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heavy mayday

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by gogettem, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. Dr_jitsu

    Dr_jitsu Big Dog

    I have viewed some of your posts...it seems you like to run your mouth a lot.

    TNKIDD Pup

    It also seems for someone who has had such greats and knows so much, you asked a bunch of green questions less than two years ago. Funny how the internet works huh...lmao:rolleyes:
  3. Foe Dream

    Foe Dream Pup

    Mayday /nigerino Has me Sold right Now
  4. Dr_jitsu

    Dr_jitsu Big Dog

    Wow, are you cyber stalking me? Your knowledge of me and what I did 2 years ago is rather creepy.

    Please direct your man obsession elsewhere.
  5. Dr_jitsu

    Dr_jitsu Big Dog

    Between you and RedGoodbyes',s need for public masturbation, I think I will stay out of this thread from now on.

    TNKIDD Pup

    LMAO...your a complete tool. I didn't stalk you, I just used my really amazing powers (i looked at your profile, it shows all post anyone has made).
  7. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    ^ super sleuth in action ;) using the super rare internet powers, some might even say "search"

    this whole thing is akin to "if i pick my nose- its no big deal, BUT- if i see YOU picking your nose, its gross" ...dr.jitsu, you have been beat at your own game and dont even realize it
  8. I have been visiting many forums lately trying to find some tight Liese's Bomb stuff to go with my little female.

    While lurking/viewing I keep seeing misconceptions that the Shago dogs are from the Philippines and also that they are heavy Mayday dogs. Neither is true. Far from the truth on both statements.

    The Shago dogs are from San Francisco California. Shago himself claimed to be from Hawaii, but that isn't a truth. Maybe his "family" came from Hawaii but Shago was a San Francisco boy. His dogs were created in San Francisco and were never sold out of California.

    The dogs were created out of old Bert Sorrell dogs, yet are so far removed from that, they aren't Sorrell dogs. They also hold Corvino, Patricks, Carver dogs yet are none of that. It is what Shago did with them that makes them Shago dogs. He bred them towards the big Sorrell dogs in their pedigree's and the Hammonds Alligator dogs in their pedigree's. He created Tall, Huge, Monsters.

    They started being called man biters because they were Huge and not bred game to game, but I have personally pet, sat with many early Shago dogs and was never bit, growled at, or felt threatened. He gave them that image by advertising them as Guard Dogs. Who owns a American Pit Bull Terrier as a Guard Dog?

    My female is a tiny 28lbs girl. Full grown adult bitch and 28lbs. So if put together correctly you won't get Giants out of this line. While heavy Jackson's Hitler, I want to track down some Liese's Bomb dogs. I don't want to own a dog that isn't off of my female.

    Sorry for the ramble but seeing Shago dogs being called Mayday dogs and seeing that they are stated as being from the Philippines, I just couldn't keep quiet.
  9. Forever-So REAL

    Forever-So REAL Quintuple Grand Champion

    But it was said 4 years ago lol..
  10. Yet the internet and what is placed on it is everlasting.

    People will be searching bloodlines online as long as people own dogs and the internet exist.

    Thus it is important to correct misinformation no matter how outdated it may seem. Just like with school text books must be changed when history and/or beliefs have been documented incorrectly.

    I would not be a responsible owner of this bloodline if I allowed a Newbie to "research" and purchase a Shago dog believing that it is a Mayday (it is stated on some sites that Shago Victory Dollars created the dog Mayday) dog. Or that it a magical bloodline that was secretly created overseas. These things just are NOT true. And the truth needs to be placed out there before mistake purchases are made and more of our wonderful breed are placed in dog pounds or are on T.V. in one of those Pit Bull & Parolee shows.

  11. 100% this.....

    I'm born n raised in the bay area. Shago himself was/is a very good friend of mine n another buddy I worked with at a local tattoo shop.

    Most of what the previous poster said is true, but shago actually spent much of him life in Hawaii, and still spoke with a heavy Hawaiian/pigeon accent. I don't know the details, but he was sort of adopted by an older white man n came to the mainland in the bay area. Once in the bay area, he resided in San Mateo, ca.

    Yes.... his dogs were very heavy in sorrell bloodlines, but his dogs were HUGE when compared to more traditional standards. Nothin like "bullys" of today, but his males were hittin an easy 70-80lbs. Of the dogs I actually interacted with, and even owned, they were VERY game. "Medusa" comes to mind, "psycho slut" also.... he had paperwork that I've seen with my own eyes, looked original n not copies, from the late 1800's/early 1900's. Now, wether or not the papers are descendants of his dogs, who the fuck knows, but still impressive.

    So... no, shago dogs are not from the Philippines. No, they are not traditional sizes. But, they aren't fat or clumsy. They are very tone n very athletic n have drive n stamina for ddaayyssss. So, yes.... these dogs are insanely game.

    Last I heard he's still in the bay.... I might try n get a hold of him, since he technically owes me a free pup. Hopefully he's still breeding.
  12. bushwick

    bushwick Big Dog

    Doesn't make them "game"

  13. Well I can vouch for their gameness.... trust me, shagos dogs are no f##king joke.

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