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This is why I fled Ontario's pit bull ban

Discussion in 'Laws & Legislation' started by kensloft, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. kensloft

    kensloft Big Dog

    It's five o'clock in the morning and Zeus is on his constitutional before I go off to work.

    We're a couple of blocks from home and from out of the dark appears this leashless furball in full flight heading towards Zeus. The "I've got my dog under voice control" owner is across the street a few houses down.

    The dog stops and Zeus is fully aware of its presence. Once their eyes met the dog attacked. Zeus defended himself. By the time the owner arrived it looked like his dog was beating Zeus but looks can be deceiving.

    The larger dog, when it reared up, allowed Zeus to get into his underbelly. While the Huskiesh dog was biting air Zeus was punishing him.

    The owner came along and got in between them forcing Zeus away by running into his chain and pinning his dog to the ground. Being no fight Zeus stood off to the side. I pulled his chain and he came over to my side.

    I didn't try to use the chain to pull Zeus out of the way because I had learned from other fights, where he had been attacked by leashless dogs, that pulling him away throws him off balance allowing the aggressor to chase and chomp, at will, the leashed, off-balance victim.

    Zeus was unscathed. I don't know about the other dog. When I went back later this afternoon I didn't see any traces of blood on the street so I hope that it is OK. It's in the neighbourhood. I'm sure I'll find out.

    Were we in Toronto Zeus would be muzzled and neutered. The attorney-general would probaly call it Karma. It was a law that was passed out of sheer emotionalism fanned by a press that knew it had this fawning dolt in office. Laws are supposed to made rationally. This law was thrown together like the ratiional incarceration of the Japanese during WWll.

    I'm glad I'm out here and away from the laws that the fictional sensationalism of journalism has wrought against the Staffordshires, their cousins and their owners.

    Some day soon the lights will go on and the aspirations to be the Premier of Ontario will vanish like the fascist law that they, under his tutelege, dreamed up to protect people from vicious dogs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2006
  2. Something very similar happened to me, but it was a 6 year old girl who didnt have her pit mix on a leash, and our old male pit dakota doesnt like other males very much, i kept telling her to grab her dog, dont let him come near us, but her dog charged at us growling and barking. Koda got a piece of him and didnt want to let go. I finally got them apart, but told the girl she needs to have her dog on a leash at all times. And type of parent lets their 6 year old daughter walk the dog alone, when the dog weighs more than the girl at that point.

    People arent very responisble when it comes to their pets, and their kids i guess.
  3. lockjaw

    lockjaw CH Dog

    you should see the fun i go trough trying to walk my dog in brazil..no spca and the streets are full...most of them have learned by watching there buddy tossed around..all i can do is have him on a chain..i refuse to stop walking him..because other people dont care about there dogs and let them run loose...i tell him walk..he grabs the chain off the wall and shakes it it a deadly speed..i wont even come close till he cools off...but ive had a dog come running,more like chargeing as soon as the dog got close enough..the dog starts screaming ,turns and peeling out in the opposite derection..hits a tree..almost breaks his leg..my dog just looks at me like whats up with him..most dogs ...its like they know..its not worth trying.
  4. Mercepitdog

    Mercepitdog Big Dog

    Theres nothing in el salvador to protect those dog or animals really. Their often killed by bored teenagers or fought
  5. Thats sad no one cares for the animals down there, and the streets are full. Hopefully something will change soon and you'll be able to walk your dogs in peace :)
  6. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    I would gladly trade having to meet a couple strays on the street for having PETA and the HS's influence everyone and come and kill innocent dogs just because they are APBT. Be careful what you wish for.
  7. simms

    simms CH Dog

    You openly in public let your dog scrap with a curr.....and let me get this straight it's happened before??? OMG...LOL

    You are a walking accident with a pitbull type dog on the end of your leash/chain.....Walking headline.

    You made No effort to stop that curr, you allowed your dog to make contact....even on a leash. Did you have a parting stick? If so, Why didn't you use it? Did you try to pick your dog up? Did you do anything to avoid this? Why didn't you go to kicken the dog doo out of that curr, just to keep him off your dog?

    To make matters worse you allowed the owner of the other dog to make the first move in sepparating the 2 dogs.....Did you speak with this owner after the incedent? Do you know if the owner of the other dog got bitten in the heat of the scuffle...by your dog or his?

    Find a private area to exercise or walk your dog, Do not walk your dog in a residential area....It is painfully clear that you can not handle your dog or any sittuation that may arise with him. The sittuations that you describe with your dog is why they have these laws in place and why they are passing them all over the world. Sound's as if you think everyone is out to get you and your dog.......

    Please stay in Cannada, do not migrate south as we have enough BSL issues to contend with.....LOL j/k LOL
  8. kensloft

    kensloft Big Dog

    You couldn't pay me enough to move down South. Been there. Seen it. Lived it and got the T-shirt. Canada is the best. You may think that yours is but, then again, presumption seems to be a trait.

    From between parked cars the furball appeared. It wasn't like I was watching him come up the road towards my dog. It startled and surprised both of us. He was eight feet away when he popped into view. Zeus, busy smelling the p-mail, turned and the dog launched itself at his intended victim. There was no pulling the chain because all that would have done was come up empty because of the slack in his leash.

    I did not let go of the leash because that would have been a fight.

    I did talk to the owner as he was rescuing my dog. He told me that his dog gets along well with other dogs except males. When I asked him how old his dog was he told me that it was 2 and a half. He didn't even have a leash with him.

    I live in a residential neighbourhood and I walk him on the leash. Because there are no facillities for the dog on his walks I don't even let him off to play with other dogs that want to play with him because he is an alpha male. If another male showed up that could evolve into a fight so, rather than that I keep him on his leash. People understand and respect my decision. Were there a fenced in area I would be only too glad to let him romp with other dogs.

    People are struck by the fact that this vibrant, energetic dog is ten years old. Other dogs his age are, as a rule, slowed down. In ten years there have been a multitude of attacks and near attacks on my dog by the leashless canines that their mindless owners allow to roam. Rule of thumb is that they are, generally, larger breed dogs such as shepherds, rottweillers, huskies and many others. This is the third attack where he has fought off an aggressive dog. This is over his lifetime. There are the multitude of instances where I would be warning the far-off owners to get their dogs.

    If they are friendly so is Zeus. He is well socialized with humans and dogs. He doesn't hold it against the owner if there is an aggressive dog. When he meets the owner without the dog he gives him the same chance to pet and scratch him that he would give to anyone else. No snarling or barking aggression. I know that he knows who the owner is!

    You have to be there to appreciate what transpired. Armchair quarterbacking and coaching doesn't do it.

    On an average day Zeus meets three or four dogs. Vancouver is a dog friendly city. There is only the wanting to meet, hang out and play that is on his mind. He is not aggressive. He learned when he was young that other breeds like to play too. Big or small doesn't matter. What matters is that they want to be pals.

    I could see the first of this breed working in the mines hauling railcars filled with ore. That is the pit bull that I've come to know and love. A working dog that helps his master/friend.

    Kicking the dog doo out of the other dog won't do much in the heat of the fight. It will take my attention off of my dog and then it'll be a two on one scenario.

    I appreciate your sentiment but you weren't there.

  9. simms

    simms CH Dog

    No, I wasn't there ....however I know how I would of handled the situation. :)

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