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10 - 10 - 80 Rule of Breeding

Discussion in 'Breeder Discussion' started by YoungLion, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. YoungLion

    YoungLion Big Dog

    Disclaimer : This is only one of the practices I have adopted in breeding. I am sharing it mainly for new comers but it is NO way an assertion or claim to be a golden rule that all should follow. The numbers can vary based on person to person and the resources and people available to each.

    Okay here is a rule I have adopted as it relates to breeding practices. I call it the 10-10-80 Rule. It breaks down the following way:

    10- Believe 10% of what you hear. This number may be lower if you are dealing mainly with scumbags, liars , and peddlers.

    10- Believe 10% of what you see on paper This number could be lower or higher and I will cover it more in another post I will title " Keeping the Recipe"

    80- Believe 80% of what you see from the dogs with your own eyes.

    Many well intention people getting started get duped and misled by people for various reasons. I have learned that even a so called honest dogman is only human and is not above sugar coating, exaggerating, an flat out fabricating. So until you are BREEDING YOUR OWN DOGS I would take what you hear with a grain of salt. As far as papers are concerned they have their place. However if you rely too heavily on the papers you have veered away from proper breeding methods and make yourself a MARK for the unscrupulous type. This manner of selective breeding is contrary the spirit and essence of the breed because the paper cant help when its time to cut the mustard. Which brings me to breeding what you can see from the dogs with your own eyes. This I would say can be lower than 80% of the time if one is a novice or kennel blind. This is were having a mentor or an knowledgeable objective team or partner comes into play. Could write more about this but as I wrote in the disclaimer its not written in stone , its just a general rule I have adopted to increase my chances of success. Just sharing and I welcome replies and would like to hear others who have adopted similar rules over the years that might help new breeders in the long run.
  2. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Sounds bout right

    Sincerely Yours, Cajun
  3. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    I have always emphasized to young'ns..............."Let THE DOGS tell you which to breed." That's capsuled but to me, it's the only way to breed them based on proper reality. Your 10-10-80 rule for young'ns should make for a decent guideline in a basic and common sense way for them to approach these dogs.

    Of course, there is a ton of things to learn in order to do the dogs properly after this approach. Proper stage setting for schooling and testing for the desired attributes. Experiences from which to learn BEFORE making hands-on mistakes. And PATIENCE.

    Nice post that should create a good thread, Young Lion.
  4. corvettedex

    corvettedex CH Dog

    Well said Young lion.....Dex
  5. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    yes i agreed ..................
  6. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    be onest is important also
    i think if people sel and there is distance .
    in case it goes wrong .you nevr leave them on their own if possible
  7. YoungLion

    YoungLion Big Dog

    SO SO TRUE. I was thinking of starting a thread from a Historical and Hypothetical stance on schooling approaches and testing methods used during yester years but I thought it might get kind of sticky. So I will stick to the basics for now. And I agree experience is a great teacher and so are good teachers/mentors.. and lets not forget they can always read a book. While books can only take them so far, it amazes me when I talk to youngsters who have not picked up one resource about the breed they desire to breed. While I wont recommend one particular book I will recommend reading what ever they can get their hands on and when they finish read more and ask more questions. Hell I still do both to this day. I even reread old books and ask questions of those I don't always see eye to eye with. But that's me. In the end all we can do is give back. Take it or leave it. But if you gonna take it at least take it slow.
  8. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Yep I think some get so caught up on "you can't learn this from a book" that they think that means you can't learn from a book.

    Sincerely Yours, Cajun


    GOOD POINT'S...Y-Lion..tdk...you won't be able to avoid the scum/peddlars/liars...in this...fact be it bulldogs/poodles or grey hound's...or any type.??....don't get to caught up on paper's,,long as you know what ya have+have dealt with good people who can be found..??..and as tdk say's let the dog's tell ya what way ya can go to breed..(DO NOT LET EGO/PRIDE GET IN THE WAY)(this can apply to a-lot off thing's in life)...yep...belive what ya see with your own eye's...but don't ignore other's who's opinion is good, as they can sometime's see,what ya might be blind too...
  10. Dannyb

    Dannyb Big Dog

    I always thought it was believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see. Looks can be decieving. There are many ways to make a dog show better than it actually is. Food for thought: how do you know which 10% to believe. Good thread, should make for a quality discussion.


    .....some things ya have to figure your-self..//??..as ya get to know other's,ya will quickly learn who's word is good +who's can be full off bs.....another thing it's best ya look for the quality of a breeder's dog's...not the quanity....
  12. YoungLion

    YoungLion Big Dog

    Good points. Like I said in the OP the numbers vary and its not a set in stone rule. That being said you posed a good question " How do you know which 10% to believe? " personally I have learned to Consider The Source as a general rule of thumb. For instance before I was exposed to better information as a young novice the Sources that were prevalent were awful. I had guys coming up telling me give that dog gun powder and let drag weights round the yard. While I was young I had enough horse sense to get a book and soon found myself in the company of those who knew better. In the company of those who know better one has the chance to get better information. So for awhile I believed 0 % of what I heard because it sounded like foolishness to me even as a youngster. This practice of considering the source is essential to me even to this day as I have known well intentioned kennel blind old dogmen that will tell you what they believe to be 100% true. Never claim this to be a perfect formula but with a lil common sense this might help so I decided to share it. Hell might help who knows.
  13. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    Good mentors are harder and harder to find. Your formula has good guideline to it. There are things which MUST accompany, though. Logic and common sense for instance. Once you've developed a good weeding process regarding the difference between bullshit and good practice, you merely need to learn the second stage of "what to do", and that second stage is "WHY".
  14. corvettedex

    corvettedex CH Dog

    ''Mentors'' TDK my friend LR told me that your the Best there Is ! Every time you post some of your Knowledge, I take ''Note'' I think its safe to say, im not alone ! So keep it coming as you are helping people like me.
  15. Dannyb

    Dannyb Big Dog

    I know I saw every single wrong way possible to raise, breed, and handle a bulldog before I got even the basics right. I'll always be open to learning new things because I strive to better and know I'll never be perfect.

    Very often it's the people who do know that are more select and secretive. While the clowns feeding gun powder and doing the dumb stuff who want to take everyone under their wing and toot their own horn.
  16. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    No one can help you with your petbulls Dex LMAO.



    ....out of interest ...who the f*^K,started that gun-powder crap....????
  18. corvettedex

    corvettedex CH Dog

    Are my eyes playing tricks on me? LMFAO!!! I will just take Notes from u instead Saiy !!!
  19. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    In west Africa they snort coke mixed with GP

    Sincerely Yours, Cajun
  20. YoungLion

    YoungLion Big Dog

    "Good mentors are harder and harder to find." TDK

    Many times this is by choice. Even those who have been handed down wisdom and are willing to give back are also becoming scarce for good reason. Its like a combination of not casting your pearls to swine and CYA if that makes sense.

    "Very often it's the people who do know that are more select and secretive. While the clowns feeding gun powder and doing the dumb stuff who want to take everyone under their wing and toot their own horn." Dannyb

    Sad but true.


    I agree Saiyagin, there comes a point when talking , speculation, and opinions must give way to action. For those who have been walking the walk for sometime now its easier for them do the dam thing. But we all started some where and this was mainly for those who are just starting , stumbling , and still crawling. But thanks for sharing because unless we apply what we learn in life be it on a discussion board or from experience we are doomed for failure.

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