by your local government.

  2. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    Should be done like this:

    Everyone who wants to breed dogs has to obtain something like a license that is bounded to a test of at least minimal knowledge about breeding and caring.
    Everyone that "produces" litters without permission should be fined.
    As for purebreds there should be some minimal qualfications to get the litters papered within the sire and dam. They should prove a test to the common health issues of each breed, like hip dysplasia, heart etc. if they are affected to a certain degree and the breeding should be done anyways the regsitries should refuse to register the puppies.
    Also someone that raises more than two litters per years should prove that he could at least serve up with the minimal standards according to the dogs needs.
    I´m from germany and my breed club asks for all this and to me I´m fine with it!
  3. cliffdog

    cliffdog Top Dog

    There shouldn't be regulations on breeding dogs, except maybe no breeding MUTTS without a license.
  4. blanch

    blanch Big Dog

    fuck that.

    you want to keep and breed shit no-ones going to suffer except you,your the one wasting money on feed etc.

    as long as it isnt hurting anyone else what reason is there for the government to get involved?
  5. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    to be in control of your life . you know goverment is the boss .
  6. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    No thanks.
  7. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    What's wron with comparing dogs to livestock? Last time I checked that's what they were.
  8. bgblok68

    bgblok68 CH Dog

    Nothing wrong with looking at it however you want. They claim thats your right. lol Greedy AH's in this county dont though. Dogs are different and they want $ for each one. Then you can only have so many or it costs more $. Then you have more of thier rules to follow and costs more $ each year. Livestock doesnt matter. Have as many as you want and do what you want.
  9. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    LOL Or just call all the fucking idiots in the world!
  10. 12 gauge

    12 gauge CH Dog

    yeah give more power and your money to the dumbasses running this country or yours. dont buy any dogs or pups from these careless breeders and they will stop producing shitdogs, you think without demand they will keep breeding?. the human society, aspca and whatever the fuckelse is there just to receive donations, they dont give 2 shits about your dog or mine. dont give any info about you or your dogs so they can regulate what you can or can't do. the moment you pay for your freedom is no longer free.
  11. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Opps should have been "cull" not call LOL
  12. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    I tell you how it works over here!

    The Club regulates it´s members and breeders if you will be a registered Kennel and have papers on your dogs you ar bound to some rules.
    These rules have been made for the sake of the dogs and I recommend them highly.
    First of all if you will open an kennel one of the club officials comes by and checkes if you at least have the minimal setup for keeping some dogs.
    Then you recieve a schooling by the club about basic care for dogs, care for pregnant females aswell as care for the female while whelping and care for the puppies.
    When it comes up to your breeding stock they have to be health tested for the common genetic diseases within the breed and therefore they are allowed to be used or not.
    You also have to proof that you always have a free spot for a dog of your breedingprogramm that is in need to be able to shelter him.
    Then there are some behavioral rules also what belongs your manners within public events etc.
    Do I feel limited? No! Why should I???????

    See the problem is that every dumbass out there is reproducing dogs and other animals without even minimal knowledge.

    That´s where the problem with the bad image our breed suffers from originated!

    A retarded Fuckhead breeds BYBullshit and sells it also to it´s retarded friends........ The beginning of a successfull story of accidents and animal suffering as well as human suffering because all of us that are serious about the breed either aren´t allowed to keep and breed them anymore (France, GErmany, UK, Netherlands etc.) even though we did right on all aspects!

    Just my oppinion
  13. blanch

    blanch Big Dog

    can you not see what your saying there?

    the government has fucked us all over by bringing about bsl,so lets also willingly give them power to legislate who can and can't breed and hope they don't abuse the power,which i can guarantee eventually they will.
  14. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    Yep I guess what I´m saying within own experience!!!!!!!

    See the matter is that there are too many dogs out there bred by the wrong people and kept by the wrong people!!!!!!
    It´s ahopefull wish that if no one would buy a BYB dog there wouldn´t be any BYB´s left........

    But the truth is that this would never happen!!!!!

    Within Club I mean organisations such as ADBA etc. over here it works pretty good and believe me, as we checked it over the past 20 + years the vast majority of dogs that caused fatal attacks not have been bred by licensed breeders but form "just happens breeders" or BYB´s without minimal knowledge about dogs in general!

    I´m talking about response and responsible behaviour!

    That´s the biggest issue concerning all breeds of dogs!

    If 90 % of all that are breeding any breed of dog or mutts and 90 % of all that keeping one would have think twice most of them would do much better and the dogs wouldn´t suffer that much as today!

    Letting all of those BYB´s and my female should atleast once raise a litter Mo....f...ers aside how about people Like TG that puts how many pups on the ground per year???????

    Do you seriously think he could ensure that his dogs end up in hands that are knowing what they are doing?????

    Damn, wer expect our dogs to be all you can ask for in an honest bulldog............

    So how about us?

    More than often we do fail in all aspects!!!!!!!!

    That´s the truth and nothing else!

    If the majorty weren´t out for money, the easy way and not consistantly trying to improve their own ways then it will automatically lead to the complete downfall of the breed!

    See I met some decent dogmen in the game that only did breedings if they have been in need for some own stuff and have been more than cautious on whom they eventually sell a pup!

    How many (self) consdered serious breeders do breedings but keeping none forthemselves?????

    Far too many, they don´t preserve the breed by doing so, these litters are just for the money!!!!!!!

    I bet my life if I would step up green as anyone could be in at least 60 % of the yards that running their adds via www I would get a pup as long as I pay for it!

    Come on the breed is about to be a sell out victim with far too many peddlers out there!

    Why do I need about 5 to 10 litters per year to keep a kennel or bloodline going?????

    I do believe in this:

    Fewer and harder selected dogs, fewer and harder decided breeding, be absolutely aware of who is buying a pup from you and most of all keep track on them as far as possible and most of all if one of the dogs you bred and sold gets into trouble do all you can do to get that dog into your yard again and take response.............!

    These are my believes!

    But I´ve seen far too many idiots out there that simply don´t care and only run their ego ways........
    Like ok I bred him, I sold him but if things get tight why should I move my lazy ass????????

    It´s hard to find decent people for decent dogs and I consider them as serious and not just a hobby.......
    I´ve also been arround long enough to see how people fail far too often.

    How could it be that a wanna be breeder that also already put some pups on the ground calls me totally afraid as the whelping process didn´t work the easy way without recognizing that his female needed a cesarien to whelp the litter?

    He risked the life of his female aswell as of his pups..........

    More examples of sheer stupidity?

    I could go on the whole day without even have to think hard!!!!!!!

    Therefore my question to you is what could we all do to better this?

    Be hard to yourself and not riding on excuses if you fail!

    That´s the only way you could be considered serious and honest!
  15. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    Im in america and here to restrict is just a step to ending all.Have clubs do it they need more breeding so the can get pay for there pappers.Then people will switch clubs or go not papper anything.still selling high numbers.
    And there is no way you can say what dog that bite's came from what type of breeder
    Seems like more bad can come
  16. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    Sure we can, as where I am from it´s all a little smaller!
    First and foremost every dog out of an "organised" / "official" breeding program has been tattoed to verify at working contests or shows that this is the dog as claimed on the pedigree.
    It goes like:

    Each club has it´s registry.
    To register a dog he get´s his kennel name for example high hopes kennels frank sinatra.
    Then he gets an reg. number and this number always is tattooed!
    So if you get to a stud dog or would make sure that the dog is the one the ped claimes you only had to check the number and the description of the dog that also is on the ped described.
    As far as registration and kennel control goes:
    This is done by club "employees" that have to come by and verify each litter before they get registered.
    These people have to look if the pups aswell as the female is healthy, if the bites are correct and if a male has both balls outside.
    So they have to testify to the club these surrounding and if they notice something that is against the code of conduct within the club also claim this and then you´ll eventually get sanctioned also.
    These club "employes" are schooled and do it voluntary! You only need to pay their costs for driving to you! Nevertheless their testify is an official document and therefore has to contain the truth!
    I don´t think this is a bad thing as it has worked out over here and you can keep track on each dog as for example no kill shelters that are recieving a purebred dog often go by the tattooed number and directly contact it´s breeder!
    So in these cases Humane Groups and Breeders also worked together more than once and many dogs benfitted from it!

    Also the clubs can exclude certain dogs from all breeding programms if he´s proven sick by a genetic desease or doesn´t fill in what is commonly asked within a dog of this breed!

    This way the customers could have the minimal quarantee that the pedigrees on each dog are truth, they are basically good kept, fed and cared for!
    So it´s not only for the sake of the dogs but also for the once that are out to buy a puppy!
  17. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    As for the land of the free!
    Do you still believe there is freedom?
    Not going to pull this into a political discussion. But this theme is a little biased.
    For one reason if the majority of people are failing due self responsibility there have to be some kind of regulation (therefore we have the 10 guidepoints within the bible or common law) on the other hand freedom is a pretty valuable thing but as the technical abilities grow it more than likely would be a dream in future!
    See over here it´s forbidden to observe your activities on pc or phone without a pretty heavy reason that has to be assigned by a judge but on the other hand if you are for example browsing certain paiges with political content or other stuff you´d have a good chance to appear on the radar!
    Freedom? Don´t think so! Get the facts!
    I´m from Germany and we still have a WWII trauma. So freedom of speach often only exists for minorities and not for us.
    For example if a muslim calls all german women whores that´s ok because of its religion and cultural background, if I as a german would bash on muslimes I´ll sure as hell get suited and fined!
    But to get back on the topic!
    If you know the needs of dogs and their psychological makeup you´ll sure as hell would admit that they absolutely have not to be sold in a petshop or a mall.
    If you know how stupid people are if it comes down to dogs concerning all matter (care/handling/buying selling etc.) you can´t hope for a change in peoples mind!
    Dogs ain´t no fashion tools or pretty accessoires, they are living animals, they are working animals, they also could be pretty dangerous.
    And to avoid accidents and poor conditions for each animal you sometimes have to force people to do the right thing.
    See when I´m walking my dogs more than often people that I not even would hand over a Hamster or Guinea Pig ask me where to get such a dog.
    I always answer that I don´t know........ But they just have to sit on their PC and get one.

    Maybe a code of conduct within all Breedclubs concerning the purebred American Pit Bullterrier aswell as registries and members could better things step by step.
    This could contain the following things:
    Educate the breeders.
    Agreements over the minimal care standards for dogs that could be checked by club employes.
    Agreements over bascial health tests.
    Agreements that if a breeder / member fails in a serious way and he got excluded from one club or registry, he wouldn´t be accepted as a member within another one.
    Each breeder has to keep a spot for dogs in need of his own breeding program and has to take him back if need arises!
    Each newbie breeder should at least have kind of a schooling of proper care, feeding and a basic idea of what to do if the female is getting pups aswell as how to keep and raise puppies, aswell as a (local) 0fficial club mentor he could contact in case he has questions.
    Registration and Tattoing / Chipping as described above.
    Kind of a club sponsored Task force that will step in if a member / breeder is in need or some city etc. will put up BSL that could operate in local groups.
    If everyone that puts pups on the ground and sells them could also spend 10 dollars from each sold puppy to raise a fund that will provide legal actions against bsl or unrightfull actions against breeders / owners (supporting lawsuits etc.).
    Also donating to a fund that could provide information and education about the breed in the public aswell as a positive image campain for the breed, aswell as informing (per local adds etc.) where to not buy a dog from and what to look for and consider if you are out to buy a dog!
    See almost everyone comlains about bsl and the low public tolerance concerning our breed.
    If you just sit there and complaint you´d change absolutely nothing!
    The few that are really fighting for the breed almost stand alone, so how many people in the USA do keep, breed and own American Pit Bullterriers?
    Imagine what kind of a force you could be if standing and fighting side by side and not only talking and complaining?
    Also what you could change if you all begin to set the standards and tell it to the public????????
    If you´d take these things (also of regulation) into your hands, guess what you would be able to do!!!!!!!!!
  18. RRL

    RRL Top Dog

    I really do not think anything can be done.I just wish the small amount of people that are trying to keep the American Pit Bull Terrier true to form and don't give FF about selling pups the best of luck.If you are ruining the breed by selling shitbulls I personally would not care if your whole yard went up in flames.
  19. doginhold

    doginhold Top Dog

    I do care as these are innocent dogs that have pay the praise for human failure!
    See I´m not a Humaniac or PETA friend........far from it! But I´m honestly fanatic about dogs be it a mutt, a chihuaha or a American Pit Bullterrier.
    I´m strictly concerned by human stupidity!
    Because all these stupidity is what endangeres my freedom seriously!
    Therefore I was active in the frontlines when it came to bsl where I live and my country has thanks to all that got together and fought, spended their time, energy and money less harsh bsl than others.
    From the start it was clear that they will put out a law but we could water it down pretty much!
    In 1991 we even succeeded but in 2000 as there also have been a over population, mainly of BYB´s dogs and some fatal attacks we didn´t have a chance to succeed a second time!
  20. RRL

    RRL Top Dog

    Can't make any laws that will take care of human stupidity.Innocent dog or not if it's bred by a dummy and from shit stock best put it down because it will end up in the hands of stupid person.I'm only talking about APBT's here.If people like youself want to deal with other breeds I wish you the best of luck.

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