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handwalking??? (newbi)

Discussion in 'Sports & Activities' started by teras, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. teras

    teras Big Dog

    hi i got a basic question here. i see from here, keeps etc that handwalking is considered essential part of training and that works.

    my question is, why does it work at all???

    usualy dog walking pace is faster than human, and talking of a such athletic breed i realy dont understand why handwalking works. i understand mills , jeny etc where the dog can run, but how walking is gonna workout a pitbull i realy dont understand.
  2. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I was actually thinking the same thing but I did not have the balls to say it. I can walk my dog 3 miles and when I come back to the yard he'll freak out and start running circles in the yard. I usually walk him in the mornings with a backpack with a total of four pounds of weight for about a mile but that doesnt do much for him.
  3. Bxpits

    Bxpits CH Dog

    hand walking has to do with several things like consistent exercise, bonding and trusting the owner. when a dog is in the yard they may run or walk around for a few minutes then they lay down for an hour lol, walking gives them consistent work. just look at the people in the gym trying to lose weight by walking on the treadmill they walk all day too but its not consistent like if you were on the treadmill for an hour.
    im sure someone else has a better explanation than i do....
  4. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    The handler can't be lazy, and you have to be consistent. A fast pace while letting the dog pull is a work out for the handler and the hound. If you were to walk every day fast up and down hills, even though you are walking it is still improving your heart muscles as wells as cardio vascular endurance.
  5. teras

    teras Big Dog

    well, apart from the bond between handler and dog etc, there are people that swer by handwalking as a main conditioning method.

    so i still dont understand why it's a good method. i understand if you call it a good warmup.

    there must be something more in it
  6. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I can't handwalk my dog where I live as they describe above by having him pull ahead of me on a harness because if any dogs come out of nowhere or people I will not have time to control my dog. He is very strong also and if he sees something he likes to get at and has a harness allowing to pull he is going to drag me like a rag doll lol Also in my opinion if I let my dog pull me and I follow him like I am his bi@tch lol he is going to get nice and dynamic with me. My dog respects my space, the walk and anytime I go out of my house or at a door I go out before him and he waits for me to get out first.

    I don't know about that style of walking, I think in a big open field where there is no people or dogs that can not come out of corners I can see this being a good workout if I am letting him pull me a bit when we walk specially if there is hills.
  7. Crystal621

    Crystal621 Big Dog

    I live in a neighborhood and can't walk mine around like that either. I take them to a nature trail about 15 minutes from the house and go on a 5 mile hike.

    It's great for the dog, up hill, down hill, sand, and water...they love it and it's a good workout...for both of us lol
  8. InBearsMemory

    InBearsMemory Big Dog

    It all depends on how you do it as well. Some people like to let their dogs pull on the leash, which will give the dog a better workout since it is pulling against resistance, others attach a long leash letting the dog roam a little, in return increasing the actual distance walked for the dog.
    You can also add uphill sprints, jumping on objects such as concrete dividers or benches etc.
  9. Shameless

    Shameless Big Dog

    Walking has many benefits..

    -Dogs are roaming animals, being cooped up in a house or yard all day builds energy and eventually if not released can lead to stress and/or destructive behavior. It's good for their mind as well as body.

    -Walking is the basis for good condition in general and should be considered a good measuring tool on how fit and in shape your dog is. As you walk your dog you will learn how much is enough for them and you can monitor their progress as opposed to just guessing and throwing them into other activities, you'll have a level of conditioning you are sure of. [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If you fail to prepare your dog for the work, your dog will fail to do the work.[/FONT]

    -Walking can be as easy or complicated as you want to make it, you just have to be aware of your dogs body language and be able to tell when enough is enough. Steady, low impact cardio work is great for any animal. It's a prolonged, minimal effort way to build muscle and overall stamina.

    IE: You have to determine the level of your dogs condition so you start with a mile long walk. Do they appear tired afterward? Excessive panting/laying down/ slowing at the end of the walk? Well then you know to draw the line and continue at that length until that becomes easy for them. When it becomes easy, add another mile or half mile until you get the same results time and time again. When I reach about 5 miles, I start adding a backpack or flirt pole afterward. Sometimes during the walk i'll throw in random obedience exercises as well.

    This all depends of course on your own fitness level of course but I find it very helpful in aiding the stability of my dogs, mind and body. Constantly working your dog as hard as you can isn't good for the muscles, tendons, or joints. Muscles need recovery time after strenuous work and walking helps reduce lactic acid build up as well (speeding recovery time). It's underestimated because it's not very exciting and doesn't "appear" at first glance to be an amazing work out but you get results when you put in the time and effort.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2009
  10. Bxpits

    Bxpits CH Dog

    well put shameless
  11. synno2004

    synno2004 Top Dog

    if he walks faster than you try this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvSbVs4nEq4 ;)

    walking is essential like a few other members have posted, creates bond and trust. He Knows your limits and what is expected of him, also you can monitor his condition.


  13. dajuice

    dajuice Big Dog

    It aint what you do it's how you do it. Instead of using the standard 6 foot lead. Put you dog on a 15-20 foot lead or better and keep up a brisk pace. Your dog will cover more mileage trotting with all the extra room he has to roam. As well you should encourage your dog to explore every inch of that long lead by tweeking his prey drive. You'll be amazed at the difference. Hope that helps.
  14. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    I use to keep a pocket full of little rocks and throw them in the bushes and my dog would always be at the end of the leash walking or trying to run as fast as possible to investigate.
  15. dajuice

    dajuice Big Dog

    Thats how it's done. Most people hear hand walkin and go out and walk them for a few miles on a short lead and thinking they've done something. Got to keep them trotting.
  16. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    the reason handwalking works so well isn't the walking as much as it is the pulling. obviously, if the dog is walking beside you with no tension on the lead you would have to walk him forever, as he is better equipped for that mode of transportation. handwalking for me is the best because mine are always after something. they drag me down the road and around the farm. i can speed up my pace or lay back on the lead and allow them to "pull" me as we go, very similar to interval type work.
    there is no better form of exercise for a dog, because it is damn near impossible to hurt him while walking, or overwalking if that is possible. mills and jennys' and equipment are nice but there is nothing like handwalking. the kicker, or the added bonus, is the time spent with your animal. when he is pulling and dragging you can use words of encouragement, the same words you will use down the road to keep him going when he gets where he is suppose to be. handwalking is where he learns to respond to you and your voice. nothing better.
  17. BustaH

    BustaH Top Dog

    This is mainly what I do with my dog, she likes to pull like a train when walking. The other day a passer by shouted "whos taking who for a walk buddy" not for the first time, I did recently try to get her to walk to heel but its better for her and me in the long run if I let her pull.
    I'n not an overweight person myself but I always end up sweating and more tired than my dog at the end of the walk or 'drag' whichever way you want to put it lol.

    good advice in this thread. no one can say, well I dont have a treadmill or whatever... nature gave these dogs four legs with a bit of thought and variety anything is possible just find what your dog enjoys the most that way they will always get the most from their excersise.
  18. Inter-tel

    Inter-tel Big Dog

    its great for warm up and cool down. Granny low in a p/u and a open field/country road is a great way to exercise a dog. I have the kids walk em to warm up. Run em/walk next to the truck then hand walk em to the river to swim and cool down.
    Cuts down on injuries and lameness thats for sure.
    But you have to be ready to put in work. Anything less and you should find another hobby.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2009
  19. Stookie

    Stookie Pup

    man alot of different answers here
    myanswer is to give the dog a chance to have bowel movement and warm up before a tough training session, after about 5-10 mins af work you walk agine to give the dog a chance to have a bowel movement and cool down repeat two times daily
    and next week increase timework and lenth of wallk

    dont use the bike meathod it could get you killed
    agood rule that I was taught was to walk twice as long as your work time so if your dog runs the mill 15mins straight you walk for 30mins and repeat twice daily
  20. preme

    preme CH Dog


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