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Check out this ped what would you call it???

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by CajunBoulette, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Lol as far as why I bred them.... I ain't goin into all that on open air space buddy.... Lets jus say that I didn't wake up one morning and say hey imma breed two dogs together
  2. preme

    preme CH Dog

    Call his as a pup then when he make rank call him a bulldog...:)
  3. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

  4. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

  5. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

  6. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    I mean could be broken down even further.... But if it was mine I'd just say Tab....
  7. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    I prefer to put things in simple terms.... Any hound you got you can go in depth on what dogs exactly are back there...
  8. ElJay

    ElJay CH Dog

    i'd call it Jeep/Redboy as well, sadieblues. you people are getting too caught up on words. i knew what the man meant when he said full Jeep. sure, a better word selection would be heavy Jeep. but he obviously doesn't believe the bitch is 100% Jeep as that is not possible. and i never assumed he thought he did. and yeah, i can also get why he was asking about what most people would call his ped. It's several strains of Eli run together. so just call it Eli. now if the dog had only one strain of Eli, say it was a heavy Maverick dog, then call it that. but you can't in his situation, so you have to back it up a little further to be able to include everything for what it is. You might could get away with calling it a Boudreaux/Earl Jr. dog (and yes i know boudreaux is a man and earl jr is a dog, but it is still descriptive of the pedigree).... but since both are Eli it's just easier to say that. it gets the point across.... then if someone wants more specifics, then give them.

    i get what cajun is saying and he doesn't sound like a dumbass to me. so i think folks just need to chill out a little bit and not be so quick to jump to conclusions....
  9. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Exactly.... So ok I'm not alone maybe it was lost in translation
  10. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Dogs can't breed to themselves Jeep was also a cross himself you can have a heavy or tight bred Jeep dog but no such thing as pure Jeep unless it's Jeep himself and he's been dead for awhile now.
  11. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    I know how she's bred I was just trying to get a better understanding of what the dude meant when he said he bred his dog to a full jeep bitch, then he asked for clarification about a pedigree because he himself said he was new to reading pedigrees and that he didn't want to say he had one thing when he really had something else. Lol I didn't say it he did ....
  12. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Cajun you obviously arnt the guy I had u pegged for I've said that on this and another thread in you're absence . I'm big enuf to admit I was wrong.
  13. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    P.s. I'm not sorry one bit for going hard on certin folx. any for that madder. This ain't a breed for the toutchy feely type g. Game dogs need game owners. I fermly believe that. This how we feel em out. Seperate the real from the fake best we can via the internet, so we can tell who's opinions are worth a damn Id say ol cajun has the breeds best interest at heart. Seems like he's a friend of the workin bulldog and has an opinion worth listening to. Wouldent have known that without giving the man a lil shit lol.
  14. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    I feel you my guy.... I just wanted to clarify exactly what I was askin as far as the ped went.... I know how to read peds... It was a matter of opinion as to exactly what ones opinion would be on weather to call it by one name (Eli) or more than more than one Midnight Cowboy/Earl Jr... Etc etc.... Now as far as the full jeep statement imma jus say I'm not finna go to bein all technical about which adjective should be used and all that.... I think everyone understand what a person means when they say full, pure, 100% or what not....... But I do appreciate they fact you admitted that you may have jumped to conclusions.... That alone says to me your alright with me.... Bc hey we all fuck up a little every now and then! I'm alright with the fact ppl got they own opinion and I might not like it or whatever, I jus wasn't cool with the fact ppl tryin put words in mouth like I was askin for advice.... Ppl spaz out when you say hey I don't really normally read a pedigree, and be like you shouldn't be breeding if you don't know how to read a pedigree.... Well I do know how to read one but I say if you pullin out the ped to read before you breed.... Who really the POS tryin to peddle some paper? Jus find it hilarious the dumb shit some ppl will say but..... As I said lost in translation
  15. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    And yea I bred dogs along time before I even seen an adba pedigree.... Lol I used to use a spiral notebook....
  16. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Now that I like.... Game owners!


  18. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Always good to see people kiss and make up...... lol
  19. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Lmao......99 % of the dickheads I give shit to more than deserve it !
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2013
  20. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Definitly no argument there Red....lol

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