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a paper im writing for school its just a rough draft

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by kenitodrake, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    Thanks, TD (It's cool with the "K" left off... ha)

    One thing's sure: Being a good writer is no guarantee of being a "successful" writer. Look at Fifty Shades of Grey or any number of other bestsellers. The fact of the matter is that crap sells. And even sadder to say, it sells better than its far more superior cousins. That says a lot for us as a nation, does it not?
  2. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    So true. And my opinion is: We've become dependent. Dependent monetarily, emotionally, and mentally. Mentally because we've forfeited our free will to think and act on our own. Culture has diminished to the point we don't even acknowledge that things such as manners, courtesies, sportsmanship and many other terms of integrity stem from the NATURAL laws of coexisting with each other. They truly cannot be legislated. I believe the so-called dog fraternity we often refer to not only doesn't really exist, but is just a child of the overall decay in our scruples.

    Why are so many athletes and other public figures erratic ass hats? Because they are merely a reflection of our society as a whole in its current state. They just feel a little above the common moral protocol.

    We've been seduced to dependency. Why? Because once dependent, you are owned by your so-called benefactor. And that's just how the REAL power mongers take from us the freedoms we once were able to exercise. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but in my opinion, if one cannot see what's happening to us as a now plebeian society, it's because one is JUST NOT LOOKING.

    Well, end rant. Hah. I relate my rant to writing in this way: I believe we have let our talents of creativity dwindle by not exercising our freedom of mind, spirit and soul. We've sold out to dependency and I think it's sad. If Kenitodrake and others in his shoes are receptive and understanding of my sentiments then perhaps my rant will be of some benefit to him. I hope so. He doesn't have to totally agree with me. I just hope he remembers I said it, and that when the time comes, he'll see why, and thrive beyond or in spite of these conditions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2015
  3. keystone

    keystone CH Dog


    apbt most discriminated animal in the world
  4. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    LOL And Captain Obvious leads another valiant expedition into profoundness.
  5. the.peon

    the.peon Top Dog

  6. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    We've let ourselves become frightened. Frightened we're not going to get all we imagine we've got coming, frightened we're not going to be like everyone else, frightened we're not going to be better than everyone else, frightened the Republicans are going to do us in, frightened the Democrats are going to do us in, frightened the terrorists are going to do it, frightened of global warming, frightened of hoodies, and on and on endlessly. There's no end to our fear and that's only one of the things dumbing us down. I think we're very much of one mind on the matter, TD -- and neither of us having any real solution to the problem. All we can do is thank the fates we've got Keystone to bring us back from the brink of our insanity. He always knows just what to say.
  7. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    kenit evrybody said wise things here ..........take it serieus ...
  8. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    Maff, I hadn't thought of the "fear factor", but it truly does correlate to what I mentioned perfectly. You are so right, and it fits perfectly into the sad theme of things today. To me, dependency is a form of that fear in that it seems to me, to be the fear of independence....free minds turned into obedient, rank and file behavior.

    Why do so many fear our dogs? Simple, fear-seeded propaganda. We've opted for spoon feeding instead of thinking on our own. It's easier for so many. This is why I mentioned dependency in mind, soul and emotion having become prevalent. Play a little sad music and video something as innocuous as a dog being outdoors, add a few lies to fuel the myths that may turn normal into sinister, and voila, begging for money and power are deceitfully hidden from the human intellect.

    Even as a very young man, in fact, a teenager, I could see that driving a wedge between races and nationalities was not designed to bring us all together, rather separate us for the sake of control. That tool is used in other areas of life as well.

    Thank you for bringing to light the fear factor. It's an integral part of the scam.

    I'm willing to bet that if you ask a hundred people who the Bilderberg group is, not 8 to 10 of whom you ask will know who you are referring to. Global socialism is in the making and it's snowballing. It isn't new. It's been the dream of every inaternational industrialist and other power mongers since the turn of the twentieth century.

    Once in awhile, I think about what I consider one of the most ironic and one of the saddest things the world has seen. That is: Think how many lives we lost in WWII. Then think how we lost them fighting against the very thing we've become ourselves.

    My favorite quote of all times is one I believe to be so sadly forgotten by most Americans (if they ever heard it at all)........"Any government big enough to give you anything you want, is big enough to take away everything you've got." Thomas Jefferson.

    We have become the proverbial ostrich.

    You are right. We have no answer, you nor I. Maybe we should all just hang our heads in a bit of shame, shake them, and feel badly for our grandchildren.


    ...trial by media.....death sentence by media...murder by media....when do's freedom off the press go to far..................


    ...ps::sorry off topic....haveing a mind ramble.....lol
  11. Fritz

    Fritz Big Dog

    I don't know, TD. It's getting pretty philosophical, so I'm going to try to stick with something that's relevant and has to do with our dogs. In one of my dog books the character JD's wife presses him as to why, Why, WHY he's so much into these pit bulldogs of his. Finally he answers her: "Because they don't vote," he tells her. So what is he saying? Only that life at its most vivid, rather than being found in the collective which is society, is to be found in the proud isolate soul -- in this case the proud isolate soul of a pit bulldog. In a very real sense, it's weighing our mob mentality against that of the individual and judging the one false and the other true.

    I wonder if you feel, as I do, a need for the next great voice to come along. Some brave new voice that lifts us up out of the tar, quicksand, or whatever else it is we're stuck in. For new life to come to us, always it takes some brave new voice to set to words that which our minds and souls crave. Not that I'm religious (I'm an atheist, really) but along came Jesus to utter just those few magic words everyone secretly yearned for but were unable to articulate: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." And his mere utterance of those words changed the world for the next two thousand years.

    It goes almost without saying, of course, how quickly a prophet's genuinely magical words are latched onto and perverted into something entirely different -- humanity being the all-too-often pathetic thing that it is. But even so, some small remnant of the original magic lingers on, and that's enough. It has to be. At least until the next great new, vividly alive, and magical voice comes along.

    But again (and back to the dogs), how vividly alive they are. And why? "Because they don't vote," dogman JD says, and we sense he's got something there. The proud isolate soul of the fighting dog, you and I and I'm sure some others of us here know it well, eh TD?
  12. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Lets see it.


    ..THINK IT on page...2 or 3...
  14. kenitodrake

    kenitodrake Big Dog

    alright ill show you guys

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