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Conditioning pictures of my boy!

Discussion in 'Sports & Activities' started by 215pitts, May 2, 2008.

  1. 215pitts

    215pitts Top Dog

    Ok, I had two weeks to work this guy and this is the results that I got. I know it's not the greatest but I'm proud of how he turned out in 2 weeks.

    Before (2 weeks ago)

    After (Now)

  2. AncientKulcha

    AncientKulcha Big Dog

    Nice bulldog what's his ped look like? How are you cond. him mill, running, spring, flirt? That's the kinda change I'm looking for in my female
  3. coco0889

    coco0889 Big Dog

    Good job!!!! He looks really good to say that was only two weeks.
  4. RightHandImp

    RightHandImp Big Dog

    Good looking boy, for 2 weeks thats great :) keep 'em up! will you be showing him?
  5. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    He looks like shit, u should cull him ASAP LOLOL
  6. bullydogs

    bullydogs Top Dog

  7. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    That is amazing. Great job. He looks great.
  8. koening

    koening Top Dog

    he looks great ! what's he's weight now ?
  9. 215pitts

    215pitts Top Dog

    Will try to show him this weekend at the VA show.
  10. mikefromMD

    mikefromMD Top Dog

    Best of luck, I'll keep an eye out for him. What class? fun show? One of the adults classes?
  11. 215pitts

    215pitts Top Dog

    He will be in a pretty hard class 4-6 year old males. I already know Angus is going to take something :D and maybe the the couple hosting it also (they have nice dogs).
  12. Marduk

    Marduk Pup

    Very nice looking bulldog!!!!! well done!(he was ni
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2008
  13. Marduk

    Marduk Pup

    Very good looking bulldog! Well done!(He was lookin nice even before conditioning!)
    What kind of work have you done with him?

  14. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    i would love to know what you used for conditioning i have been conditioning for about 6 weeks now and have not seen results like she has gone from 63lbs to 58 lbs if anyone elso has any idea of how to help me i would apreciate it she is also spayed and i was told that makes it harder for them to loose weight, but who knows
  15. 215pitts

    215pitts Top Dog

    All that was done was for 2 1/2 weeks were 10miles a day, flirt pole, and a little weight pulling. We missed 4 days due to rain and couldn't do anything about it but I'm sure it would of help out a lot more. But I'm actually happy with the way he turned out (no bones showing). So one did mention to me as to why I didn't DRY him out but I don't think there is a need to if your doing it right :D.
  16. nice looking dog, a job well done :D
  17. NavasInc

    NavasInc Big Dog

    10 miles a day?? nice!!!!!!! nice pics !!:cool:
  18. he looks really good for only 2 weeks put into the conditioning! good luck at the show!
  19. CooljoeGoodie

    CooljoeGoodie Big Dog

    ped please if you don't mind
  20. 215pitts

    215pitts Top Dog

    We didn't place at the show VA show (came close but no cigar on the 2nd day). Hammonds and Pat said that there was nothing wrong with him except his shoulder/chest is too bulky and that's why he didn't place.

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