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just about.....

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by mac 11, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. performanceknls

    performanceknls Top Dog

    I am so sorry to hear that! keep us updated
  2. Nell_Bell

    Nell_Bell Big Dog

    215pitts posted a website for me last night when my dog got into the nicotine pills http://www.workingdogs.com/doc0175.htm . It gave a lot of the symptoms of different poisonings and what to feed during the recovery phase. So if poisoning is suspected, it might have some helpful information

    Hope thing are getting a little better. I'll pray for you all!
  3. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    Gaud... has the vet done a full blood work panel?
  4. JamesT

    JamesT Top Dog

    Damn dude sorry to hear that ,hope she pulls though.Is it possible she was poisoned that happend to a friends dog,he had the same symptoms???
  5. ~P.Champ~

    ~P.Champ~ Pup

    How long have you been staying @ your buddies house without her being sick or going through this?

    Is she or has she been sleeping in the same location overnight without being sick in the morning?

    Is she the only dog @ your location?

    damn dude....this sucks, and it sucks even more...because the vet seems to not know WTF is going on. The only thing i can say (if your not already doing this) if possible make sure she is well supervised overnight and also make sure that something has not gotten into her food or possibly in her water bowl. Good Luck!
  6. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    answers to ?'s fisrst: The vet has not done a full panel blood work because she thought it was something from raw fish called ricketts (sp) but my dog was not the only one who had the same fish.

    I've been at my buddies house for about a month and this just started Sunday. That morning she was in the bed with me and I woke to her licking her lips and I told her to get down and she didn't respond. I got up and turn on the light and she had threw up and peed on herself. I moved her to a room with tile so she won't stain anything and it's the same thing.

    Including her there are four dogs here, two puppies and two grown females.

    Went back to the vet today and she did an x-ray to see if there was anything in her gi tract. Nothing there but she did notice something she said might be an Pyometra. In my dogs case if thats what it is, it would be consider a closed pyometra. Thats when the uterus is infected and fills with pus and leaks through the vulva. In a closed pyometra the cervix is closed so it leaks internally and the pus acts as a toxin and makes the dog sicker than if it was leaking out of the vulva. The only way to correct that is to have surgery and spay the bitch. Now I'm really hurt cause I don't want my bitch to die and don't want to spay her but if that will save her life then phuck it I will do it. thats the next problem no money, so now I have to pray for a blessing cause I don't see this situation getting any better. Thats the update for the day, I'm taking day by day so if any changes I will let you guys know. Thanks also for everyones concern it helps to know I have group of strangers that will be there and give there advice.
  7. marshall619

    marshall619 Top Dog

    Wow, sorry to hear this. If it is pyometra, IMO getting her spayed is the right thing to do. I know it sucks because you may have future plans w/ her breeding wise, but her life is more important. Hopefully things will get better. I will definitely be praying for you.

  8. Turner

    Turner Big Dog

    That sucks bro. Hopefully all gets better and she makes a full recovery without needing any surgery!
  9. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    Rickets from fish?! Isn't rickets a malabsorpation of vitamin D and calcium causing bone and joint problems?

    My girl Arez had Pyometra but my vet told me she could open her up, clean her out and close her back up if I wanted to breed her, BUT once they get it, they are more prone to getting it again. I opted to just spay her than to risk her getting it again and loosing her, but the option was there according to my vet.

    I don't know... this vet sounds like a quack if they are telling you your dog got rickets from eating fish. I'd get a second opinion if you can.
  10. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    Here's a quote I pulled out on rickets..

    [FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Rickets[/FONT] <CENTER>[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]General Information:[/FONT]</CENTER>[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Rickets is a disease of young, growing animals. It is characterized by improper bone development. Typical signs include swelling of the joints and bending or bowing of the bones in the legs. Fractures occur easily because of poor bone development.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Rickets is caused by a dietary imbalance of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D. Because most dogs are fed commercial dog foods that are properly balanced, the disease is not common. Improper mineral supplementation or a diet high in meats can cause rickets.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Diet control is extremely important in treating rickets. Do not make any diet changes without consulting your veterinarian.[/FONT] <CENTER>[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Notify your veterinarian if any of the following occur:[/FONT]</CENTER>
    • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Your pet refuses to use one or more legs.[/FONT]
    • [FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Your pet becomes increasingly weak.[/FONT]
  11. Nell_Bell

    Nell_Bell Big Dog

  12. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    i agree you gotta do what's best for the dog. i had an awesome bitch who was an all around great dog, but for her health she had to be spayed. tore me up, but it's better than the dog suffering. sometimes vets will spay at a discount if you're having financial problems. it doesn't hurt to ask. good luck. i'll pray for both of you.
  13. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    Damn it, thats it she said (vet) that it only came from salmon. I did feed her raw trout and all those symtoms she has except the fever.
  14. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    if you can swing it i'd get a second opinion. that might help ya'll figure out what's going on. i'm not knocking your vet, it just helps to get a second opinion sometimes.
  15. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    Well there you. You should call the vet and tell her. Go ahead and start treating her for this. It should be cheaper than surgery. Hope you all the best with the situation and keep us updated on her please.
  16. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    Well the only thing about that is when they did the test for eggs of parasites it came back negative. That was the first thing the vet was wrong. But, I told her the history of my dogs heat cycle and she said it made a little more sense that it could be pyometra. My bitch has only had one visable cycle when she was 8 months. Her vulva started swelling in December around 18-19 months of age. Everyone knows thats signs of a heat cycle but know its March and still know heat and her vulva has not gone down in size just gradually getting bigger. I will get a second opinion today. The vet I'm going to know is not my normal vet its just close to the house and my buddies vet.
  17. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned


    I look at this pic and get mad, thats the dog I know. Now she isn't a fraction of herself. Will post updated pics soon.
  18. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    Awwwww......... she is a real beaty. I'm so sorry you are going through all this. :(
  19. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    She is a beauty of a dog. I hope this gets fixed for you.
  20. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    I hope all goes well, sucks when they are sick and you can't really do anything about it when they cannot determend exactly what it is in the first place.

    My thoughts are with you.

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