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Cold Steel Pits?

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by BringBackup, Nov 19, 2006.

  1. BringBackup

    BringBackup Top Dog

    Ideally, Cold Steel Pits is going to be the place where I purchase my first game bred dog(any other suggestions are welcomed!).

    Does anyone have anything to say about them? Anyone experienced their dogs or have knowledge about the bloodlines? I don't plan to purchase a pup until beyond five years down the line but I prefer to start early. I am going to be contacting them soon with questions, I'd just like hearing other opinions as well.

    Does anyone have any info about their two main studs, Boogieman and Dragon? Any traits these dogs pass onto their offspring that they are "known" for?

    Much appreciated!
  2. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    I have talked to the owner of CSP, and she is extremely knowledgable about her dogs in particular and about the breed. I have also seen some of her dogs at ADBA shows. A few members here have dogs from her and will be able to answer better. I will say this, both studs are very consistent in what they produce, just from what I have seen. Watcher has some dogs from Dragon (or down from him) and he would be my pick to give you the info you need.
  3. KuyaJames33

    KuyaJames33 Big Dog

    I have a 15 month old daughter off of Dragon that I recieved from Cold Steel Pits. She's a great dog and I recommend them highly. They are really good to deal with and they put out quality animals. PM if u have any other questions.
  4. The Watcher

    The Watcher Till The Wheels Fall Off.

    bad boy, ya ever get that dog from CSP?
  5. if he hasn't he's missing out!
    The Watcher likes this.
  6. BringBackup

    BringBackup Top Dog

    Not even close. Like I said, I going to be waiting at least five years before I get any game bred dog. I really want to be prepared for the dog. It's all very exciting though.

    Right now I'm just researching, learning about more dogs and bloodlines, and lurking around this site. I'm here all for the learning experience.

    Thanks for the help.
    The Watcher likes this.
  7. OnionHead

    OnionHead Big Dog

    could yo upost the link for the kennel i would like to see the dogs oi have heard of them once or twice
  8. http://www.coldsteelpits.com/

    there ya go
  9. Hoss

    Hoss Pup

    I have a couple of dogs from CSP. T, is great to deal with. I see she finally did some website updates. loll
  10. The Watcher

    The Watcher Till The Wheels Fall Off.

    ahh. im tryin to twist her arm into some things. old habbits hard to break ya know?
    I am glad she got the updates done for now. and am looking forward to Fester and thera as well as Swivel and Dragon.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2007
  11. Madusa

    Madusa CH Dog

    Can't wait to get my Fester x Thera pup. Man are they ever cute!
  12. Boogie is this where you got yours?
  13. no i got bronson and lizzy from blaizen kennels. they are located in florida also. they have some boogie dogs there. i am trying to acquire a dog from boogieman x dancer breeding (csp). we'll see how it goes. hopefully one will come my way.
  14. Sounds good
  15. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    wow, they have some good-looking dogs, and I definitely like the pedigree on Caldwell's Luther....I don't know pedigrees well enough to fix a breeding, but I wouldn't mind a pup that was from Caldwell's Luther and PBS' Swivel....

    That Fester x Thera breeding seems pretty awesome. I like those b&t APBT.
  16. masta of game

    masta of game Banned



  18. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    I was told at the NC show that two of the dogs were still up for sale.
  19. KuyaJames33

    KuyaJames33 Big Dog

    she was so young.... she was very honest and produced very nice dogs.
  20. KuyaJames33

    KuyaJames33 Big Dog

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