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Vick update.

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by simms, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. simms

    simms CH Dog

  2. simms

    simms CH Dog

  3. RR3000

    RR3000 Big Dog

    Although I'm not a Dallas fan.I thought for sure,that Jerry would go after Vic.Where ever he ends up I will be pulling for him.And thanks for the update on Vic sir.
  4. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    yup i heard he was gettin out. heard he was gonna be playing football again too. damn shame he came out of this with so little lost. while others have lost everything that they've worked their whole lives for. :(
  5. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    yes he is getting out, but he isnt going anywhere near a football field until goodell reinstates him-and for those keeping score, vick point blank lied to him when he was given the chance to come clean. goodell doesnt like being lied to. i bet he sits out 2009 as no one is going to pick up his $9 million contract when they dont even know if he will be reinstated. goodell is a hardass, hell he might even make him sit out 2010 too just to prove a point...you dont F w/ the commisioner
    and the cowboys have stated they have ZERO interest in vick
  6. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    hope they do make him sit it out. face some kind of consequences.


    Vick needs to play. They have taken everything away from him
  8. bulldog426

    bulldog426 Big Dog

    somebody was telling me vick is out on house arrest.... don't know how true it is... i think they should make him sit out..


    Has everyone forgotten the term "RAPE STAND". All the bullshit they threw at him. Remember HSUS
  10. bulldog426

    bulldog426 Big Dog

    yeah i remember that, but he brought alot of bad attention onto pitbull owners, you don't hear about any other people all over tv about dog fighting for a few months, all i've ever seen is a brief 2 minute story on local news, if anything at all... if he had half a brain, an any concern for the breed at all, he should've known that if and when he would get caught it would be all over the news, and bring alot of bad reputation to pitbull owners nation wide. and he should've been smarter how his name wasn't in it....


    I am not about to get deep in the one but according to the report against ed faron that was a 3 yr investigation. Yes what he did might have been stupid because of his high profile. but please you said news in your post. do you believe anything the news prints. man don't believe the hype.

    PREACHER Big Dog

    Man, when will we just learn to forgive. This man did his time, He made a mistake and now he's getting out. He's got to go to work and if he still has the talent he should be able to play with out any problems. I know this is not going to happen with all these animals before people type folks. We wont even keep molesters in jail and keep them away from kids but we cry and boo-woo over if this man can play or not. Time to deal with real issues and let the man play. I personally hopes he can come to Dallas, we need him.:D:D:D:D
  13. crazycooter

    crazycooter Top Dog

    i say he did his time let him get on with his life!! they didn't even go to the house because of him it was some stupid cop that was serving a warrent on the house for drugs becasue of his cousin or someone. they had to get 3 or 4 different warrents just to get some charges on the guy and we all know who was pulling the strings no don't we? our best friends from the hsus freakin bastages:mad: just my 2 cents
  14. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    has he been banned from owning anymore dogs? ed faron can't have anymore dogs in his possession. i'm sure vick will get to play his favorite sport again someday. the thing he worked his whole life to achieve. ed faron can't rebuild what he worked his whole life to achieve. vick had plenty of money to fight this. if they had so little evidence on him as in the case of the patricks he probably would've won. i think he could've beat the case. hell i know of a certain nfl star that got away w/ murder. even dmx had dogs after the first time he got caught w/ neglect. i know that for a fact. he may not have had them in the public eye, but i know the guy where he got one from. what bothers me is that these superstars get accused of doing the same thing as other dogmen, and yet they don't get the same punishments. i think their cases do 100x more damage to us and they get half the punishment. jmho.
  15. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    no one is saying vick cant work. he is free to seek employment w/ whatever compnay he chooses. it is not a RIGHT to play in the NFL, its a privalege. he has seriously hurt his chances to take advantage of that privelege w/ his actions and words. its alot easier to say "im sorry" than it is to live right.
  16. Bobby Rooster

    Bobby Rooster CH Dog

    If he didn't snitch then good...

    But as far as respect I have none for the dude,

    We always bitch and mone about real dogmen having Respect and love and admiration for the dogs, hell even a rank curr deserves to be delt with professionally. And IMO he was not one to show these traits.

    The dog fighting isn't what got the public all stired up, it was what they said he did to the dogs that didn't make the grade, a HSUS' wet dream.
  17. mastiffsj

    mastiffsj Big Dog

    According to


    "Vick also agreed that "collective efforts" by him and two others caused the deaths of at least six dogs."

    "Peace, Phillips and Vick agreed to the killing of approximately 6-8 dogs that did not perform well in 'testing' sessions at 1915 Moonlight Road and all of those dogs were killed by various methods, including hanging and drowning."

    Bankrolling a dogfighting operation is one thing, hanging and drowning is another-and for that Michael Vick is a piece of shit in my book.
  18. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    ^exactly. it was the ways he dispatched his dogs. and whether folks think " well, it is his property he can do what he wants with it" or "its just a dog" you are in the extreme minority. most people feel compassion for living creatures, whereas vick showed none. i can think of a dozen photographs of well known dogmen who were caught on showing affection to their dogs. it is this lack of compassion that outraged the public in vicks case.


    Did anyone read the post that Raided2 had up here. When he plead guilty alot of folks including me jumped down his throat. When he came on here to defend himself and told us what really happened it made sense to me. He said am I am para phrasing "They were going to take everything that he had and lock him and his wife up". Both lost there job everyone in the area thought that they were mistreating dogs and a child molester. What can you do but plea. How many people have beat the govt in any case? Not many. they have(GOVT) unlimited resources, that little money that Vick had didnt mean shit, You see it is all gone now. I am not taking up for Vick, if you do the crime you have to do the time. But he did his time. Now it is time to move on. Now what I dont want to see happen is him having to bow down and kiss PETA's ass just to play again. Remember pETA is the enemy. HUSA doent care about these dogs. Forget indivuals its about the pups..
  20. mastiffsj

    mastiffsj Big Dog

    I don't think he is going to be worried about money when he gets out-


    "The Falcons must attempt to trade Vick because if they release him his contract would place a heavy burden on their salary cap. Vick has a lucrative contract that runs until 2013. It calls for him to receive a base salary of $9 million and a bonus of $6.43 million in 2009. The remainder of the contract is worth $45.11 million, with another possible $3 million in Pro Bowl bonuses. A portion of Vick’s signing bonus will count against the salary cap if he is traded or released."

    "In November, The Associated Press contacted the other 31 teams about acquiring Vick. Most refused comment, citing league tampering rules. However, six teams said they would not shut the door on acquiring Vick."

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