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Will America Tolerate A Dog Hating President???

Discussion in 'Pit Bull News' started by Suki, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. Suki

    Suki Guest

    pov@ Dog Politics

    Rudy Guilani Declares Candidacy - Will America Tolerate A Pooch-Hating President?
    Rudy Guilani has set his sights on the White House and has declared his candidacy for President.

    [​IMG] There's talk that Rudy, a moderate Republican with appeal to moderate Dems for his support on certain liberal issues, could even edge out the popular John McCain.

    But certain groups are saying - not so fast, Rudy. Rudy, it seems, has a few skeletons in his closet.

    The buzz about Rudy on My Space and Yahoo Groups is that Rudy's bid for the Presidency is already being dissed by that critically important group of voters - dog owners.

    Dog owners have dug up the dirt on Rudy Guilani are sounding the alarm. Already, messages are running rampant across the web urging dog lovers NOT TO VOTE FOR RUDY because ...................

    It would seem that the hero mayor of New York City is no hero to dogs - specifically pitbulls.

    Outed by dog lovers in New York, the dirt on Rudy is that he supports breed-specific laws and measures.

    In other words, Rudy joins the ranks of other notorious breed haters, Kory Nelson, Tom Skeldon, Jackie Speier and Gavin Newsom - in his desire to see pitbulls, or is it really the owners of pitbulls, driven out of New York City.

    Engaging in breed profiling - and the byproduct of which is actually profiling the owners of pitbulls - is a black eye for the polished Rudy Guilani.

    Will Rudy Guilani's pooch-hating past catch up with him? Is his stance supporting BSL an indicator for future policy?

    Here's a taste of what may come if Rudy Guilanni makes it to the White House:

    Skeletons In Rudy's Closet - Eliminate Pitbulls

    From Columbia University's student run paper, Bronx Beat, a 1999 article about Emelinda Narvaez, a Bronx resident and the 'Fairy Godmother Of Pitbulls", discusses Guiliani's breed-specific proposal to elimiate pitbulls from New York City,

    "Animal advocates cite the city council’s pending dangerous dog legislation as evidence of an unofficial city campaign to get rid of pit bulls at all costs.

    The bill, proposed at the request of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, singles out pit bulls, saying owners of these dogs will need to carry $100,000 in liability insurance or face fines. The bill also streamlines the process for destroying dangerous dogs, eliminating the hearings now required before the city can take action against a dog that is deemed dangerous."

    Eliminate Hearings

    Guilani, a former prosecutor, singled out NYC dog owners of pitbulls, and wanted to eliminate the hearings for deeming a dog dangerous.

    In an article dating to January 28, 1999, The New York Times Giuliani Proposes Tough Law on 'Dangerous' Dogs, Angering Owners, Guillani's "quality of life" initiative wouldd have required that owners of pitbulls fork over big bucks for additional liability coverage before being allowed to license their dogs.

    Do actions speak louder than words? The illustrious Mr. Guiliani was quite content with profiling the owners of pitbulls, and eliminating due process for the owners of targeted breeds - so I would say his actions speak volumes.

    Questioning A Guillani White House

    None of this history is sitting too well with dog owners, leaving many to seriously question the possibility of a Guilani White House.

    Those questions include:

    • Will a Guilani administration support breed-specific legislation?
    • Will a Guilani administration support breed specific insurance requirements?
    • Will a Guilani administration support breed specific mandatory spay/neuter?
    • Will a Guilani administration support guardianship?
    • Will a Guilani administration support the elimination of pets as property?
    • Will a Guilani administration support deeming certain breeds of dogs as dangerous?
    • Will a Guilani administration support the elimination of due process for the owners of targeted breeds?
    Will dog owners derail Rudy before he even makes it to the primaries? Will America tolerate a pooch-hating President?

  2. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I have copies of his picture printed off and I have been praticing. Revolution time.remove all enemies.
  3. missybee16

    missybee16 CH Dog

    Oh, Attila, LOL baby LOL!!!!!!
  4. Suki

    Suki Guest

    [​IMG] LOL!!!! You kill me, William!!! [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
  5. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Hey some one has to be the nut case. lol
  6. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    He Won't Get It If Hilary Gets It,,, Lol,, Take Notice Where The Majority Of The Presidents Orginally Come From,,,,,dirty South,,,, Hell Yeah
  7. Attila

    Attila Guest

    That is good. She is from Indiana. So they better give us some better choices The targets I had of her are shredded into little tiny peices.
  8. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    but she backed Arkansas lets see .,,, how many years?,,,,i'd hit it anyday my friend,,,,LMAO,,, now beat that
  9. Attila

    Attila Guest

    You would hit that? Shit there ain't now way I can top that. She looks like hammared damnet. I would rather kick it with Miss Rice our defence secretary. Now she has a body on her. Now that is my kind of lady. Only way I would hit hillary is with a ball bat
  10. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    LMAO,,, think of the money my brother,,, best seller ,,, hil gets back at Bill
  11. Attila

    Attila Guest

    You taking Pain pills? Drinking? There ain't enough money printed to mess with that toad frog. There are worse things than getting an eye riped out with a fishing hook and she is one of them. lol Go for it. I will be off to the side vomiting in your shrubs. She probably has STD's that don't have names yet.
  12. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    YES on the first one,,, Yes on the second one,,,, you crack me the hell up,,,,
    Maybe thats whats wrong with me today,,, i've posted a ton today compared to normal
  13. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I knew it had to be something. Because that was just crazy. lol When you stopping by again? I got that game ass crazy bitch bred. Dude she growled at Titan once and he just looked at her and that was it. He stuck it and locked up and it was over. I have never seen her not lay into another dog male or female. Titan is the shit. He didn't growl back just gave her that bitch please look and she shut the hell up. lol I had the muzzle with me just in case as last time with another dog it was a no go at this station. He didn't have what it took I reckon
  14. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    this coming monday,,, i'll swing by,, got all evening,,, should be good,,,yeap i'm still on meds,,,, now u know meds don't work on us crazy folks cuz we know how to skip a few,,, lol just to stay alittle edgey
  15. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I will be here. Ya got to keep that edge. lol
  16. Sid Finster

    Sid Finster Big Dog

    I hate to break this to you all, but I doubt the public shares our concern for pitbulls. In fact, I suspect that a majority would support a ban.

    But if Giuliani were to get elected president, he is unlikely to make BSL into a federal issue. He'd more likely view BSL as a classically state or local law matter.

    Not that I would vote for him. I have my own reasons to dislike moderate Republicans such as him.

    I am with Atilla in that I find La Condolezza for more attractive than Bruno Rodham.
  17. politics on gamedog. Now this auto be interesting.
  18. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    As painful and unpleasant as it might be, if you want to keep your dogs you had better start thinking about politics.

    As for the original question, I sure hope not.

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