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A friend wants a male APBT when they have a fixed male dachshund - sounds like a prob

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by NorCalTim, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. NorCalTim

    NorCalTim Big Dog

    I told him to buy a female. Two male house dogs when one is an APBT is a bad idea.
    What do you think? With an older fixed 15 lb dachshund, could he get away with a male APBT pup? Anything (male) larger and not fixed would most likely be lunch one day.
  2. ganja

    ganja Big Dog

    Re: A friend wants a male APBT when they have a fixed male dachshund - sounds like a

    someone cannot accurately judge such situations without knowing the owner IMO..

    if that person belongs to the average public buying "pit bulls" then it does sound like a bad idea, if the person is well educated about the breed he's about to acquire then i see no problems with it

    he wouldn't be the first to own apbt's while also owning small breeds..
  3. Tiger12490

    Tiger12490 Big Dog

    It could work if he just spent some time to work on them he wouldn't be the first but I would get the apbt as a pup

    Tapd on my Skyrocket
  4. tommy1985

    tommy1985 Big Dog

    Re: A friend wants a male APBT when they have a fixed male dachshund - sounds like a

    If the owner is clearly the front runner of the household 'pack' and the pup is introduced correctly then there shouldn't really be any problems. But the owner would need to be well aware of the ins and outs of apbt ownership. Once the pup reaches a mature age where pack heirarchy is to be challenged between the two dogs something as simple as a squabble over a squeak toy could go horribly wrong. I wouldn't say its a bad idea as it has been done before but the owner needs to know what they are doing.
  5. NorCalTim

    NorCalTim Big Dog

    Re: A friend wants a male APBT when they have a fixed male dachshund - sounds like a

    Thanks for all of the replies guys.
    At first I thought he was kind of crazy, however after going for a quick ride today with my stud dog (and leaving the bitches at home LOL) I kind of understood how he could REALLY want a male. I like the females too, but their attitude is like night and day.
  6. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    Re: A friend wants a male APBT when they have a fixed male dachshund - sounds like a

    with the rest...take care in letting them together and make sure all is ok, before you do anything. If that dash throws a domi- posture to the bulldog, the bulldog may respond to it, and that may get nasty.........
    Seen all kinds of pics on the web of dogs that get a long, APBT or not, and seen first hand, gamedogs being allowed to hang out with no bad results(supervised). All of mine would likely get in a tussle with eachother over something.
    I keep em all seperate, males and females a like. Part of it may be that none were raised together from the start, but I DO NOT TAKE ANY CHANCES. I love my dogs and they wont be given the chance to harm themselves or another animal, unless one charges me or my kids aggressivly while we are on a walk or something. I'd expect my dogs to be able to handle a stray animal, cause if one of my children are walking one of our dogs, and a big nasty racoon, dog, or other mean critter comes up snarling - my dog better do its job and protect me or my little boys from harm. I'd expect the worse and hope for the best. Never know, they may be BFF.lol
    There is a cocker spanial aroung my dads, that has one eye, call em one eye, and Brutus seems to tolerate him. He is a submissive lil chap though and does his best to stay in the good with all my Dads dogs too.

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