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Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by David L, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. brat pack

    brat pack Top Dog

    Shed really bad, prone to bloat and all the things large dogs get, one person dogs. Have known several that have turned on the owner and were put down. Very strong willed dog. Takes a strong, knowledgeable owner in my opinion to handle one correctly.
  2. scratchin dog

    scratchin dog CH Dog

    Very bad shedding. I used to use a grooming rake on my moms Akita to get the undercoat out and it would fill up several plastic shopping bags.
  3. David L

    David L Pup

    They only shed twice a year right?
  4. Noname315

    Noname315 Pup

    I'm glad David L posted this. I'm actually split between getting an Akita, Alano, or Game APBT....can't decide! lol. To David L, Akitas do a major shedding twice a year when they blow their coat. But its really year round, where they do light shedding throughout the year. If you groom daily during their major shedding, and once a week throughout the year, and keep up with cleaning/vacuuming, that shouldn't be a problem. FYI, a friend of mine had one.
  5. dogman2007

    dogman2007 Big Dog

    good guard dog,bred for bear hunting in japan,need to socalise at a young age with kids.
  6. Dogman#1

    Dogman#1 Big Dog

    They are hit or miss...some are like poodles others are like filas...many are unstable and unpredictable, for that one reason I wouldn't own one since I have children
  7. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    good dogs in experienced hands, unless your familiar with them i would seek out a club where you can be around them and maybe handle a few ,to see if they are the dog for you . myself am not too keen on the jap maneating bastards ,i had one try to make me his next meal ,all bc apparently i made eye contact with it .
  8. damon

    damon Banned

    That's not true as they are fiercely protective with children. I've never owned an unstable dog, reared properly they are brilliant dogs. More cat like than dog as they don't need all the attention other breeds do.
  9. Noname315

    Noname315 Pup

    What about bite training games like tug-o-war...or the spring pole? Are they too independent/laid back for this?
  10. damon

    damon Banned

    They don't seem really interested in toys and sticks. They just like to do there own thing, they love hunting.
  11. cliffdog

    cliffdog Top Dog

    Might enjoy the flirt pole if they like hunting.
  12. damon

    damon Banned

    Never tried but I doubt it, they just don't seem to like toys. Good dogs, some people might not like the laid-back attitude but it suits me
  13. csotelo9388

    csotelo9388 Big Dog

    them sum nice lookn dogs
  14. Dogman#1

    Dogman#1 Big Dog

    possibly...i am talking from my experience though...only seen one good one but then Ive only seen about 20...most were nervous wrecks and more than a few of them bit their owners atleast once...many excuses were made for them that I would not have made.
  15. David L

    David L Pup

    I live in Florida so it is almost always pretty warm here. how do akita's cope with the heat?

    Do they shed more because of this hot weather or is it just kind of a one time thing and they adjust to it since the weather is consistent?
  16. KingFisher.

    KingFisher. Big Dog

    sorry man i really dont understand why your still asking ?s about akitas on this forum is it because you think they are a combat breed ?
    Why not just called a good breeder? just a thought......
  17. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

  18. Dogman#1

    Dogman#1 Big Dog

    Lee, sometimes experienced dogmen know alot or have alot of experience with multiple breeds...I dont see the harm of him asking here..some people have really good advice on breeds like patterdales, rottweilers, GSDs, bandogs and malinois...why not akitas?
  19. Cynthia

    Cynthia Top Dog

    Very strong willed. Now granted a Vet hospital setting is not the best. However you can tell which ones have the strong owner. We have one currently that the owner is very lax. The dog runs him. The owner makes excuses for the reason the dog is trying to kill us. Also he has NO CONTROL over the dog.

    Now I have met a few that are great in the very same setting.

    With that said breeding, genetics, and owner go hand in hand.

    Not all. We had a client in ATL that brought their to be euth after he went after the kid.

    Another that the dog would snap at the baby.

    They are not a breed for everyone.
  20. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    i realize that, i know you are feeding other breeds and many here are as well. i just put the link up hoping that the OP would have some luck asking questions on a breed specific board.... and im not saying that there isnt knowledgable folks on here, but i wouldnt expect the best answers to my questions about bulldogs to come from a breeder of chihuahuas, even if they did have a couple.

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