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PUPPY WINNER for APRIL goes tooooo......

Discussion in 'Puppy of the Month' started by FearlessKnight, May 4, 2007.

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  1. JaystreetsA4's SPIKE!!!!

  2. Scratchy

    Scratchy Guest

    Congrats JayStreets, you and Spike deserve it. He looks very well taken care of.
  3. Turner

    Turner Big Dog

    Congrats!! Very well deserved ;)
  4. WOW!

    He looks good! How old?
  5. Patch O' Pits

    Patch O' Pits CH Dog

  6. scratchin dog

    scratchin dog CH Dog

    Congrats Jay!! Spike deserves it, he's a great looking dog.
  7. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    Congrats Jay! A win well-deserved :D
  8. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    Congrats to you and Spike!
  9. jaystreetsA4

    jaystreetsA4 Top Dog

    thanx everyone!:D spike says thanks too. he's coming up on a year soon. 10 months in tht picture.:)
  10. Phebes

    Phebes Guest

    Great looking boy :)
  11. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    Right on. Congrats Jay and Spike!
  12. minicopilot

    minicopilot Banned

    Congrats Jay! That's a stunning pup! He's in fantastic shape.
    Nice photography. I have to get me one like that!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2007
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