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Hard Body Gamedogs Past an Present

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by liquorice kid, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. liquorice kid

    liquorice kid Big Dog

    Come on Ya'll lets see them pics of some hard body gamedogs of the past and present !

    Good solid muscle , bone ect.

    heres my contribution !

    Attached Files:

  2. boogieman

    boogieman Big Dog

    I dont have a pic but I can say GR CH Da Beast is a perfect looking Bulldog
    cant say he is a Gamedog though he he he
  3. Was never a big fan of the Beast. Saw many off him stop.

    Firemans Rusty would be a good choice. Another would be Hollingsworths Bull..
  4. rooftopdrop

    rooftopdrop Big Dog

    lukane!!! nuf said:)
  5. boogieman

    boogieman Big Dog

    Well he stopped himself so the offspring doing the same is no surprise.

    Another awesome looking dog this one is from the past his name is Panther.

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