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Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by debodebo, Jul 29, 2006.

  1. debodebo

    debodebo Top Dog

    I have been ordered to give 2 five minute speeches in front of a few hundred people for my speech class. I go to college in Lousiana. One has to be a informative and the other has to be a persuasive. Each has to have four quotes and have 4 different sources. My professor who owns a pit bull has suggested that I do my speeches on them. Any good quotes or letters or even statistical information would be appreciated. I do not write that good and want these speeches to actually inform and persuade people to stop sterotyping our dogs.
  2. apbtluver

    apbtluver Top Dog

    If you have use of a projector I did mine on the same thing and used the "Find the pit bull" website and only one person was able to pick out the right dog. I had a few people come up to me and tell me that they never realized how many dogs look like our breed and I used that to further prove that BSL is no good and it shows that our breed gets blamed when a lot of times it isn't true.

    I'll PM you more stuff that I used. I also brought one of my dogs in with me.
    debodebo likes this.
  3. Yeah..that "Find the Pit Bull" Is a great thing to show and talk about......because (you're right) a lot of people don' know and realize what they look like and how many look like them!

    (I have had to do this plenty of times) you can also compare dog bites (by breed) why they are banning the dogs...when it takes a human to teach it this way! Here is a website you could use! We arent even listed.....YEAH!
  4. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    Please use this quote I use it on ym Yahoo profile and to me it reminds me of a APBT and also reminds me of the good old days when I did martial arts...

    " You may defeat me, you may destroy me, but you will never conquer me "

    I really like that quote, it explains undying will power
  5. kensloft

    kensloft Big Dog

    During the controversy, prior to the enactment of the anti-pit bull legislation in Ontario, Canada, the Attorney General was accosted by the press in a hallway in the legislative building about his refusal to listen to experts on the canine.

    The government, as part of its vendetta, produced a brochure with about 40 different dogs on its cover which included, of course, the infamous 'pit bull'.

    Holding this brochure in her hand the interviewer asked Michael Bryant if he could recognize the 'pit bull' in the picture?

    The Attorney General, without a pause, pointed out the 'pit bull' in the picture to the reporter. Unbeknownst to him the station had moved the picture of the pit bull from that position and inserted another breed in its place. When he was confronted with this fact by the reporter he began to cry foul. He didn't bother to try and find the 'pit bull'.

    He was on automatic pilot. You'll find that that is the mindset that most people are in when it comes to identifying the 'pit bull'. Bandwagoneering is their claim to fame. Reality is out of the question.
  6. apbtluver

    apbtluver Top Dog

    They had him on video and he yelled to get the camera out of his face. Anyone know where that clip is? I forgot all about that kensloft. You should play that for them.
  7. kensloft

    kensloft Big Dog

    It was the reporter from CITY TV. It's probably in their archives.
  8. Suki

    Suki Guest

    I'm at work right now, but when do you need it by? I'll help yah, no problem...

    home now, (11:00), and you have mail.....
  9. Marty

    Marty Guest

    You got a link to the vid?

    This would be the time to share it here, hint, hint ;)
  10. debodebo

    debodebo Top Dog

    Thanks everyone fo your help. I better get busy. The persuasive speech is due this Tuesday. The professor really did not give me to much time to get a quality speech written. Atleast the way I right. I will let everyone know how the people react to it.
  11. Suki

    Suki Guest



    when I spoke before the Salem, MA council, I made 11 copies of this and passed them out. Even the Fox News reporter couldn't correctly identify the "pit bull"...
  12. Suki

    Suki Guest

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