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zimecterin gold

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by labulldoger, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. Cynthia

    Cynthia Top Dog

    Pretty much. I was trying to explain this to a friend on the way up to the Jersey show a few months ago. You can not properly dose this medication. The ivermectin is on the high dose and the praziquantel is on the very low dose and not effective for tapes. So to give enough praziquantel you would be grossly overdosing on the ivermectin.
  2. JTC

    JTC Big Dog

    to each his own. i use a smaller than pea sized amount on my finger and wipe the paste onto the roof of the mouth. been using zimectrin gold and strongid paste for 10 years on numerous dogs.
  3. Cynthia

    Cynthia Top Dog

    Not to each his own. No one said you can't use it. But you will never get the proper dosage. As you will never get the effective dosage by giving a pea sized amount for tapeworms. It is not in the correct dosage for dogs to get the effective dose. So you are basically flushing your money down the toilet. But hey if you have money to waste like that. By all means do it. Lol

    Does not take a genius to figure it out. Like Tri State said do the math. Not that hard! LMAO
  4. okcdogman82

    okcdogman82 Top Dog

    boogieman is on the right page. texas bulldogs is to but gotdamn you dont have to be so fuckin disrespectful just correct and tell them the truth you dont have to talk down on a motherfucker just because they made a mistake or are ignorant on the matter. if you know better that just tell em so they know better next time.
  5. Cynthia

    Cynthia Top Dog

    See you have not been around here long enough to see where "nice" abs coddling gets you. People always think they know better or try to be a smart ass. Tri State has been in the Vet Field for many years. Yet some on this thread try to condradict them.

    Smart asses have been one of the many reasons why I have stopped offering advice because even though scientific data and proof backs what I say. Some people always know better.
  6. JTC

    JTC Big Dog

    i dont use it for tape worms, i use it for the invermectin(heartworms) and the strongid for other internal parasites. if any dogs get tapes i use drontal. all dogs in ten years never had any heart worms and i live in the south. no need to act like a know-it-all smart ass lady. the original topic wasnt even about tape worms he asked if he could use horse paste instead of the usual dog products, to avoid the costs im sure, and i gave him an answer. get off yer high horse.
  7. stinkrock

    stinkrock Top Dog

    I understand what saying. We should not stop helping others. Once people post their help it's over.. it's up to them to take it an use it. If they don't want to take the correct help that's on them. If you been on this board long enough you will learn who knows what they are talking about.. like the old saying goes you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
  8. Well fuck yeah you've never had heart worms. Cuz you're giving the dog 10x the amount of ivermectin that it needs to prevent heart worms. DUH! Sometimes people are just too stupid to admit when they are wrong. If pointing that out is being on a high horse, well then wtf are you riding? A dunce pony?
  9. okcdogman82

    okcdogman82 Top Dog

    cynthia dont ever stop helping people regardless what others say thats the reason most people come here is to learn.Also alot of people use horse products on dogs cowboys on the farm especiallyi live in a small town in oklahoma and every time i see farmers and shit at the feed store i always stop and chop it up wit them cuz they are a wealth of fuckin knowledge and the know about dogs because they work the shit outta farm/cattle dogs they work sun up to sun down just like the farmers 7days a week. alot of these farmers been workin the farm for thirty plus years and they can tell you some shit about taken care of performance dogs same wit the hunters.
  10. Cynthia

    Cynthia Top Dog

    Sorry I am going to be me. May be blunt but it will be real. Don't like it not my problem.

    Your dogs have never had heartworms? Do you heartworm test each of your dogs annually? If you dont then you can not say that none of your dogs have never had hearworm. And a pea size amount of the paste? Um yea that is such an accurate dose. Why don't you buy the 1% Ivermectin and actually properly dose your dogs. More accurately. Even though giving 1/10 of a cc per 10 pds is still considered an overdose. Anything over 4X the reccomended dose is considered an overdose. And if you are going with the paste buy the Ivermectin paste. What is the point of using the one with praziquantel when you will never get the effective dose. It is a waste of money. But hey do you.

    I understand people come here to learn. I have been on this forum since 05. However in that time when people ask for advice. I attempt to give it. But there is always someone who "have seen it done for years" who disagrees. Now mind you they have no scientific proof of what they do. But want to argue. Even when presented with the proof that they are wrong they still argue. Especially when it is a woman. Men's little ego. Such a fragile little thing.

    So I quit giving it. Along with many other members who are also in the Veterinary Field. We had a Veterinarian who I am friends with refuses to offer advice on this forum due to someone always wanting to tell them they are wrong or arguing.

    Now I know people use horse, cow, goats, and so forth meds. Many are interchangeable between species. However the doses are very different by species. And you have to be careful. Because you can kill a dog as well as cause internal organ damage. Which you will not see any clinical signs until 75 - 80% function is gone. And I don't care if someone has been doing it for years. Does not make it correct or accurate.

    As far as taking care of animals. There are many people on here that know me personally And can tell you how mine are taking care of. And that is A+ care. Nothing short of the best. Performance or pets.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2012
  11. CA Jack

    CA Jack Pup

    Cynthia is correct. Zimecterin is just a waste of money.

    Plain ol ivermectin is cheaper ... and there is no reason to use praziquantel unless your dog actually has tapes.

    Furthermore, even ivermectin by itself does not address whipworms, so at least twice a year a person should worm with either Panacur/Safeguard (fenbendazole) or Valbazen (albendazole). These drugs are in the same class, but one important distinction is that Panacur/Safeguard is safe for pregnant mothers, while Valbazen is NOT. So if you're worming pregnant mamas, make sure you use Panacur or Safeguard not Valbazen. Further, most people do not even dose fenbendazole correctly when they do use it, and because it is so expensive (and must be used twice daily, for 3 days in a row), even this drug should be used sparingly.

    In general, it is best (and cheapest) to worm with pyrantel pamoate and ivermectin monthly ... with occasional treatments with fenbendazole. There is almost never a need to use praziquantel at all, unless you have a confirmed case of tapes, which makes Zimecterin a waste of money for the most part.

    Knowing what each wormer does, and buying each ingredient separately, will always be the best and cheapest way to worm your dogs ... and there is NO "catch-all" wormer that can beat either the price, or the utility, of having a full arsenal at your disposal.

  12. Exactly what I told everybody in another thread about this crap. LOL

    Eqvalan 'gold' (ivermectin and praziquantel) dewormer
  13. CA Jack

    CA Jack Pup

    Yep, same story, different brand name :)


    PS: One really good "catch-all" wormer is Interceptor ... which also provides a change of pace from the regular protocol. One of the things about worming is worms can build resistance to the same thing, when that drug is used over-and-over again constantly (and especially if it gets under-dosed). This is why having a full arsenal, knowing what each drug does, and then rotating what you use, provides the best protection.
  14. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Just wanted to add you can buy Panacur C on Amazon for relatively cheap without an RX... I buy it there and use it once a year or as needed.
  15. Cynthia

    Cynthia Top Dog

    You can get it at the local Tractor Supply, Jeffers has it as well. Jeffers is usually cheaper.

  16. cromsboss

    cromsboss Big Dog

    I use milbemax tablet and advocate spot on at a 7 day interval when treating my dogs for worm, ticks and fleas
    both products are POM
    I treat my dogs twice a year or if I suspect they may have a parasite

    I think it's best to get the proper meds if u can afford them, but I have used ivermectin injection in the past to successfully treat sarcoptic mange
  17. mistabonz

    mistabonz Top Dog

    Just give the ivermectin by mouth instead of by way of injection.
  18. Cynthia

    Cynthia Top Dog

    You can give it either way and it is fine.

    Just had a neighbor's dachshund that was really sick from a severe hookworms infection. Pale gums and all. Shitting blood. I gave sub q fluids, cerenia injection (vomiting), and an ivermectin injection. If I would have gave it by mouth he would have just vomited it up. So I gave it as an injection. The little shit is still kicking!

    I prefer giving it by mouth but if you have to for certain cases injection is fine .
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2012
  19. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    How do u dose the goat safeguard for dogs?
  20. hnelson

    hnelson Big Dog

    The cattele version is 10% suspension witch is what panacur is just use the same dosage

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