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long legs at 3 months?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by pepper_mommy, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. pepper_mommy

    pepper_mommy Big Dog

    pepper is quickly approaching the 3 month old mark and she looks like a friggin horse anymore!!! she is getting SO big SO fast but her legs are so long that fo a few days there i even questioned if she was indeed an APBT and i was assured by the "breeder" that she is, but it seems her legs are growing faster than the rest of her! she is my first one so i dont have the ability for a compare and contrast and the books i have dont exactly show month by month pics! soooooooo, at about this age is the "dopey" stage? (that is what we called it with the rotties when their legs and ears grew faster than the rest of them, but that was closer to 5 months. can anyone assure me that she is not mixed with a daddy long leg?? :):p
  2. maryellen1

    maryellen1 Guest

    rufus did the same thing, at 3 months he started to get all weird looking, long legs, short body.. then at 6 months he got even gawkier.. by the time he hit one it all came together nicely, he grew into his legs/body, and looked normal, not like an alien...
  3. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    Pepper should be cool, all my dogs that i have had have gone through that same lanky stage. Don't worry she'll even out.
  4. see what she looks like full grown she,ll probally grow into them. I had a female that looked like that and it tourned out just fine.
  5. cemoreno

    cemoreno Top Dog

    Anita looks like that her legs all long and stuff. She's 6mos. today still growing is all I can say. The worry with Anita was that she is so small she wieghs a whoping 17lbs. LOL!!!!!!!
    Her mommy only wieghed I think 32lbs so I think she's fine. After all she did pull the couch with me on it about two inches yesterday. she just really wanted to play with the cat. he was taunting her. so she kept pulling I had to untie her and put her outside so she wouldn't hurt herself pulling all that wieght so young carzy girly.

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  6. pepper_mommy

    pepper_mommy Big Dog

    thanks guys!! i am just shocked over how tall she is for her body right now! lol, but i guess its just mother hen worrying! :)
  7. she is fine pepper,all she is doing is growing at this point it is kind of hard to say if she will just grow into them or if she will be a slightly more leggy dog.but either way she will be fine.

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