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more bad news for the apbt

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by prpitdawg, May 13, 2009.

  1. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    here we go again. i don't know if it mentions much about this in the article, but the vicious dog committee is involved now. looks like we are going to have another fight against bsl in our community.:(:mad: they showed video of the dog and it does look to be at least a pb mix. though they did say repeatedly that the boy was antagonizing the dog.

  2. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    this sucks =( where is the video I can't find it ?
  3. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    i don't think they put the video on their website. it was on the news last night though. i'll try to find it and if i do i'll post it.

    ps: if they decide to try to pass bsl b/c of this i'll let ya'll know. i hope i get as much support stopping this negative press as i did last time. thanks.
  4. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    this really aggrevtes me. if the stupid kid was antagonizing the dog then he got what he deserved and if the dog is a mix then it should say mix to many damn people lable any mut a pitbull these people on the media are ridiculous and i really wish i could kick all their asses they are selfich hypocrites who do not give a crap who or what they destroy the f***ing media needs to be held accountable for all the lies and misrepresentation they put out their has to be something we can do to stop this crap
  5. TheVictor22

    TheVictor22 CH Dog

    I agree.... But the media paints Whatever pictur they want.. How ever if it would have said a pitbull/lab mix. It's still a pit mix and the pit side is were the agresion came from. It's bull sh*t.

  6. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    i hear ya brother. last time they pulled this $hit though i think we got enough people jumping down their throat that they changed the article. it's a constant fight. but all we can do is keep fighting.
  7. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Thats a pretty F**KED up thing to say, that is an 8 year old child, if it was your kid would you still feel that way? I doubt it! I could understand your point of view had it been a teenager but most young kids are cruel or mean to animals (not on purpose, they just don't realize what their doing is teasing the dog, and if they never were around animals then they wouldn't know how to properly act around them. Antagonizing or not, that dog would get a .380 hydro-shock slug in his mellon way before AC showd up..........................
    If the owners of said dog were responsible people then the incident wouldn't have happened regardless what the brat was doing......Sounds to me like the dog was on a chain in an unfenced yard? The article don't really say though, it just makes reference to chained dogs, either way, kids will always just be a kids and if you chain your dog then a simple fence around your property would prevent this in most cases...I have no tolerence for these dogs or any dog for that matter, biting kids or people unless it's a house dog and someone is intruding in your home. Biters get dirt naps provoked or otherwise!!!!!!!.........
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2009
  8. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    i don't think it was ok that the dog bit the kid, but i also don't think that it was all the dog's fault. just to clarify the situation. the dog lived on a chain in a fenced yard. though the chain could reach to the fence. they showed the video of the yard on the news. the boy had been warned to quit antagonizing the dog, he didn't listen, nor did his parents step in. my daughter is 8 and she knows full well not to aggravate strange dogs. yes the dog should be put down. i'd put my own dogs down for that crap. i also think though the child's parents should be held accountable for not properly supervising their 8 yr old. now they've got all over the news on how to protect yourself and your children from vicious dogs. bet you can't guess what breed they have pictured as the background of their instructions? the media is full of $hit most of the time anyway. don't worry i'm going to raise hell about them putting a snarling apbt as that background picture.
  9. StopBSL

    StopBSL Top Dog

    Definitely don't give up on making the media in your area see your point of view.

    If you can attend any meetings your town has about this DO, and bring as much support as you can find.

    If the people who live in your area aren't willing to stand up against BSL then you've already lost. That's 100% true every time.

    I really hope this turns out alright. . .


    you should bring info from the CDC's dog and child safety packet. I have them on www.stop-bsl.com and you can find them if you go to the AVMA website and look for brochures.

    It has info about dogs and kids including dog bite prevention. The basics go a long way to PREVENT this kind of thing.
  10. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I agree with all of this........ a dog is just an animal that lacks the ability to reason, it's a tricky situation, all I know is my first APBT was insanly human aggressive, ( I was to blame for this, not the dogs fault at all, he only did what he though I wanted of him) I lived in a bad neighborhood at the time and I didn't really know better, so I encourage the aggressivness, (note: after having a dog that aggressive with people and what a headache it can become, I never encouraged human aggressiveness in my dogs ever again, it's just way to much responsibilty and liability on my part to have to deal with such a dog, now, I just put my foot in that ass if they show any H.A at all;)) however, I had him for 5 years and he never bit anyone...why is this? because even though I was being irresponsable by raising him this way, I took the extra precautions necessary to ensure he never could get the chance to get loose and bite a passer-by. As far as punishing the parents go, thats an even tougher situation seeing as the kid was in his own back yard....
  11. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    It's sad for the boy and for the dog that had to be put down. Human stupidity, once again.
  12. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    thanks. we are doing what we can. but in this area it seems to be an uphill battle. there are alot of ignorant people who see one thing and apply it to everything. i'm rallying the troops right now. i know where this is going, and am trying to stop it before it gets too far.
  13. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    i don't think it was actually in the boy's yard. from what they say the owners had the dog on a leash in their front yard and that's where the boy was antagonizing it. it's sad for all involved. the neighborhood where it happened is a rough one. i'm not saying the owners shouldn't have responsibility for the dog's actions. but i know i don't let my 8 year old run around w/o supervision. i don't doubt one bit they didn't discourage ha in the dog. i know the neighborhood. the majority of the people there think that crap is acceptable. then they act surprised when someone gets bit. luckily i live in the county. people don't just walk up and down my road, though none of my dogs would bite them if they did. this is the second time within a few months that the media has reported an attack by a pit bull type dog. we are going to have one helluva fight on our hands.:(
  14. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    You said it right there Michelle. Stupidity on the kid's part for not minding his parents, stupidity on the parents part for not putting a foot in their kid's butt & stupidity on the owner's part for not putting up a privacy fence! And who pays the ultimate price? The dog!

    As for the kid, I do not know how severe the injuries were, as I could not view the video. But if the kid was told to stop antagonizing the dog & he continued then YES, he got what he deserved! And before anyone cries any crazy stuff guess what - I did the same thing the kid did once & got bit too!!!!

    My neighbors had a St. Bernard that I had played with the whole day. Night was falling & they told me several times not to bother the dog while it was eating. Guess what my stupid little self did? Went over & stuck my face in his while he was eating & I got bit in the face!

    I was terrified to go back home as I knew I had defied my mother, but I had no choice. My mom just washed the cuts & then guess what? I got a spanking for disbeying her! it wasn't "oh, poor you!" or "oh, my poor kid!" It was spanking time for defying mother was what it was & guess what she told me? "We told you to stay away from the dog. You got what you deserved!" And I did! I had been warned.

    Now again, I do not know the extent of this child's injuries, but to say a teased dog who was in the words of one poster "antagonized" & bit but yet the kid gets off scot-free even after he was told to leave the dog alone to me is ludacrous!

    But anyway ... back to the OP, write letters or even better go to every council meeting personally & I would also find the stats on what mix the dog was & the attacks therof. If it is a pit/Lab for example, point out it was a purebred LAB who ripped it's owner's face off!

    Fight the good fight & good luck! :mad:

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