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Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Spania, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. grove

    grove Big Dog

    Balkans is not Russia.
  2. Pullingcovers

    Pullingcovers Top Dog

    A bunch vodka drinking commie bastards same shit
  3. grove

    grove Big Dog

    Ha, Ha, you are really funny...
  4. kiwidogman

    kiwidogman Top Dog

    George Soros
  5. kiwidogman

    kiwidogman Top Dog

    America is more Commie than Russia. They got rid of Communism 30 years ago. Your country is bringing it back.
    bamaman likes this.
  6. kiwidogman

    kiwidogman Top Dog

    Stifling free speech, rigging elections, trying to make everyone equal, shall I continue?
    FrozenEli likes this.
  7. Pullingcovers

    Pullingcovers Top Dog

  8. Pullingcovers

    Pullingcovers Top Dog

  9. gimwitag

    gimwitag Big Dog

    Serbia. Plenty black folks there
  10. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

  11. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

  12. Pullingcovers

    Pullingcovers Top Dog

  13. Pullingcovers

    Pullingcovers Top Dog

    My bad I meant they did a piece on this
  14. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Best thing to ever come out of Russia.....
    Pullingcovers likes this.
  15. grove

    grove Big Dog

    Russians are expansive nationalist, i have experienced their occupation.
  16. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    Lol yea BB I don't believe the Russians gave a shit about black community and they used the Black's to promote Communism but Black's also used them to get the cash .That was a diff time and place.Communism would starve all of us no matter the color while rich eat prime rib every day.
  17. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Too deep for me I just like ass lmfao
    who and bamaman like this.
  18. che

    che Top Dog

    Politics is most dirty game. There is no place for a honest man.
    david63 and who like this.
  19. gimwitag

    gimwitag Big Dog

    These guys are retards of another kind. They but hurt over the love from moj srbski brates. Brown skinned people inhabit every continent
    now you understand why I don’t f#$k with these dudes here. Theyd be put to sleep in the side of those black mountains with all this lipping and shit. Only time these broke mfs travel was in the military. Never owned a passport.
  20. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Why on earth would anyone want to travel to some 3rd world village and play for your sister and 2 goats?

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