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First new pup in a while. First post.

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Maritimer, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. Maritimer

    Maritimer Big Dog

    A quick look at your other posts tell me you're somewhat of a troll and spend a lot of time questioning others, but I'll answer your question. What I intend to do with my dog is none of your business, lol. But if I ever decide I need any advice while putting this dog to his intended purpose, you'll be the first one I PM.

    Just out of curiosity, what do you do with your dogs?
  2. frogs

    frogs Big Dog

    A direct look at your posts tells me me you're a fuckin idiot with an obsession of owning a dog with qualities and abilities you'll never use, yet wanna ask stupid questions as if you will. So who's the the real troll.
  3. Maritimer

    Maritimer Big Dog

    Go ahead and quote anything I've said that would lead you to believe this. Seems to me like your jumping to conclusions, and getting upset when I refuse to answer your stupid questions.
  4. okcdogman82

    okcdogman82 Top Dog

    how much did the pup run you? just curious.
  5. Maritimer

    Maritimer Big Dog

    $1200, the litter is still up on Tom's webpage if you wanted to take a look. There is another male (black), and 3 females if I'm not mistaken.
  6. Maritimer

    Maritimer Big Dog


    Here's the other male.
  7. p1tbull

    p1tbull Big Dog

    Let the guy have the dog because he simply wants a dog. Why yall trying corner him. What ever he may do with the dog is nobodies concern other than his. He can buy the dog to breed with a cat and who gives a crap. Nice dog BTW.
  8. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Lol I'm pretty sure that's impossible!
  9. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Basically it is nobodys concern BUT when you post your business on the world wide web for all to see then you will get opinions regardless if its anyones concern or not.

    I am still thinking about his pup that got switched as Bulldog hill been known to put 2 different litters in the same pen. Things that make you go hmmm LMAO
  10. wicked13

    wicked13 CH Dog

    So your saying his pups gonna have to go on Maury ? Lol
  11. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Well that is up to him if he wants free DNA testing done. LMAO

    TROTLINE Top Dog

    Nice looking pup, he looks like A good one!
  13. p1tbull

    p1tbull Big Dog

    I'll have to agree on taking the dog to Murray show. Lol
  14. Maritimer

    Maritimer Big Dog

    Pups didn't get switched. Tom's pick of the litter was a different pup then his helpers Antonio. There were 2 buckskin males that were very similar o decided to go with Tom's pick
  15. Maritimer

    Maritimer Big Dog

    I could have had any pup from that litter but this is the one I chose
  16. smalldog

    smalldog Big Dog

    why y'all hating on maritimers pup. Little guy looks good.
  17. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    Pup looks fine good luck with it. Don't mind the other bullshit. Most people here have nothing to add if it's not digging at someone else
  18. smalldog

    smalldog Big Dog

    He's gonna teach him to get frogs lol. Danm I crack myself up LMFAO
  19. Maritimer

    Maritimer Big Dog

    Thanks guys. I'm happy with him. He's a great little dog.
  20. Maritimer

    Maritimer Big Dog

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