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Check out this ped what would you call it???

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by CajunBoulette, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Thanks B8B, not really sure if it even took yet.... Still bout a month out give or take a day or two.... But definetly will know soon, she sure is acting like it tho!

    No kissing! And keep givin people shit, if everybody stopped givin ppl shit I wouldn't have much reason to come on here!!! Lmao
  2. ElJay

    ElJay CH Dog

    haha me either!


    Lol...lol...good stuf ...hope ya get wat ya want from her......,,,
  4. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Well ok now it looks like a go... She gettin that preggo belly on her..... Can't remember who it was that said whoever I got him from would be pissed about the breeding..... Oh my he was livid! Matter fact so pissed he only had one line for me...... I want one!
  5. bootsbjj

    bootsbjj Banned

    ^ LOL, that was me, and I also had retracted my earlier statements after reading some of your other posts....No kissing, please!

    This thread goes to show how hard it is to read into people on the internet....

    Good luck with your litter, Cajun. ;-)
  6. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    No skin off my back brother, I actually enjoyed the back and forth.... Yea man now gotta wait and see... Swell thing is tho, all I gotta do is get em to six weeks and send on their way cuz pretty much all are spoken for unless I have that rare 11-12+ litter..... Now that is a load off.... It's all fun and cute to have 6-8 pups a few weeks old.... But if you got 6-8 when they bout 12 weeks it starts gettin rough!!!!


    Yep,some-times 4-6...is the size litter i like spec;4 ....keep 3..if not all 4...as with most depend's on what ya have on the yard at the moment..but nice to run a couple on for ur-self.............b/of/luck...
  8. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Yea like to try to keep a couple and place the rest with ppl I'm close to and can depend on to raise em up somewhat like I would
  9. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    [​IMG][​IMG] I was just reading over this thread laughing my ass of!!! Here's pics of the pups, a few of you dumb bitches would be happy to know I didn't sell any I kept em all. And she's still a full Jeep bitch. Put that shit in your meth pipe and smoke that shit

    If your up shit creek without a paddle, chill out and float back down!


    ...very..NICE.....HOW MANY DID YA GET....??????????????...AN BEST OF LUCK WITH EM.....
  11. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Well I only got those two off of them actually. But they are acting real nice, thanks man. I did a repeat and I've got 5 males but they are still young pups. The two older ones off first breeding are in pic and all is well so far

    If your up shit creek without a paddle, chill out and float back down!
  12. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    [​IMG][​IMG]two young males off second breeding, X and King

    If your up shit creek without a paddle, chill out and float back down!


    ....good stuff cb...i think ya will be happy with some of them...a simaler breeding done my side has a male the exsact same look as them pups....ps:funny how time fly's ....
  14. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Yes time does fly, so far I'm liking how things are turning out with the older ones. Hope everything works out for you on yours as well

    If your up shit creek without a paddle, chill out and float back down!


    Casper was bred to his half sister dusty who was questionable at best.as a matter of fact,lockdown
    can vouch her rank.all of us have them in our peds,your the only one who started a thread on it...
    Nice>>>get some son...
  16. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    yep i under-stand
    that is what you think
  17. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    if you are starting with making a litter (first)
    you don't advertise them you check them out .
    and if they are good they find their way by themself to the mag's
    but he we living 2014 now lol
  18. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    good mix
    how you know? (bleu8bells terminator lol)
  19. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    How are you new to reading peds but you breed?
    that is possible sady .
    in 1980 my understandin was a big black hole and about reading peds the hole was even bigger lol
    but don send the first and made breeding like don told .
    so the first years i only look to the dogs ;)
    have everyting correct on paper .
    stil not good in reading peds from others
    but i do know where are the genes lol
  20. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    I am just bored so tonight my victim will be RGB LMAO

    RGB only gets worried when you tease his mentor Norrod, then he will get so enraged he starts to grow fur and fangs LMAOROTF.

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