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American bandogge pic

Discussion in 'Photography, Artwork & Videos' started by loccdog, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. loccdog

    loccdog Pup

    Just sharing a pic. she is a apbtxcanecorso i know there will be some haters but dont bash. I love my dog.
  2. bauer

    bauer Top Dog

    Ive read about a few of them crosses being manbiters, hope your is ok...
  3. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    i dont care if a cross like this is a biter. it more than likely will be, but you better be able to keep the thing outta trouble or the paper is gonna read "PIT BULL ATTACKS"
    APBT/mastiff type crosses like this arent for folks new to dogs
  4. nobody

    nobody Banned

    Do not think you can just mix 2 breeds and call it a bandog.
    from what i have been reading on those dogs and taking a look at a members dogs on this forum there's more to it to creating a bandog.
    correct me if i'm wrong.
    best of luck with yours, hope it wil be an ok dog with people
  5. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    b-i-n-g-o :cool:
  6. nobody

    nobody Banned

    My Buddy wanted a xxl pitbull or a bully.
    I told him to take a look at chimera kennels, told him he is better of with a dog like that instead of a so called apbt mongrol or a mix by just anybody.

    But on topic and i wil learn to mellow out :D
    Enjoy the dog, if it's your pet, spay it and if you like bandog's do more research on them just like it should.
  7. tapiajr

    tapiajr Banned

    love ur bandogge loccdog
  8. Good luck with your dog. Please take this as a word to the wise - if you tie your dog out put him on a PROPER COLLAR FOR A TIE OUT.

    A prong collar is NOT an acceptable collar for a dog to be tied out on - you will either end up with your dog getting hurt or getting loose. Prong collars are for training only, meant to be used when there is a human on the other end of the leash.

    Bandogge/Bandog denotes a WORKING cross, the term applies to a type of dog, not a "breed" really - just being a pit x mastiff mix doesn't make a bandogge. ;)
  9. It also looks like you don't really understand how a prong collar should be fitted, take a look at this link my friend: How to fit a Prong Collar
  10. loccdog

    loccdog Pup

    Yes I agree with you guys that alot gos in to making a bandogge. espically lucero bandogges and others that have been breeding for a very long time. Believe it or not she is human friendly socialized heavily as a pup and still around lots of people till this day. and in this picture my dog wasn't tied down or chained up I was taking her for a walk with a long leash to work some obedience. I agree with you on the prong collar and thats why i no longer use it. I have had my dog for over 2 years. She is a great dog. I understand where you guys are coming from with all the thing media portrays about any bully breed. And its sad the the average person cant pic out lets say my dog from a true apbt they see a big ass bullly and i hear it all the time thats a bad ass pit bro. Good looking out and i appreciate the link.
  11. Good luck with her, I'm glad to hear you work with her to ensure she is properly introduced to different people and situations. That really is key for protection type breeds or they run the chance of not learning what "ok" or "normal" stranger behavior is and see all strangers friendly or not as something to guard against.
  12. loccdog

    loccdog Pup

    Exactly the dog has been through classes. The problem is putting good dogs in stupid peoples hands not the dog for the most part. all dogs can be trained if you put enough time into them.

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