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Hair Loss and Skin Disorders on Dogs

Discussion in 'Disorders' started by SMOKIN HEMI, Dec 23, 2007.



    Hair Loss and Skin Disorders

    [font=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]Hair loss on dogs may be caused by a number of problems. Generally it is caused from the dog having an allergic reaction to something associated with or in the environment of the dog. The dog will tend to scratch and chew affected areas causing the problem to accelerate. Tests can be carried out by vets to determine what the dog is allergic to, but generally are due to either pollens in the air (generally in spring), dietary habits or flea bites. It is interesting to note that one flea bite can still be causing an effect on a dog up to seven days later. [/size][/font]

    [font=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]With the products used throughout the The Pooch Mobile we are easing the problems with hair loss. Unfortunately we cannot say curing as if they stop being used on a regular basis the problems may reoccur. As the products that we are using are natural they have no side affects to the dog unlike some of the other products that are available to reduce hair loss on dogs. [/size][/font]

    [font=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]The Pooch Mobile cannot guarantee that our products will perform miracles on all dogs but with 90% of the dogs that use our products having a marked improvement within a few weeks our service must be worth a try.[/size][/font]

    Hot Spots

    [font=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]Dogs that already have skin problems tend to get hot spots. The dog's system is working so hard to try and combat everything that is going on that it overloads and causes break outs such as hot spots. Hot spots are caused by a germ on the skin which can enter through any abrasion on the skin e.g. scratch. Hair should be cut away from the sore area. Be careful as they are very painful and a dog may bite. Sometimes they can become so bad that the dog actually has to be ANAESTHETISED to clean them up. A Cortico steroid antibiotic generally clears up the problem. This will be prescribed by your vet. [/size][/font]

    [font=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]So what your customers have to try and do is keep their pet healthy with a good diet, flea free and in general good health, but sometimes this may not help if their pets are prone to this sort of thing. [/size][/font]

    [font=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]There is no doubt that natural remedies for a dog can help, how much is what we don't know. We do know that one thing is not enough but every little bit helps. So giving natural remedies must also be accompanied by a flea control method offered by The Pooch Mobile. A teaspoon of polyunsaturated oil in the diet is really good for a dog's coat as well. Food allergies are also a problem which is hard to diagnose due to the many things that they are eating. If your client feels that the dog has a food allergy you should suggest that they restrict the dog to one food and water. The dog can only get an allergic reaction to the protein in the food, so changing to one type of food e.g. fish will cleanse and calm the dogs' system down and gradually you can add one food at a time and watch for a reaction. It should occur (scratching, biting & behavior etc.) quite soon after eating it.[/size][/font]

    Flea Allergy - Dermatitis

    [font=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]Mange, Eczema, mites, lice etc., are all broad terms mistakenly used for flea allergy dermatitis. This is by far the most common form of skin conditions. What is it? As the name suggests it is a form of dermatitis or eczema caused by an allergy to fleas. A lot of dogs are allergic to the saliva a flea injects when it bites the dog. This causes the dog to be very itchy and they scratch and chew like crazy. The damage is not caused by the flea but by self mutilation the coat is thinned or bald and the skin is red and broken. You will see different stages of flea allergy dermatitis depending on how allergic the dog is, how infested with fleas the dog is and how long the owners have left it before taking a step to alleviate the problem. You will usually see it on the dogs tail base and up the dogs back. It is very stressing and irritating.[/size][/font]

    Contact Allergies

    [font=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]An allergic reaction can result when a flowering or seeding plant comes in contact with the skin of your pet. A "contact allergy" shows up as reddened welts on the skin. These areas are maddeningly itchy and your pet will probably scratch, chew, and drag its tummy along the ground to try to relieve the irritation. But these activities will only make the condition worse. Prompt professional treatment is needed. Your vet will treat your pet with an anti-inflammatory injection and/or tablets, which will quickly reduce the irritation and make the animal more comfortable. But long-term control of the problem is up to you. See if you can identify the plant (or plants) causing the problem and either remove it or stop your pet from going near it. [/size][/font]

    [font=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]If you can't identify the cause of the allergy, you should consider seeing a veterinary dermatologist, who may conduct tests to identify the offending agents and give your pet a series of "desensitising" injections. This treatment is preferable to long-term maintenance of the condition through continued use of anti-inflammatory drugs.[/size][/font]

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