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A Job To Hate

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Suki, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. MercedesMama

    MercedesMama Guest

    Yes, it does go on in some places, and yes someone does do it. You will not see that. Its behind the scenes. Most of the time they keep it pretty clean where the animals are in the view of the public(at least they do around here). Shelters are usually overcrowded, they cannot keep all the animals, so they feel euthanization is the most "humane" thing. This is why you spay and neuter, to cut down on this overpopulation of animlas. Unfortunatley, it is not illegal to euth. But in all honesty it is a neccessity in some cases. I donot condone putting down healthy, adoptable animals to save space and money, but it is done, everyday. Most shelters will hold animals for 2 weeks, if no interest is shown in them or it is not adopted, it will more than likely be PTS. Its a harsh reality, but it does happen, way too often. IMO. I should add that not all places use a gas chamber, most use a lethal injection, as it is far more "humane" than anything else.
  2. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    strays having babies...WTF
  3. MercedesMama

    MercedesMama Guest

    You are such a turd!
  4. bam-bam's mom

    bam-bam's mom Big Dog

    suki~ i cross posted this over to my goat site. it was a sad but good read, thank you...
  5. simms

    simms CH Dog

    I hope that it is rumored, not inhumain however it crosses the lines of ethics....not good medicine practiced.
  6. Riptora

    Riptora CH Dog

    Exactly what I was thinking... that really doesn't sound like a good idea. The guy needs to get into another career...
  7. Riptora

    Riptora CH Dog

    I think it's a good concept, but I wonder if they bother checking the blood. Even processing the carcasses, there are so many risks of disease and the drugs that were injected. I think it is good to try and find something to give back, but, well, there's no real way of making these things right and agreeable amongst the public. It would be nice to fix the problem before it occurs.
  8. Suki

    Suki Guest

  9. Luke.UK

    Luke.UK Big Dog

    that guy`s in the wrong job and cant handle it,feeding the dogs up the night before,giving them false hope is sick.(and i dont think he does feed them 50$ yeah right he`s already claiming poverty)He lets cats go free in other areas?what so it not his responceabitly any more?and what does he say"i know im going to hell but the dogs are going to doggy heaven!Doggy Heaven.WTF.he should stay at home and squeeze his spots twat!!how much gas money does he spend `driveing for 2 hours letting cats go free`(better not be them game bred cats haha!)

    AS for dog blood banks,didnt belive it, did quick google are you joking,vets trying to make a quick buck,it`s a DOG!"oh sorry mrs anderson but your dog needs extra blood in its operation so i`ll have to to charge you $$$$$.ITS A DOG!!!!

    whats next run a deer over in the car,take it to the vets"sorry we dont stock deer blood???"

    Rant over!
  10. That is sad. That is about all I have to say.
  11. Riptora

    Riptora CH Dog

    Ummm, yes, vets do use donated blood sometimes. It's not as common as humans and there are far less doners. Some greyhounds are used after they are done with their careers at the tracks. Dogs can donate blood. I am not mistaken about Albuquerque Department of Health ( the city shelters ) taking blood from animals to be euthed. It was in the news and the paper and people did not like the idea.

    Sorry your Google did you no good, I found some things for you to educate yourself with...
    Blood bank
    Blood bank
    Blood bank
    retired greyhounds
    accross the world
    1 person likes this.
  12. Suki

    Suki Guest

  13. Luke.UK

    Luke.UK Big Dog

    Sorry Rip.. crossed wires,i did find info when i google`d.I know that you wouldn`t say somthing just for the sake of it,i respect your veiws and do enjoy reading your posts:)

    Its just that i have never heard of this practise and the idea had never crossed my mind.At 30+yrs one coming out of left field like that, put me on the back foot.Also after midnight and a few drinks didnt help either:o

    From the few sites i quickly scaned tho..its mentioned there are a few dozen dog types of blood and about 7 types of cat blood,but the price per unit is sky high.I`d think only people with some money behind them could pay these bills?thats why i mentioned vets making easy money,although if somebody want to spend there money that way thats up too them,it`s not my money,i wont tell people what to do with there money!Yet i feel if its costing thousands to mantain a sick animal,there must come apoint when it has to end?This is why i wrote it`s just a dog.

    Again sorry about the mix up Rip..from your posts i know your no empty head!!:)
  14. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    Yeah to him seeing strays is no big deal and he lets them go because it is killing his heart to make them stay and die. What would you do. Letting some cats go isnt adding anymore to the problem than anyone elses stray cats, his conscience is just on overdrive and he tries to compensate to feel better. How else can a guy like him cope, yes he needs a new career for sure, leave that job to someone who could stomach it.
  15. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I can think of a very abrupt and sure way to ease his pain. Lead injection and self inflicted. That is where he will end if he doesn't separate his job from his lack of intestinal fortatude. I was always taught to do your job and don't bitch about it because what ever it is, it beats drawing a blank check and going hungry.
  16. Riptora

    Riptora CH Dog

    The possiblities are limitless! It's not easy money, they only use it for extreme emergencies. I have yet to know an animal that's needed spare blood. Medical science is astonishing...
  17. Riptora

    Riptora CH Dog

    I would euth the cats and dogs. I would NOT stuff them in the box, that is ILLEGAL and cruel. There are laws for shelters, they can not be unsanitary ( feces and urine left for prolonged ammounts of time ), they must not be abused, neglected and their medical needs are to be met or the animal's sufferring must end. Shelters that do not comply are shut down. It DOES happen. If I were him, I would treat the animals properly and euth them as painlessly as possible. If my boss demanded I cut corners, I would collect evidence, let myself get fired and turn him in for animal cruelty. Luckily the shelter I worked at did not euth healthy, adoptable pets, that would have been 10 times harder. People who work at shelters don't stick around, the turn over rate is crazy. The pay sucks, the job is taxing, it's laborsome physically and emotionally and you bring your work home with you.

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