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Conditioned shelter dogs putting my soft dogs

Discussion in 'Sports & Activities' started by MoEttaWinnyMOM, Mar 31, 2007.

  1. MoEttaWinnyMOM

    MoEttaWinnyMOM Big Dog

    (former shelter dogs themselves) to shame! These guys come our ripped from the shelter. If only their skin and coat weren't in horrible shape. Check out some of our fosters bods:





    WINSTON @ 9 months(my dog now, here he is when we first got him)
  2. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Good for you an they look nice.....but that last pic makes my head twitch.
  3. JAGER

    JAGER Big Dog

    Im Not Trying To Talk Smack But Winston Looks Tiny Or Is It The Way The Pic Was Taken ? The Dogs Look Very Nice .
  4. MoEttaWinnyMOM

    MoEttaWinnyMOM Big Dog

    why does he make your head twitch? (if you are talking about the last/last pics they are playing in that one.)

    winston isn't really small by standard. he is 50 lbs. he was terrified and scrawny there just out of the shelter at 9ish months. he is 1yr & nine months now and looking great but could use some more conditioning. he starts rally-o and agility in a month--i am very excited! he does have one of those eternal pup faces though so he always looks younger.



  5. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    Whats wrong with their skin and coat. It looks good on the pics, all shiny and slick.
  6. MoEttaWinnyMOM

    MoEttaWinnyMOM Big Dog

    i know it looks good in pics but in person when they first get out of the shelter their coats are very dull and their skin is terrible. although it is hard to tell form the pics! a few weeks of good food and destressing fixes that though.
  7. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    Pitbulls have hundreds of years of bred fighting dogs behind them. Its considered basic Pitbull managment to keep these sorts of dogs out of situations where they can get in trouble. Keep this in mind. To a real deal Pitdog, fighting IS playing. And the same attitude is lurking in the genes of all the breed. Letting a group of Pitbulls engage in play sessions is a good way to end up with a awful, bloody mess. These dogs "disagreements" over toys and the like tend to turn much more serious, much more quickly than with other dogs. And nearly all dogs allowed to interact freely will get in scraps. With Pitbulls those "scraps" can turn very nasty in the bat of an eye. Thats the reason for the head shaking.
  8. LegendsMami

    LegendsMami Top Dog

    They are so cute! I really like Boris and Winston!!!
  9. MoEttaWinnyMOM

    MoEttaWinnyMOM Big Dog

    Umm. thanks for the info but I dont just willly nilly throw random pit bulls together to play. our female is aggressive to other females so she doesnt play or get exposed to them. Our males were pre-selected because of their tolerance and submissive tendencies with other dogs. Our foster dogs are carefully pre-screened for male and submissive dogs. they are often juveniles to which helps to minimize risk.

    I have had this breed for years and have had numerous fosters come and go and have never had so much as a minor spat happen. The dogs are ALWAYS supervised when playing and they are trained to go "easy" which means lower your arousal level, and "break" which means stop now.

    When they play I constantly insert controls and ask them to break if they get too crazy or for no good reason. They are also obedience trained.

    There is always the risk of fights happening but with inteligent management you can greatly reduce those risks.



  10. MoEttaWinnyMOM

    MoEttaWinnyMOM Big Dog

    you wouldn't be biased towards the red dogs would you?
  11. simms

    simms CH Dog

    I dont create situations like that past a certain age. I know that they are playing ....however I am invisioning that adult dog throtling one of the others at any moment...LOL.

    but hey whatever works for you!
  12. MoEttaWinnyMOM

    MoEttaWinnyMOM Big Dog

    this one?
    or this one?
    lol. dont worry- i micro manage the crap out of them. and morris the black dog is about as submissive as they come. my trainers use him to help rehab aggressive dogs and to be the adult dog in their puppy classes to be the "cop" dog.
  13. ChiaPit

    ChiaPit Top Dog


    LOVE THIS ONE!!!!!!!! They all look great to me, and I know many good dogs end up in shelters.
  14. LegendsMami

    LegendsMami Top Dog

    LOL!:p Something about those red & chocolates that makes my brain go crazy!
  15. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    Glad your on top of it! They are a cute bunch for sure. By the way, I have a fondness for pugs. My favorite "toy" dog.
  16. BringBackup

    BringBackup Top Dog

    Beautiful dogs, Sam!

    I loved getting to meet Morris and Etta, along with your then foster dog Piper. Winston is my new favorite. He is a cutie.
  17. MoEttaWinnyMOM

    MoEttaWinnyMOM Big Dog

    thank you! winston is so dag gone cute. hope all is well with you! dont you have a new one?
  18. BringBackup

    BringBackup Top Dog

    My newest one is Ollie, a year and a half old Boxer/Pit bull mix. I got her at the tail end of December 2006. So it's been almost four months. Rachel just got a little Chihuahua puppy too, in January.
  19. MIKA

    MIKA Big Dog

    Keep up the GREAT work. Your dogs are BEAUTIFUL.
  20. JAGER

    JAGER Big Dog

    i love your dogs thier beautiful. im hopeing to add to my family another pit bull this month. the funny thing is im might be getting a red one so we'll have the same color pits. here is CHLOE (my brindle ) [​IMG] and here is JAGER (my solid black ) [​IMG]

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