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Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by keystone, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    ^^^ I don't have a problem with war. But if we go over and blow up some shit and then spends years rebuilding the same shit we destroyed, then it was a waist of time anyway

    Sincerely Yours, Cajun
  2. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

  3. david63

    david63 CH Dog

    Remember Obama going around the country apologizing for u.s for taking other country resources. 4 the resources we paid for. IRS ABUSE or FAST FURIOUS or BENGHAZI or VOTER FRAUD and OBAMACARE. I'm going to stop Here. Obama don't have a clue and his cheerleaders Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are clueless.
  4. david63

    david63 CH Dog

    Obamacare aims to make all of us subservient to the government it was never about health care. it was about control. just like global warming.


    ...they give that money out with your take-away-curry......
  6. Kelticwarrior

    Kelticwarrior Top Dog

    The BRICS coallition (Brazil/Russia/India/China and South Africa) are bringing out a currency called the Bricso. The Bricso will be the equivilant of TEN dollars to ONE Bricso.
  7. Mr.Revolution

    Mr.Revolution CH Dog

    R u Sarah Palen?
  8. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    pearl harbor .....had nothing to do with money so far as i know .
  9. david63

    david63 CH Dog

    Hey Revolution NO that quote come from Dr.Ben Carson.
  10. david63

    david63 CH Dog

    What are you trying to say Revolution. I support and back Dr.Ben Carson. and Herman Cain. AND WHAT ABOUT IT
  11. Mr.Revolution

    Mr.Revolution CH Dog

    You as dumb as they r .Herman Cain get real
  12. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Lol do you support Obama?

    Sincerely Yours, Cajun
  13. Mr.Revolution

    Mr.Revolution CH Dog

  14. Mr.Revolution

    Mr.Revolution CH Dog

    If you don't have a problem with war then you surely have some type of problem
  15. david63

    david63 CH Dog

    you must be one of Obama cheerleaders with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. look at this clown we have as president talk about dumb.
  16. david63

    david63 CH Dog

    Obama screwing up the economy. The next president will have a job cleaning this mess up. Obama one of the worst president we've had in all time needs to wake up from the poppy field step out of the land of Oz and click his feet together and wake up to reality. you're not in Kansas anymore.
  17. toom

    toom Big Dog

    BUSH was the WORST president EVER.That DUMB FACK got us in all these sandman wars and put the economy down the tubes.He spent more money then the idiot liberals.
  18. david63

    david63 CH Dog

    No Obama and Carter are your two worst presidents. Obama has spent more money than any president before him. and if somebody flew a plane into your house you going to react too. 70 percent of the country agree with president Bush.
  19. toom

    toom Big Dog

    U have no clue what your talking about your spouting out numbers hoping more idiots will come ralley behind you.LOLGive it BREAK...!
  20. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    If you've got a problem with war you surely aren't American or can't have any love for the American way. This country has massacred their way to where they are and will continue until they are stopped, that's just the truth[​IMG]

    Sincerely Yours, Cajun

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