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Chain dog to House dog

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Bmf_bt, May 8, 2010.

  1. Bmf_bt

    Bmf_bt Big Dog

    Wanna get your opinion on something. What do you think about taking a dog that spent most of it's life on the chain. It's a pretty calm dog and about 4 yrs.

    The thing is I was thinking about buying this dog and keep it as a house dog. What do u guys think? Are there some special things I should think about?

  2. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    Have you ever turned a house dog into a chain dog? If so just do the reverse I would think. Might be wrong though.
  3. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    you should think about it marking the inside furniture. Also when housebreaking an adult dog its shit will be a lot larger than a puppy's.
  4. I had a dog that was kept on a chain for almost 2 years then I kept it as a house dog until he's 3 years old. He is a natural house pet and he's good with kids. But golden rule in apbt's "do not let a dog alone with a child ever". I never had any problem with this dog inside the house because he's a very intelligent creature, had problems dealing with felines though; he killed 36 cats all in all and popos came knockin on my door twice cause of this. All I can say is that if that particular dog you were referring about is from another one's yard.... better get a pup then raise it by yourself buddy. I'm not judging the dog because I'm halway around the world and I haven't seen the dog, but the thing is that 4 years chained and a lotta things might have happened then. Just my honest opinion buddy. I may be wrong.
  5. venom

    venom Top Dog

    Well, why do you want to try to house break him is my question...
    If the dog spent 4 yrs on a chain, that is the life he knows and enjoys.
    So i guess it would depend on your reasoning for doing it...
    If there is a good reason then by all means...
    but if u think it would be doin him a favor when there is no problem... he would probably prefer his chainspot then your house and crate.
  6. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

    I wouldn't because of trust issues and housebreaking issues. And you gotta remember that the dog is full grown(very difficult for training purposes compared to training a puppy)

    But that's just me.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2010
  7. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    depending on the dog, if its a difficult dog then make your own choice, but personal experience i think you would have no worries at all, ive taken three dogs straight off the chain and had them house trained within a month with no effort at all. i did make sure there was no visions of the outside ie people walking their dogs down the street, and besides that i didnt have to be carefull really at all.

    i was told that it would never happen, and my furniture would be fucked within a day but ive honestly never lost anything from it other than a pair of shoes, and a couple of pairs of my girlfriends underwear, i may have been lucky but i think its pretty easy if you allready know dogs or the bulldogs in general.
    was stoked to prove him wrong.
  8. Bmf_bt

    Bmf_bt Big Dog

    the thing is it's just me and my girlfriend i the house and i don't have any chain space.

    The dog has spent some time inside, but i don't know if it's housebroken or not. I'm guessing it's not.

    it's a great dog so feel bad passing on a good oburtionity just because he's not housebroken, but i dont think i have a good perspective on this because i'm pretty much in love with this dog and have been for a while so that's why i turned to u guys who are more objective:p
  9. brindlexpitt

    brindlexpitt Top Dog

    just have to watch it and train it like any other dog you want to house train. I havent had problems, other than one marking on my wall a couple times, and they make a band type deal for dogs with that issue while training.
  10. magnoilaotis

    magnoilaotis Top Dog

    I have done it a few times. One it was easy to housebreak the dogs because they were alot smarter than puppies. Two they thrived on the extra attention and wanted nothing more than to make me happy. Three when you cannot watch the dog put it in a crate and as they get used to the house they will become more trustworthy. It has worked out well for me. Also one of the dogs I did this with used to eat dog houses and water buckets like crackers. Being in the house calmed the silly girl down a good bit.
  11. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    depends on the dog.i got some crazy ones i wouldent even try.might want to start slow by bringing it in littel at a time and increasing the time to over nighting it.
  12. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    Why not take one of your other dogs off their chainspot give that spot to the new dog and make the other dog your house dog?
  13. This sounds reasonable. That is... if the thread starter already has a dog. A matured APBT will do it's best to please it's master, so don't worry too much if you do not have kids yet. I'm sure you guys can manage.

    ...and the dog that I was talking about... he gave me 2 wins and he's a housepet.
  14. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    dogs are individuals, u wont know until you try. some transition well and others just arent fit to be inside dogs. The other variable is how patient the owner is. Some dogs learn quick and some take awhile.
  15. kera5

    kera5 Big Dog

    agreed,can be done with time:D
  16. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    That's what I meant by doing the reverse of making a house dog a chain dog. A little at a time... he messes up back outside for a little while, then try again. He'll get the idea if he wants to get it and if he don't he doesn't wanna be a house dog.
  17. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    He said he didn't have any chainspace I took that to mean all his spots are taken up by other dogs.
  18. venom

    venom Top Dog

    then fk it, get the dog. just dont go back on your commitment if it doesn't work out, cuz u got the dog knowing the risk of him being an outside dog.
  19. Bmf_bt

    Bmf_bt Big Dog

    Yeah i'll think i'll get the dog. The breeder gives me the possibility to try him out first if it works so why the hell not. He'll be sitting in the crate for some time and then we'll see if he's ok or not...

    I'll let you guys know how he turns out:p and thanks for all the great advice:)
  20. magnoilaotis

    magnoilaotis Top Dog

    Just remember to exercise the dog daily. This will help the dog bond with you and keep boredom from setting in.

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