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Animal control visits- Share experiences

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by easyboss, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. easyboss

    easyboss Big Dog

    Jesus, reading about these experiences just depresses me lol. Just shows how
    Much hassles are around owning a bully. There is no democracy left in these
    So called civilised western countries.

    We are out there in afghanistan and iraq, fighting ( dying ) to restore ' democracy',
    Yet if u get caught with a bull breed and a mill, and maybe a few of fat bills books,
    Your labelled with intent to fight animals. What democracy lol, don't kid yourselves
    On !

    MISSAPBT Top Dog

    They were ringing him EVERY second day asking if 'that black dog' is getting put down and why havent they put him down yet.

    Not my fucking fault you were home while there was an accident at my house between mine and my flatties dog, and NO i am not thankful that you broke up the fight, as the other dog was on its death bed and you could not have saved him, while you were trying to smash my dog over the head with a metal pole.
    I want to do them for tresspassing.

    ARGH :fighting0050:
  3. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Actually they can, thats exactly what they were doing...:p
  4. My local AC came by doing rounds around where I live because a couple of my neighbors leave there dogs free to roam around the neighborhood. They saw my dog on the chain because i had the gate open raking up gravel and they stopped and started asking questions. I didnt think too much of it at first then when one was trying to snoop through they gate and look in the yard i had to step in and tell em if there wasnt a reason for them to be here to please leave. I guess that was a bad move on my part seeing as they came back 2 weeks later with a warrant and searched my garage and yard. All dogs have ADBA ID's and up to date vaccinations but they gave me a nice fine for not having my dogs all registered with the town. Ive since put up a similar sign posted to the one posted before on my front door and on the gate to my backyard. I was paranoid for a while but after reading some of these posts i guess it could have been worse.
  5. mantiz

    mantiz Pup

    My local AC came out quite a few years ago. I had a bitch who use to love to climb up the side of a tree in my yard and grab onto one of the branches and get some hang time but she made a high whining noise so of course nosey neighbors called AC and told them that I was hanging my dog from it's neck and trying to kill it. When they came to investigate I explained to them what she does and had to give her the command to "get the branch" so they could see for themselves. Of course they wanted to see current vaccinations and city registration papers.
  6. Jeep/Redboy

    Jeep/Redboy Big Dog

    My neighbor called them on me for having chickens in city limits (laying hens) which was a code violation. While they were here they decided to check my dogs. No problems except rabies tags, which I had but don't keep on their collars. I guess that makes them pointless, but they always lose the damn things. Same neighbor called them back about my racing pigeons but the city said they were fine.

    Here in Mississippi, if you have animals you are at the mercy of AC. According to city code, they have the right to inspect any property where animals are present without a warrant at any decent hour. However, they can not come inside unless they find serious problems outside and know for a fact that there are more animals inside. Thanks to my boys at S&W, that is not an issue:cool:.
  7. easyboss

    easyboss Big Dog

    Just had my second visit in 5 MONTHS from animal control !!! I'm getting
    Extremely angry about this now as every time they visit, they leave completely
    satisfied, and admit that some 'anonymous' caller is claiming that our dog is
    never walked, fed, watered etc and is tied up on chain 24/7.

    I have now written to the head of AC, making an official complaint. I am aware
    of the bitch making the malicious complaints and have told her she will be
    Hearing from my lawyer if I find her anywhere near my dog kennel again. She
    has a habit of snooping round there from time to time.

    I've also hired a contractor to put up the biggest fence legally allowed in my yard
    which is 6 feet high. Failing that, maybe a few 'misplaced' bricks will do the trick !

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