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Accidental yard fight

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Rojas, May 22, 2011.

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  1. Rojas

    Rojas Big Dog

    One of the dogs has a puncture wound between the eyes, it seems like she is breathing out of it , out goes up and down when she breathes, any one expierenceed this?, she ia on amox right now
  2. benthere

    benthere CH Dog Staff Member

    take her to the vet.
  3. Stonegatekennel

    Stonegatekennel Big Dog

    give her some rimadyl and some cephalexin caps if you got cephalexin give 1 in the morning and 1 at night to help it heal faster and do the same with the rimadyl to make her for get about it. thats what i would do
  4. Stonegatekennel

    Stonegatekennel Big Dog

    amox will just help with infections
  5. DirtyD

    DirtyD Top Dog

    good luck with your dog, injuries sound serious..
  6. Best advice.
  7. Do you suggest they just guess at the dosage? Amateur advice.

    Besides the fact that you ignore dosage, why give rimadyl? The OP didn't say anything about the dog acting like it was in serious pain.

    This is the exact kind of advice NOT to follow IMO.
  8. Stonegatekennel

    Stonegatekennel Big Dog

    lol im far from a amateur

    rimadyl are chewable 100mg - 180ct each and 1 chewable tablet orally once daily 24 hours apart.

    the cephexin are caps 500mg give 1 capsule orally stwice daily 12 hours apart.

    i went though vet school and i have bean in the dogs for about 10 years
  9. You don't even know the weight of the dog in question yet you're prescribing a 100mg rimadyl dosage. Like I said amateur advice. Better go back to vet school. :(......or better yet quit pretending.
  10. Stonegatekennel

    Stonegatekennel Big Dog

    that is a very very low dose that will not harm the dog 100mg is just fine
  11. mlmaas

    mlmaas Top Dog

    You might not be an amateur but it looks like the OP is...I suggest he let the vet take care of it before experimenting on his own dog..
  12. Now you've just proven how ridiculous you are. Everybody please call your vet and tell them what your dog weighs and ask if they would give your dog 100mg rimadyl.

    Stonegate you're talking out of your ass. Sorry sir but that's just the way it is. Of course unless you have 125lb bullies.
  13. ccourtcleve

    ccourtcleve Big Dog

    100mg is definitely not a " very very low dose" of rimadyl by any stretch.
  14. Just for the record everybody Pfizer WHO IS THE MAKER OF Rimadyl, recommends 1mg per body pound.

    Thanks, come again, I'll be here all week.
  15. Stonegatekennel

    Stonegatekennel Big Dog

    im giving 100mg of it right now to 1 of my dogs and its 56lbs and i even called a vet and asked so i think your the amateur.
  16. I think you're trying to pretend you know about something you don't after you got called on your horrible advice. I also thought you went to vet school, so why are you calling a vet? HMMMMMMMMMMM I also think if you did call a vet and they said that, they are as silly as you are about the dosage of rimadyl.

    You can give that shit to your dog in that dose all you want. Your dogs, your problem. Don't hand out the horrible inaccurate advice to others though.
  17. Stonegatekennel

    Stonegatekennel Big Dog

    ok think what ever you want im not going to fight with you about this and he posted this so i commented if he want to use my advice all power to him and same if he dose not want to use it its just advise. Have a nice day sir.
  18. Yes you did just post an opinion, and I also posted letting them know your opinion is WRONG. That is FACT, not an opinion. I am going by what the manufacturer of the drug states is the dosage. I'm not trying to argue anything. I want the OP to be informed correctly, not by an opinion. You were the one who handed out the bad advice and kept responding after I pointed out the flaws in your post.

    Rimadyl toxicity is a SERIOUS problem and can fuck your dog up BAD! There are much better pain meds to give, but given in the correct dose for short periods of time Rimadyl is very safe IMO.
  19. Stonegatekennel

    Stonegatekennel Big Dog

  20. The age of the dog plays a huge role. Do some real research on the product. 1mg per pound is the dosage. Class action lawsuits have been filed by the ton for Rimadyl toxicity.

    Next time you are going to post links, why not go to the Pfizer website for your info. Try again.


    Quote directly from the info fact page.......Carefully consider the potential benefits and risk of RIMADYL and other treatment options before deciding to use RIMADYL. Use the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration consistent with individual response.

    It also makes it clear it is for arthritis and SOFT TISSUE pain. I wouldn't consider a hole bitten through the snout soft tissue damage or arthritis.

    This is also from the field study.

    ADVERSE REACTIONS: During investigational studies for the caplet formulation with twice daily administration of 1 mg/lb, no clinically significant
    adverse reactions were reported. Some clinical signs were observed during field studies (n=297) which were similar for carprofen caplet- and
    placebo-treated dogs. Incidences of the following were observed in both groups: vomiting (4%), diarrhea (4%), changes in appetite (3%), lethargy
    (1.4%), behavioral changes (1%), and constipation (0.3%). The product vehicle served as control.

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