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Gr Ch llantas

Discussion in 'Photography, Artwork & Videos' started by kane85, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. kane85

    kane85 Top Dog

    An A.A.D.R. comfermation grand champion look at video enuff said a real gental dog.

  2. Kane how much do you know about Llantas?

    When I first met Llantas I had stepped out for a smoke and a black dog came running up to me as fast as he could, making me a bit nervous, and then slammed on the brakes, jumped up and started licking me. From then on we became great friends and I would look forward to the evenings when I would feed him his chicken dinner and gaze up at the clear sky full of stars in his company. In a kennel there was a bitch that had whelped some pups off of Llantas named Haley along with her pups. Haley was a niece to Llantas out of a half brother of Llantas and a full sister. My main brood bitch is from that litter and she is one of the best dogs I have ever owned.
    Now Llantas is an extremely intelligent dog and great with people. The kids liked to play "dog pile" with him and they would run around and pile on top of him which he would let them do once or twice but then he would start to trick them and move out of the way as they jumped on him and missed. His tail would wag at a million mph.
    Llantas is a very gentle dog with people and pups and he would not attack any bitches however he is a true bulldog in every sense of the word and you would never want to allow another male near him.
  3. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    ya man all that proves is that he is a complete dog and not a mindless fool. there have been hundreds of dogs that would play with pups and get along with the opposite sex i can name five off the top of my head. what is the point of this thread besides talking shit. Gringo thanks for making good points from actual hands on experience
  4. Bxpits

    Bxpits CH Dog

    grch llantas by far is a great dog and truly one of the modern greats!
    thanks for adding that gringo now i dont have to type as much lol
  5. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    Great dog with great dogs behind him, thanks gringo.
  6. HighCoastHiker

    HighCoastHiker Top Dog

    Now, that's what I appreciate in a dog; enough smarts to know what to worry about and what not to. Thanks for the info GP.
  7. synno2004

    synno2004 Top Dog

    From the moment I saw him I was really impressed. Afer doing some digging, found out he was GRCH that, was icing on the cake :D:D:D:D...............

  8. kane85

    kane85 Top Dog

    look i was makeing this thread to show people on how a real bull dog acts and show people how gentle they are i was in no way talking shit or starting anything i respect the dog and the dog man behind him i dont want people to go off on what they see on t.v. sorry if i offended anyone on here gringo i met the dog and the owner in severl shows talked to him and what not thank you for your story in shareing i should of asked before posting sorry agin just giveing props to a great dog i know of him through dogman and also i stayed around the corner from mr.hankey llantas half brother and i now own chaman the full brother to Ch kimbo no name droping here but i now bro he is truly one of the grates in our time if you now were the pitbull store was on 35th and vanburan i met the owner there as well.
  9. kane85

    kane85 Top Dog

    saludos hermano soy de sonora soy un fanatico de los game dogs
  10. Oh hey I never took anything in this thread as talking shit at all! And I certainly never took offense to anything. Even if someone were to talk bad I wouldn't take offense at all because well,,, I saw 4 of his 5 and I've seen his offspring and half brothers and I see what I have here so no words can change what I already know. Everyone should apply this I think and you will live much better. I only put up a little info about him so that people wouldn't make the mistake of thinking that Llantas gets along with all dogs and try it themselves lol. Nor do all my dogs get along either, some do and some don't and that has no bearing on the quality of a dog except that it makes life a little easier.
    As far as Ch Hankey goes, now that is a bulldog and a half. DNK also owned his brother Jordan 2w-1l and he had one son named Lucas 2x-1l dg out of the only breeding to him. The only reason I post this info is because DNK is in Mexico so the laws do not apply to them.
    This is the latest prospect off of Llantas: http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=313251

    Here is another anecdote about Llantas. Diamante and I had gone out to eat some carnitas and while we were gone the kids wanted to play in the back yard so they put Llantas, the Haley bitch and all the pups in the garage. Now Llantas as you know is great with pups and will take just about anything from them. The pups loved to jump up and lock onto his throat and hang on while Llantas would run around with them hanging off of him as happy as a kid in a toy store. The only thing that Llantas would not allow is for anyone to mess with his ball, he loves that ball to death lol.
    Anyway, it seems that while locked up in the garage, one of the pups must have grabbed his ball and he probably growled and even snapped at the pup to teach him not to mess with his ball but the pups dam Haley stepped in to protect her pup. When we got back we hard a bunch of noise coming from the garage and wondered what it was when we were told the dogs had been locked in there. Well Llantas did not try and hurt the Haley bitch, he just held her out as best he could but we could see that Haley had gotten in a couple of times and had done a pretty good job on Llantas shoulders, chest and legs. The dogs were parted and after letting them settle down a bit, they were again together as if nothing happened.
    Well, Haley went on to win 2 and received the BIS from Cardenas but got sick and lost her third. http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=341337

    So you see, Llantas is not just a gamedog, he is the family pet loved by all. He is like the boxer who is gentle as a baby out of the ring but force to contend with inside the ring. Even in his old age he still acts like a pup and loves to play more than anything.

  11. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    when breeding dogs that dog should be the standard. i think sometimes people look past a great temperment like his and breed on performance alone and forget that the true bulldog is exactly like llantas gentle with kids and intelligent to differentiate work and play. when there are great performers out there like him i see no need to keep an ill tempered dog
  12. marshall619

    marshall619 Top Dog

    Thx for the story Gringo. GRCH Llantas is sure a great one. Very smart bulldog, he sure knew how to differentiate work and playtime.
  13. Well not all dogs are like that unfortunately but it's really nice when they are and as I said it does make life a lot easier. Still though, performance should be the number 1 requirement. What I like about Llantas is that not only is he one of those dogs but he also seems to throw that trait strong and his offspring also seem to throw that trait as well for the most part.
    We keep a daughter off of Llantas in the house as a pet together with her son out of the Heinzl dog named Reco and both of them spend all day messing around in the yard. They also seem to be able to distinguish work from play and we have never had any problems with them yet. They love the kids and protect our family incredibly as well as get along great together. But when it's time to work they do their jobs as best they can as well. Maybe I just got lucky or something but whatever it is I sure am greatful for it and I am very greatful to DNK and the owner of the Heinzl dog for allowing me to have what I have now.


  14. Junebug

    Junebug Big Dog

    Stated as if this is atypical for a bulldog:confused:. ..........But can he give horseback rides?
  15. Junebug

    Junebug Big Dog

  16. LOL, well I don't know about the horseback rides but that they are good with people and kids should definately be a requirement although I don't believe that being able to get along with other dogs should. If they do then great but if not then they are only being what they were bred to be. I will not think less of a dog if it doesn't get along with other dogs but if they are not good with people then they are only good as fertilizer for our plants here.

  17. Junebug

    Junebug Big Dog

    well stated gringo. Great video; i am a sucker for kids and dogs........ Is this even tempered stud available?
  18. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    cheers for that gringo and original poster...sounds the real "poster dog" for gamedogs...;)
  19. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    I think alot of those traits come from Badger. From those red eyes to their temperament, I'm basing a yard off of mine, so needless to say I like the Badger dogs alot.
  20. garbayo

    garbayo Pup

    im looking for a male stud to breed my bitch in to in south florida any one one have any good ideas

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