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tom garners keep

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Roche, May 15, 2011.

  1. Flipside

    Flipside CH Dog

    Good stuff man...got alot of good things going for you...keep it up and good luck!
  2. DOwho???

    DOwho??? Big Dog

    Yep, Semper Fi....
  3. TennesseeGame

    TennesseeGame Big Dog

    Not sure about his Keep, never asked him. But he's a intelligent guy and knows a lot about nutrition and dogs in general. He created RF1 and I can say that it's a exceptional product. I recommend it to those who can afford it. Especially for pregnant bitches or dogs having health issues.
  4. DOwho???

    DOwho??? Big Dog

    What benefits do you see from giving pregnant bitches his suppliment that u don't see from just food?? Just asking
  5. afb263

    afb263 Big Dog

    I was always told to feed or pregnant bitches puppy feed, which has more nutrients and shit than adult food. rf1 will provide mom more than enough nutes/vitamins for her and her pups. I'm sure that mean fatter, faster developing, smarter pups. lol maybe smarter. thats if yo use it while she's still feeding them off her own milk.
  6. TennesseeGame

    TennesseeGame Big Dog

    I've noticed they "look" over all just healthier during the pregnancy and rebound quicker afterwards. And you know how some females lose hair when they are nursing. Well it's because they are depleted. I've used RF1 and they didn't have that depleted look or have hair loss. Kibble for a pregnant bitch by itself...well it's just not sufficient if you ask me. Especially for mothers nursing big litters. RF1 is loaded in nutrients. It's not naked out...it's more along the lines of jerky. Still very moist. You got to keep it refrigerated once opened. I recommend it for bulldogs of any age...pregnant,nursing, pups...whatever. I use it a lot now after hard workouts and for maintenance. It's expensive...but you pay for what you get. Honest evaluation...very good product.

  7. Are you the police
  8. billbulldog

    billbulldog Big Dog

    If you ain't got the keep the man asked for shut up you sound like old grannys with nothing good to say talk a load if rubbish
  9. DOwho???

    DOwho??? Big Dog

    Got the keep from him personally.. hopefully the answer I gave makes you THINK, cause please believe ain't nobody gonna share their keep with you... so the best you can hope to get is a basic foundation to build upon. Good luck!!
  10. ourgalsunday

    ourgalsunday Big Dog

    Even if a owner will never perform a dog . Putting your dog in a keep is one aspect that is legal
    and retaining something real .

    Dogs that are put to a keep , I feel develop an attitude that shows compared to a pampered dog . There way less spoiled & become tough and excepting ,It builds mental stamina.
  11. bounty

    bounty Big Dog

    I read that keep about 10, 15 years ago. From what i remember he talked about how a wolf hunts and eats. he was comparing the amount of work and type of work to how much the wolf ate and rested. His example was something like. if a wolf hunts mice he is not working hard and needs to eat many to get his fill. If he is hunting rabbits he will need to do a sprint for a minute or two and then after he eats it he will be right for about a day before he wants to eat again. He then said if the wolf hunts a deer he needs to expend a lot energy to first chase it down maybe for hours and then fight it and wrestle it down. Finally when he eats he will gorge himself and then rest for days before he wants to go out hunting again.

    that's all i remember from it. Come to think of it i'm not sure if that was part of his explanation for his keep or just an article in his magazine. hahhahahh
  12. Erie Outlawz

    Erie Outlawz CH Dog

    Hes a dog breeder I don't know what benefits anyone would gain from using a keep from someone who doesn't put em in shape himself??? Yes he is a knowledgeable guy hes been into dogs along time had has owned great dogs but if I want a log cabin built I don't have someone from the lumber yard do it lol
  13. bounty

    bounty Big Dog

    Unless that person from the lumber yard also builds log cabins???
  14. ursaminor

    ursaminor Top Dog

    Yea the guy been around longer than most, its silly to assume he doesn't know anything about putting a dog in shape.
  15. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    what are you talking about tom doesn't walk dogs and he may know something if someone tells him .
  16. ursaminor

    ursaminor Top Dog

    I don't know if he has or not in the past but you must know for sure.
  17. bounty

    bounty Big Dog

    I know if i wanted to learn to sell dogs i would call him up and pretend i wanted to buy and then i would write down everything he said. hahahhha
  18. T.G. is a very knowlegable man when it comes to breeding and knowing his stock. I myself have combined R.lemm/TG's keep with a twist of my own along with my "raw diet" and I've compiled a record of 19-1-1!!! I will live and die by TG/Le mm keep.
  19. bounty

    bounty Big Dog

    WOW... finally someone on here with an ability to think for themselves. Who would thought???
  20. redwar

    redwar Big Dog

    Sig, for the sake of conversation, why did you choose those two keeps to build off of, there are many keeps out there one could choose as a starting point what was it these two had that made them stand out? How much of those keeps do you follow exactly as you learned/were told or have you tweaked them a lot? Also you stated you combined the TG/Lemm keeps with a twist of your own plus your own diet, why do you not consider it your own keep?

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