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knot on belly after spay?

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by pepper_mommy, May 29, 2006.

  1. pepper_mommy

    pepper_mommy Big Dog

    so we got pepper spayed at SANTA (spay and nueter team of atlanta) last thursday and she has developed a hard "knot" under her skin where the incision was made and she doesnt seem like it hurts but its buldging. there is no bruising or weeping at the site and just wondered if any of you have had any issues like this after a spay?
    also they seemed to have cut her nails REALLY short, and it looks like below the quick....ouch! they are closed today so i cant call and ask them!
  2. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Hmmm. Sounds like it might possibly be a hernia of some sort. If it is, it's not a life or death situation, but it would need repair. I would just wait until Tuesday & give them a ring.
  3. pepper_mommy

    pepper_mommy Big Dog

    unfortunately they dont take calls on tuesday either, so it will be wednesday. i was hoping it was just localized swelling like i had after a csection, but its harder then swollen tissue but appears to be painless to her. thanks though!
  4. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    I have seen "lumps" and "bumps" on their incisions a million times,,normally its just tissue swelling from surgery,,as long as the site dosen't look red and looks to be healing,,it usually is nothing
  5. pepper_mommy

    pepper_mommy Big Dog

    thanks catcher, yes the area looks fine, its just hardish and buldging out a little,but no discoloration and the glue is gone and looks like it is healing well. thanks for your help! :)
  6. missybee16

    missybee16 CH Dog

    Sounds totally normal after surgery. A hernia would pooch out & show more than swelling. My one girl had that happen, but it's cause she was over weight some.
  7. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    I dunno guys. I had a pup that had a hard little knot protuding from her belly. It was about the size of the end of my pinkie finger. The vet ended up diagnosing it as a hernia.

    None of my guys ever had any of this type of "bump" from spays/neuters, but a hernia could occur if tissue bulges between the sutures or a stitch pops.

    But maybe y'all are right ... it could be normal, but I would still have a vet look at it just in case.

    Good luck! :)
  8. pepper_mommy

    pepper_mommy Big Dog

    thanks ABK for the concern, i am still calling the vet again wednesday, but i just wanted you all opinion to maybe ease my mind a little before then!! :) i am such a worry wart!! thanks for the help missybee!
  9. cemoreno

    cemoreno Top Dog

    Hey pepper my cat had this problem and the vet diagnosed it as hernia as well. Get your little girly looked at, and do keep us posted.
  10. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    No problem Pepper. I am a worry-wart too. lol.
  11. it is probally just the tissue healing,but call the vet like you were going to and make sure that she is ok.
  12. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Probably a small cyst in the scar tissue. It should pass but if it grows or gets red take her to the vet. hernia is possible but normally those kind if you lay them on their back shrink some an protrude more standing. Not nomally hard. If in doubt though have it checked out.
  13. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    It sounds like a seroma--a collection of blood & fluid underneath the incision site. This commonly occurs when people do not follow the exercise restriction orders & allow their dogs to go back to their normal activities too soon after surgery. However, it's always best to have it looked at, so call & bring her in. You shouldn't even have to wait, they should be able to diagnose the problem right away.
  14. pepper_mommy

    pepper_mommy Big Dog

    miakoda, she was 8 weeks and a day when she got spayed so it was nearly impossible to keep her from running around the next day, matter of fact at about midnight the drugs must have worn off b/c she was jumping all over me and licking my neck and hair while i was trying to sleep! :) the vet actually called yesterday and spoke with my fiancee and said that it was very normal and as long as it wasnt dicolored or weepy or the insicion was opening, she is fine, but if it is still buldgy in a week to bring her back in or if she appears to have pain bring her in immediately. so all is well. trust me though, i would have tried to follow any orders as well as i could and not cause any damage to my pup, but she is a rambunctious (sp?) puppy and was very much ready to play as soon as it was possible to stand!!

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