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You KNOW it's cold outside when...

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Hoyden, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. Hoyden

    Hoyden Top Dog

    your male dog would rather pee in the toilet than go out.

    Yep, in a household with three females and one male, we leave the toilet seat UP so the DOG can use it and not make a mess. He makes less mess than some of my husband's friends.

    Petey has peed in the toilet for years, but this is the first time he's refused to go out unless he has to poop.

    I keep trying to video him with my camera, but he barks at me and stops. HA! Now he knows what it's like when he barges in on us on the throne!

    Damn dog.
  2. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    Thats great,,,keep trying to get it on tape.
  3. LOL......that is so funny...OMG I wish I could see that..I know it would be a site. Yes please keep trying, hide the camera in there, even if you have to waste tape until he goes, man that would be so cute!
  4. Hoyden

    Hoyden Top Dog

    Already tried that. Petey is one smart dog. I popped in a 1GB memory card, focused it and set it on the towel shelf running.

    All I got was slobbering dog tongue and barking.
  5. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Hell if you can get him to poop in there and flush you got it made. I need you to come train my dogs. Imagine that, no more yard waste to clean up. lol Put a commode out with a little wall around it for each dog. run the water out and have it all go into a septic tank. That would be too cool. I will put heaters right in there for them if that is what it takes. lol
  6. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    No doubt!! You gotta tell us how this came about!! Now I'm gona be tryin to figure out how to train a dog to dog this!! Back when I used to get drunk, I had one trained to get me a beer out of the fridge, but I think the toilet thing is cooler!!LOL
  7. Hoyden

    Hoyden Top Dog

    There really was no training involved! That's the funny part.

    All he is doing is marking. He barges into the bathroom all the time, one time my husband was like "WHAT?!?? I'm doing outside!" Petey sniffed the toilet, smelled urine, lifted his leg and peed in the toilet.

    All we did was mark the behavior with roast beast and skittles. Now he pees on the toilet if he can't get outside (when we're not home) or doesn't WANT to go outside.
  8. LOL...now thats good, given the fact that he goes potty in th toilet, I guess he would be too smart for that! Little Sh!t
  9. Hoyden

    Hoyden Top Dog

    As for pooping on the toilet, I don't think that'd happen unless we installed those really really low to the ground weird toilets like I saw in Japan.

    But I will say, that if he's home alone and has to go, he poops right infront of the toilet and actually moves the rug out of the way.

    If the seat is down on the toilet he pees on the drain in the tub. That can be cleaned easier than any where else, so he doesn't get in trouble for that.
  10. This is hilarious......you have personaltied out dog!!! (I know that isnt a word, but somehow it fit)!
  11. Hoyden

    Hoyden Top Dog

    You have no idea with this dog. Even our dog trainer was floored. Although he says that Petey has US trained real good.

    He wants a treat, he oinks at you, then sits in front of the fridge, he wants to go out he oinks at the door, he sits in front of kitchen sink (RX on are a shelf above the sink) when he wants some medicine because he's aching.

    If he's wet or cold from outside, he goes into the bathroom and sits for you to come blow dry him. If you don't come dry him, he pulls out the blow dryer and brings it to you, usually by banging it down the hallway with the cord in his mouth.

    He opens doors by biting door knobs, or lifting the dowel out of the track and sliding the door open. So all of our doors have latches at the highest height I can reach to keep him in.

    He will make it known that he wants your attention and if you say "show me", he will take you to what ever it is he wants you to pay attention to. Could be he wants a treat, a drink, he ratting on one of the kids, one of the rats escaped, you just never know with him.

    And the best one? He will answer the phone if he can reach it. Especially if it is a corded one on a cradle.

    One of most EMBARASSING moments in my life was because of this dog answering the phone!!
  12. Do tell please....we like family here!! LOL, and I gotta hear this. I love this dog already!
  13. You know, after having thought about it, I just might know what you are talking about....its ok if it is what I think, you can keep it secret....bad doggy!
  14. Hoyden

    Hoyden Top Dog


    I went in for my annual gyn exam and the woman was a little hesitant and said that they kept trying to call me to confirm my appointment, buttt they weren't sure they had the right number. I should have KNOW when she said buttttt.

    I confirmed the number was right, and a crowd of the employees were gathering behind the desk. She dials my number and puts it on speaker phone. It rings, voice mail picks up and then we hear the phone knocked off the hook, SLURPING, HEAVY BREATHING, and GRUNTING and then we hear him banging on something (found out it was the answering machine when I got home). It sounded like the audio of a porno!!

    At this point, I am beet red and totally embarrassed, so I yell at the dog over the speaker phone, telling him leave it, bad boy. He hears my voice, barks all happy and starts licking the phone with his happy licking grunting noises. So I just hung up on him.

    I explained to the office girls that it was my DOG answering the phone, but they were hysterical anyway.

    We got cordless phones and moved the answering machine to where he couldn't paw it and shut it off anymore.
  15. LOL.....well alrighty then, that was more histerical than what I thought. Weeshhhheeeewww....oh what a good laugh. That is FUNNY! You got me in tears right now!
  16. DiMaSaLaNg

    DiMaSaLaNg Big Dog

    i wish my dog can do that! :D
  17. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Let me guess mom or dad called while you were um busy with the hubby.

    cool dog.
  18. LMAO...thats what I thought too....but you have to read a little further!
  19. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Yah. ruined a good thought. lol

    I know one thing you know it is cold out side when your nose freezes shut, or your eyes or you get snott cycles hanging from your nose. That is cold.
  20. Ya or when you stick your tounge to a pole and it freezes stuck!.LOl havent done that since I was a little kid!

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