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4-5 yr old rescued Red Nose, Attitude is changing, suggestions??(RESCUE STORY)

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Bigpimpin407, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. DirtyD

    DirtyD Top Dog

    100+ lbs? Thats a huge dog. I thought my 60lb mutt was big..
  2. yeah honestly the last time i took him to the vet he weighed 90lbs so i know hes gotta be about 105lbs if not a lil more, he looks like a water buffalo now, LOL
  3. loudboyjr

    loudboyjr Banned

    BWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH... had to be the first to get you on that... if you're going to be around here please dont say that *laughing*... because if the right person sees it they're going to make you want to fight them *laughing*
  4. Ignoring the people being rude here Bigpimpin - I really do urge that you take some time to read around these forums including the history section and learn about these dogs more before you begin breeding.

    You have said a lot of things that throw up flags for people here, one of the most basic things you said shows a lack of knowledge of bloodlines, something you should understand well before breeding. There is no such thing as a "full rednose pit" that is not a breed nor is it a bloodline. A dog with a red nose is simply that a dog with a red nose, it is nothing special or rare - its just a nose.
  5. well as i stated in previous posts, i got the rednose female to mate her with my male dog.... i never said i would like to become a breeder....

    well the rednose pitbull is my favorite dog of choice, and some retards comments arent going to bother me, thats like sayin "my dad can beat ur dad", grow the hell up... flags for dissing... hence looking for trouble to start.... maybe this isnt the forum i should be participating in, if i have to worry about a smartass leaving a dumb comment in reply to my post, be 21 about yours, if u dont like what i said, why waste ur time typing in the keyboard to say something that isnt gonna make me change anything anyways??

    and anyways a vast majority of dog breed are made by mixing years of different breeds together, heres a quick one, presa canario.... so what truely is pure??

    but yes my male pit mix in his prime, he encountered a 180lb rott and flipped it on its back, and almost took em out, but i got to my dogs collar and pulled him up and backwards, before he could bite down on the rotts neck (a crackhead left my front door open) i never took him to fight... thats not my thing.. but if im on my property and your dog comes lookin for trouble, all bets are off, cause my boy is very territorial and he will demolish all in his vicinity..... at least that was 7-10 years ago....

    if your so interested in getting off on dog fighting, then go join something about dog fighting
  6. bionic

    bionic Big Dog

    I think what you're failing to realise here, BigPimpin is that people are still being polite with you about this. If you continue acting like you're an expert when you clearly don't know the first thing about what you think you have then you're in for a rude shock.
  7. i thought this was a dog forum.... not an E-boxing ring..... its like you guys love drama.....

    Come to orlando FL... youll see what the rednose is all about.... the popularity is unmatched..... why???? because blue pits are big... dumb... and ugly.... on the other hand, if you want a badass dog that will jump 10 feet in the air or fight like hell ( thats what they do in the hood...) i dont condone to any dog fighting, i love the intelligence of the rednose.. it is unmatched..... i do know this..... Real dog trainers will tell you that the rednose is one of the smartest dogs around, and ive heard it from several different sources.......

    but, get a newspaper from orlando.... Rednose pitbull pups go for at least $300, like i said above in my previous posts i NEVER stated i am an expert in the knowledge of the genetic makeup of dogs............. and i never stated i wanted to be a breeder... i simply stated i have a rednose female..... now if you wanna come at me all crazy because i said a rednose female... then wouldnt that seem that your immaturity calls for an unneeded comment.....??

    is there a name for the dogs that i do not know about, because it seems that my dog is getting picked on for being labeled a rednose pitbull,

    what is the correct terminology to call this dog then?? because from what you say, all rednose, bluenose and any pitbull is not pure and not a breed so why does this forum exist??

    because of the skinny little pitbulls they call american...??? if u must know america is a country founded by european refugees, therefor the dog cannot be represented by a country that isnt even truely considered america, because it only the name of a fictitious enslavement corporation. so the american pitbull was created from several other breeds to make one, can anyone tell me how the presa canario came to be??? the same way every other dog breed in existence came about, hence WE ARE ALL mutts

    im sure in thinking in a logical state of mind, you would see my point, but because americans aka european refugees, love pissing contests..... my point is irrelevant
  8. DirtyD

    DirtyD Top Dog

    Bionic wasn't bullshitting when he said that everybody is being polite :rolleyes:
  9. lovemybull

    lovemybull Big Dog

    Bigpimpin, I think what they (not putting words in their mouths) are saying is that it doesn't matter what color (red, blue, black or purple) the dog's nose is...its just a color. It has nothing to do with the dog's performance. And it certainly should have nothing to do with how much a pup is sold for. You want the correct termonology to call YOUR dog...how bout a dog or a mix..seeing as you found her in a swamp and have no idea how she was bred. IMO (not that its probably welcomed) I think that you should stop caring about what color her nose is and just love her like a pet...
  10. Oldskool Brent

    Oldskool Brent Top Dog

    Sounds like she is just dominant and wants to stop the running like she would if it were a bunch of nagging puppies. About 3 weeks of telling her no and submitting her should cure it.
  11. loudboyjr

    loudboyjr Banned

    sadly maybe thats why you found her in a swamp... you dont know where the dog came from previously... it could be a ticking time bomb... could be nothing... i wouldnt want to take the chance... but on another note i can tell by some of the terminology that you use you dont know much about "pitbulls" stick around the site if you're interested in them because you'd learn alot... like you said "american" as we like to call them... thats actually their name american pit bull terriers... they are a pure strain of dog like labs and dobermans...those "blue nose" dogs you were talkn about arent pitbulls they're bully breeds.... a HUGE difference... you can actually do a search on here on ofrn and see what a "pure "rednose" dog would be... and the ppl here love gamebred dogs and love to discuss historical documented MATCHES so you may have joined the wrong forum (that comment is for when you said ppl here may need to join another forum if they want to tlk about fighting or something of that nature)
  12. as for you, i respect your comment because you spoke to me without being an ass..... i wasnt just driving around a swamp and found her, a friend of a friend called him, then gave me the dog.... he SAYS he found the dog like that, but i think he owned the dog and just didnt want her anymore.....

    Where did the strain of dog come from? how did it come to be? just naturally existed in the world...? and found by someone some day??

    The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) is a medium-sized, solidly built, short haired dog whose early ancestors came from England and Ireland.

    thats what i found on google... whats american about them? my earlier said post about americans being european refugees in its self that the american part is just an add on lie.

    ive always had a ptibull or pitbull mix around me at all times.
  13. loudboyjr

    loudboyjr Banned

    The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) is a medium-sized, solidly built, short haired dog whose early ancestors came from England and Ireland.

    thats what i found on google... whats american about them? my earlier said post about americans being european refugees in its self that the american part is just an add on lie.

    ive always had a ptibull or pitbull mix around me at all times.[/QUOTE]

    no prob. but its like you're not seeing the forest thru the trees so to speak... they're ancestors did come from ireland and england but they were still this breed of dog... its the american pit bull terrier... because they were "refined" here in a way... they (the original men) were stewards of the breed... even now if you go to england or ireland its an american pit bull terrier... and i think its more so that after years of them being in america (not solely but mostly)being bred for performance... i dont know and dont really want to lie check randy foxs website i think it may tell you how they became "american"... but alot of ppl in the streets tend to think that "american" is its own line of dogs like eli when its not... i know a guy who owns a feed store that owns a colby/blue nose (impossible) so if you're interested in the dogs just check the bloodlines or breeder discussions a few ppl on here were/are actually the core of the game and have made lines of dogs that ppl still use and cherish so we (the bulldog nation) can be kinda asshole-ish esp. if you say the wrong thing... so just ask questions and use the search tool... and just like life there as one every where so just bob and weave and if you're dedicated to the dogs you'll get thru it
  14. venom

    venom Top Dog

    Ohhhhh mannnn
  15. raman781

    raman781 Pup


    work her out as much as possible, give her a purpose or or some type of work/games. She is running after people and nipping at them becauce she wants to play. My dogs do that to each other.
    You can give her some type of treat inside of a Kong.
    I can keep my dogs busy for 2 hours if you find a treat that is hard to get out.
    I have an retractable 24 foot leash that I picked up from Harbor Freight for $5.99. I use it when I run my dog with my bike.
    It takes a lot of excersize to work these dogs out.
  16. loudboyjr

    loudboyjr Banned

    exercise is good... but everybody keeps forgetting he found a grown dog... didnt get it from an actual rescue or shelter... He found it in the swamp... actually a friend of a friend gave it to him under that presumption... its starting to show signs of aggression... some one could be "running" thru the house or outside and she mauls them then its a rednose pitbull attack... im surprised no one has said CULL
  17. ur dumb....... like srsly... yeah i found the dog in a Fn swamp... but didnt you read.. she sleeps with a cat and another dog in her face (they like gettin together on the same matt..) when she went to the dog park, she never bit or even showed any sign of agression to any other dog, if a dog came to her with agression she would lay her head on the ground and wag her tail at 10,000mph and bark in a playful manner.

    its just she barks like shes gonna do somethin, but clearly she doesnt take any action into attacking, she only runs up barking like shes going to....
  18. DutchGame

    DutchGame Big Dog

    Wow, you really don't know shyte. Just take your mutt rednose gatormouf mutt and the rest of your curs somewhere else. This is a PITBULL forum, and you obviously don't know what an apbt is.
  19. DutchGame

    DutchGame Big Dog

    You are the dumb and ignorant one lol. A pitbull-type dog that doesn't show signs of dogaggression but does show signs of humanaggression just has NOTHING to do with the breeds discussed on this forum. You just got yourself an HA mutt, and you should deal with it accordingly.
  20. mlmaas

    mlmaas Top Dog

    Here's your sign.

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