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Abpt roles or parts in movies ?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by WeekendWarrior, Jun 20, 2005.

  1. lockjaw

    lockjaw CH Dog

    HOUSE OF WAX....cool movie and has a couple of short scenes with a black and white..pitbull.....now in a video store near you..lol
  2. bdub

    bdub Top Dog

    my home videos have pitbulls in em,,course i dont think anybody is intersted in watch a dog take a crap
  3. Dano s Back

    Dano s Back Banned

    I was gonna say house of wax but also I believe Cheaper by the dozen had a bullie dog.Also I believe too never die alone with DMX had a few pits in it. On the subject of Television shows Touched by an Angel did a pit fighter episode.
  4. F.D.

    F.D. Top Dog

    Angelheart rules! A delightfully disturbing movie - well-acted and a great story. Watch out for Louis Cypher. I remember the nice dog in the movie, and I will have to watch it again to see if the credits mention the dog.
  5. As we like'm

    As we like'm Big Dog

    I just don't know if I remember this correctly... But there was a movie with Paul Newman (?) in it. And a flatboat brings him to a place in the everglades where you can see a erected pit in the background, with pitbulls...

    And there is of course the movie 'No country for old man'. Where one of the main characters is chased by pitbull type dogs...
  6. Finito

    Finito Big Dog

    AWLE that Newman fim was from around the 70's & the piece with the dogs had one on a mill or catmill & a pit was set up if i remember right.
  7. rockey

    rockey Big Dog

    there is a movie from the 40 or 50'3 somebody might rember it i think it's called galahad the dog finds a guy who is like the grounds keeper for a sporting playboy he starts matchin the dog he finally looses he holds the dog by the tail it bites him in the crotch runs away ends up in the dog catchers truck where he finds his mom ,, he's looking for his mom the whole time ,,, i only saw it once been interestedin seeing it again ever since it's blkack and white i think it's called the legend of sir galahad
  8. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    the films called "a dogs tale" with the bull terrier, good film !!
  9. rockey

    rockey Big Dog

    great film thank you so much i been tryin to find it for over 15 years i only saw it that 1 time,, and the mom what a dog right ?
  10. Ninety-Nine

    Ninety-Nine Big Dog

    Pit Bull owned by girl in "Flashdance"
  11. Jockamoe

    Jockamoe Banned

    No country for old men has a couple of scenes. The black dog with the cropped ears that was wounded in the desert looked like an Eli dog.
  12. bgblok68

    bgblok68 CH Dog

  13. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    Mac i believe the movie ur thinkin of is FRESH.
  14. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    Walker payne,thicker than water
  15. Dusty Road

    Dusty Road CH Dog

    That film with Paul Newman was called "The Drowning pool".... R
  16. bgblok68

    bgblok68 CH Dog

  17. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

  18. doubletap

    doubletap Banned

    a few films with pitbulls.theres a film with mickey rourke in it about the devil/selling souls in the deep south.there was a pitbull in the hulk film.a pitbull in the film negotiator.the dogs in snatch are staffords and english bull terriers.im sure theres more,but cant think.
  19. The Pit or am staff in Bullet that starred Mickey Rourke and Tupac. Mickey also directed. John Enos gives the dog the tet hut command and he heals. Priceless.

    Loved the pit in Call of the wild.

    Another pit scene in Heat with Pacino.
  20. brindle

    brindle Big Dog

    The French movie Baxter is an unusual film with a white bull terrier, read the reviews on Amazon to learn more about it --


    Another movie that is not well known is Bombon el Perro made in Argentina about a Dogo --


    The 1955 film It's a Dog's Life with the white bull terrier is based on the 1903 book The Bar Sinister by Davis --


    And of course there is the old Disney film The Incredible Journey, the original one, not the smart ass version Homeward Bound that was a poor take off of this one --


    Seems there are more films with bull terriers but those above are the ones that come to mind...

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