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Diane Jessup on the HSUS

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by mastiffsj, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. mastiffsj

    mastiffsj Big Dog

    I thought this was interesting to say the least...there's a blog, Frog Dog Blog, and the lady came up with some really catch widgets about the HSUS on the WSK dogs, and this is what DJ has to say about the situation...what an arrogant bitch.


    <CITE>Diane Jessup</CITE> Says:

    <SMALL class=commentmetadata>February 22nd, 2009 at 2:05 pm</SMALL>
    1. No one has been a longer or more vocal opponent of many of the HSUS’s tactics, especially toward my breed, than I. However, I see a lot of ranting and raving without much intelligence behind it these days. Did you know that the HSUS says they spent $10,000 on housing the NC dogs while the trial went on? Did you know that the HSUS paid my way down to Arizona to look at the Pat Patrick dogs in order to save any I could?
    2. As a 25 year owner of American pit bulls, I can strongly say that I would MUCH rather see that little pup euthanized then placed at the well funded “collector” (Best Friends/Dogtown) where it would rot, probably forever, in a pointless, ownerless, souless life like the poor Vick dogs. That might be fine for some generic dogs, but an American pit bull needs hard exercise, an owner and a life. Not life long boarding. And not by people so ignorant they think a dog who plays hard with a boomer ball has “PTSD” for gawd’s sake! Sheesh!
    3. The HSUS is a threat to dog ownership in America today, for sure. But make sure that you are making a rational and intelligent arguement, not just mouthing the same old same old crap. Thanks,
      Diane Jessup
      Author: The Working Pit Bull, The Dog Who Spoke With Gods, Colby’s Book of the American Pit Bull Terrier
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2009
  2. My response is directed at Dine Jessup not the original poster.
    Hmmm, so the other organizations that are actively fighting BSL and all that the H$U$ is trying to do is just playing catch-up to your achievements? You are too full of yourself lady. Most fanciers of true-to-standard APBTs DESPISE you. You are guilty of indirectly endorsing the notion that our dogs are naturally people aggressive by allowing one of your dogs to be use in a movie where a "pit bull" attacked a person. Sounds like you were aiding in the fear of our breed. Moreover, your "LAWDOGS" program also goes against what TRUE fanciers of the breed believe in. These dogs ARE NOT to be used in any way to attack people.....calmly, aggressively, or even make believe.

    10,000 out of how many millions and millions earning thousands upon thousands of interest? Geesh, that sounds like pennies on the dollar to me. Moreover, the 10K was the expense they paid to have these dogs rounded up for no other reason than being what they are...APBT. "Did you know" that according to statements, there was a THREE, I repeat, 3-year investigation by the H$U$ and how many things did they find? What do you know, they found NOTHING. "Did you know" at the end of those three years, H$U$ schemed a way to get "something at least". The H$U$, knowing how bad the economy is for everyone, sent one of their paid dog fighters to entrap Mr. Faron. They knew that since that person was not law enforcement, "entrapment" was not a defense. Well, what do know?

    Yet, you still have the audacity to applaud 10,000 dollars? "Did you know" that if you quantify those 10K, it comes out to a week in a shelter (Court was asking Ed to pay about 35K per month...if mem serves me right). Hmmm, did you know that?

    Yes, I was very much aware that you had an all expenses paid trip to take your picks out of Pat Patrick's yard. Did you know that all your subsequent statements to the press made you look as a FOOL to anyone that knows or at least has seen patrick bred dogs? In fact, "did you know" that the H$U$ VIDEO of the raid contradicts your statement about shy dogs? Heck, just look at all the videos of Pat Patricks yard on youtube. All the dogs were wagging their asses off like they just saw an old friend. Yet, you had the cojones to say that they were geneticaly shy? Did you know that made you look like a fool to all of US who know the facts? Did you know that your words made it to the Media outlets and will continue to be repeated as "proof" our breed is dangerous? Did you even think before you spoke?

    Hmmm, I cannot deny you may have own shells of American Pit Bull Terriers for 25 years. Yet, 25 year ownership does not equate to 25 years of experience. More like 1 year experience and 24 years of repetition. Congratulations on that.

    I would like to know how many APBTs you own and how many of them live and stay with you in the house. Do you have any chain spots? or do you crate? Or are they all living en mass?

    Obviously, I care not what you "much rather" do with someone else's dogs. They were not YOURS to make that decision. Once a pup or a dog is dead.....there is no do over, no coming back, no second chance. You get nothing at all after this. Zoos are a prime example of entities that "collect" animals. Do you feel they should all be dead? The gene pool is the most important aspect of a breed. In many respects, sometime the few must deal with things for the sake of the many. While that puppy may have not ever found an owner per say, it may have proven to be the producer of many GREAT dogs....even producer of the next generation, the next evolvement of the breed. That pup is dead and cannot be or do anything great now.

    I do not have an opinion on sanctuary yet. I need more education. That said, at least they are trying to do something with LIVING dogs. Your way is to erase them from existence....I wonder who loves dogs more? At least these sanctuaries can learn from their mistakes....it sounds like they are willing to learn. Are you? I think you are too far in your ass to learn a darn thing. How unfortunate for you. You might as well end your life now and spare the many dogs you will continue to endorse as "spoil goods".

    Now you are speaking from both sides of the mouth. Maybe you should be quite until you decide which side of the fence you are on. Hmmmm, maybe this is your way of confusing those not sure of what you speak?

    I would only hope you keep to your dogs and stay away from people who are trying to preserve the TRUE American Pit Bull Terrier. You lady, I do not know what you are trying to accomplish but I know it is not preservation.

    Rocky H. Balboa
  3. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    Good post, Rocky. But I am confused about your sentiments towards LawDogs. The idea of the program was to train narcotics and explosives detection bulldogs, and donate them to various counties. How is that going against the nature of the breed?
  4. dajuice

    dajuice Big Dog

    She tries to score points by saying she's not a pup peddler, but she's even worse in my book. Preserving the true APBT, well I wonder how how she's gonna do that and she's opposed to dog on dog combat. She says most of us have never seen or owned a true APBT, lmfao.... That lady is a joke and just like a peddler she's making money hand over fist off our dogs by knocking real bulldogs and dog men. I'll pass on her "real bull dogs" , she couldn't pay me to put a leash on one of them curs!

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