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just wanted to share some ignorance i ran across

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by pepper_mommy, May 17, 2006.

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  1. pepper_mommy

    pepper_mommy Big Dog

  2. JuicyCa

    JuicyCa Big Dog

    Only idiots sell their dogs on MySpace. If you have to post in a freaking MySpace forum to peddle your BYB puppies, then you definitely have a problem. It's such a 180 from this site. Here, most of the people are intelligent and knowledgeable about the breed, but in those MySpace groups there come along some of the most ignorant people ever. I totally went off on some chick about a week ago, because she was trying to sell unregistered pups from "rednose bloodline" for $450. She wouldn't tell me why they weren't registered, but supposedly the parents are. YEAH RIGHT. It's a long story, but that's just an example of what kind of idiots we're dealing with here. Thank God for game-dog.com LOL!
  3. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Lets take it up with the owner/user of the site if you have a problem, its not fair to critisize someone when they dont have the opportunity to speak for themselves.
  4. B

    B CH Dog

    You don't know him or his dogs and that doesn't give you a right to publically bash him. They appear healthy (fat). There are people out there doing far worse. Topic closed.


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