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Prey model or Barf Diet

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by TRUEPITS, Nov 4, 2009.


    TRUEPITS Big Dog

    I have been reading up on these two and some forums they say they are one in the same others say its totally different prey model doesn't believe in feeding anything else other then meat, bones and organs they say its all that is needed. Others say no they do need to be on Barf diet and utilize veggies and fruits...Anywho I am very interested in doing raw diet either prey model or barf diet and so far I have had great people to kinda guide me but I wanted to know more on prey model diet...ANybody here does the prey model diet? I know some do the Barf diet...anyways any more information would be great. I have read through all the threads on this forum on raw diet...still need more info..Thanks
  2. lunadogge

    lunadogge Pup

    Join Raw Feeding on Yahoo groups, all the info you need.

    TRUEPITS Big Dog

    i have but looks weird...and really no body really gets into that topic...and really say as to why they prefer barf or prey model...
  4. lunadogge

    lunadogge Pup

    The Raw Feeding yahoo group leans toward the prey model diet and the answer is there if you use the search funtion. http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/rawfeeding/

    I feed a prey model diet becasue it is very straight forward.
    BARF is Dr. Billinghurst's version of kibble. He based barf off of previous raw diets but created a variety of "necessary" products and supplements that have to be included and can be purchased through his company.

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