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croped ears

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by made_in_sweden, Mar 4, 2006.

  1. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    Realonebulldog- Dont do that.
    I hate when people undermine my speech and choice of words. You know exactly what I meant when I said it.

    Had he been your bulldog, Im sure he would look great with ears, but as he is my dog he is cropped.
    and I reiterate, cropping him took his look to the next level. He looked good before but cropped is even better. A much more alert exression, and I like it.
  2. Serious....Dont do that...? What? Your speech and choice of words is ok....in fact its better than mine...because I am a german and its allways hard for me to tip what I wanna say...:) May the power be with you...Peace...lol
  3. sajoseph

    sajoseph Pup

    Dixie had her ears done at 9 weeks old. They stood right up. But I didnt think it was possible to have an older dog done. The healing rpocess is nasty. (It was on Dixie at 9 wks) but Dixies ears came out perfect. I have had tremendous compliments on her ears. Her pic is in my gallery, they are awesome.
    It is cosmetic.
  4. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    To the next level? I'm curious myslef. All it did was to make the owner feel more cool & proud to have a dog that looks "cool" & "intense". The crop did nothing for the dog.

    And as for "taking it to the next level", cropping doesn't do that for a dog....the dog's working ability does that for the dog.
    DryCreek likes this.
  5. El Mexicano

    El Mexicano CH Dog

    And as for "taking it to the next level", cropping doesn't do that for a dog....the dog's working ability does that for the dog.

  6. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    And Who says you cant tell when a person is being sarcastic online? Wow... I'll just leave it alone.

    For the rest of yall- Why do we have to play this same game everytime? Seriously. I have been posting here for months and you all know me and my dogs lines by now. You know I am not raising game dogs here. BLuffs, Staffs whatever you want to call them, looks are important.

    Read what I said.. it took his look to the lext level. thats exaclt what I said and How I feel. I think he looked good natural, but cropped put more emphasis on his head structure and makes him look more alert. He has a really nice head, defined cheeks nice tight lips, and it really brings that out.
    Thats how I feel.
    as far as working ability goes, My dogs work just fine.. I have the pictures and the dogs to prove it. They are all athletes in thier own right. But at the same time they are my pets... and in so being, my property. You dont want to crop your dogs fine... i have nothing to say about that.
    I have no interest in what anyone thinks of my dogs... its about what I like.
    Cropping wont make your dog run faster, or jump higher... but its not going to slow or weight them down either. If it improves your perception of your dog then whats the problem?
  7. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    I dont remember being circumsized either. But for it being purely cosmetic...I have to disagree. It is also an issue of clealiness and hygeine. I really dont want to go into much detail about this, so I will just ask why do you think uncircumsized guys are often called "smegma boy" ? To take it a step further, cutting back the extra skin allows it to stay cleaner, easier. Where as cutting off a dogs ears lets all sorts of dust,dirt, and other irritants into the ear increasing the chance of infection and such. The part of the ear you hack off is designed to keep that sort of thing out (for the most part), so cropping ears is not only NOT an issue of cleanliness, but also it results in the ear being less clean, and more irritated by doing so. Not a good comparison at all.
  8. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    it does also increase airflow into the war, and decrease ear infections as such as well
  9. outside of physical appearence and some cosmetic reasons, whats the purpose of cropping the dogs ears?
  10. El Mexicano

    El Mexicano CH Dog

    outside of physical appearence and some cosmetic reasons, whats the purpose of cropping the dogs ears?

    no actual reason......
  11. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    does there need to be another?
    Its not something that has to be done, its also not something that they recommend you not to do. its personal preference.
    If you like the look of a cropped dog then do it, if not then dont.

    it doesnt make you out a bad guy either way.
  12. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    omg... lol the cardboard around his neck made me lmao

    *edit* I think he looks good with cropped ears
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2006
  13. kensloft

    kensloft Big Dog

    If you are stating this about what I said then I didn't state it well enough.

    The cropped ears make the dog focus more on the sounds that are about them because there is nothing to interfere with the sound waves in the way of a cushioining piece of skin.

    Recently my dog has been attacked(again) by a smaller dog that lives in the building where we do. My dog was very nervous about approaching the door lest the idiot dog appear and start its macho routine. It also escaped from its owner and came across a parking lot to attack my dog. More than one occasion with this dog's scrappiness put my dog on alert around the outside of homebase .

    I noticed a couple of times, when we were approaching the building, that my dog would shake his head, the ear would fold over the head and the inner (under the skin) ear would become exposed. It looked like a hearing aid of yore that was a tube held by grandparents and greatgrandparents in those days.

    Because he did it a few times I noticed that he was doing it. That suggested to me that the hearing was far more acute when the skin wasn't obstructing the soundwaves to the internal part of the ear.

    The owner of the other dog, wisely, keeps his dog from wandering about, as it once did, in the building.
  14. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Kensloft, yes my respsone was directed at what you stated. What you are telling people is that a dog's ear flap obstructs sound waves thereby basically making that dog unable to hear as well as one with cropped ears. PLEASE show me the research to back this up. I'd love to see it. Otherwise, you are just basing it on opinion by watching the dog's ear move in response to sound. Trust me, dogs with ears move their ears around as well. What you are trying to tell people has no medical basis or proof to even consider it a legit "reason" to crop ears.
  15. kensloft

    kensloft Big Dog

    I almost had a response sent to you but my finger hit the wrong key and the reply as well as the site disappeared. So. Here I go again.

    I was going to say that they should do a study but I didn't because these are observations.

    If you don't think that something in front of the auditory canal will lessen the noise then you and I have different ideas about Physics.

    My observation was that a dog that had its ears cropped was more attuned to the soundwaves that were around as opposed to the scents that were around. It stood differently. Its ears were in perpetual movement.

    I had noticed that my dog, upon approaching homebase. shook his head and the ear flap rested on his head. He then cocked his head in the direction of the gate/door. He did it on a number of occasions and that is why I noticed it. The exposed ear canal looked like a funnel much as deaf people used, in the days of yore, that acted as a hearing aid.

    It is akin to driving down a thoroughfare with the windows of the car opened. Then driving in the same thoroughfare traffic with the windows closed. There is less noise because of the obstructiion of the soundwaves by the windows.

    I, in no way, am suggesting that people should crop their dog's ears. Mine is au naturelle.

    What I am saying is that it changes the dog's focus.

    Perhaps someone has a line on this type of study. If there is none then why not?

  16. japangame

    japangame Big Dog

    Well, I believe that the reason for this thread was lost. Listen, like i said earlier, it is up to you what you like on your dog, Cropped or Not. Please lets just leave it at, do not crop your dogs ears just to think its cool. I can not give reasons why I crop my dogs ears, so my response to everyone is do what you feel is right. If you are showing your dogs and they have "prick ear" than you want to get them cropped at about 1inch1/2 or higher. They do deduct for "prick ear" and if the crop is too short. The deduction is not that bad, so if you like the look for your dog with ears,,,,,than definately keep them.
  17. Bakercloud

    Bakercloud Big Dog

    You said,"Its iligal to crop ears in sweden". If it's illegal, don't do it. Why do you want your dog to look more intimidating if your going to use it as a "service dog"?You said, "biggest reason is that I am about to K9 train my dog and have him in service.", on this note, will they allow you to enroll a illegally modified dog as a working service dog?
  18. if you also read the last sentence i´d wrote : but the law is the law,you maybe should notice that i dont have any kind of planes about cropping my dog. and if you read the actual question you perhaps notice that the question is about age nothing else.
  19. DryCreek

    DryCreek CH Dog

    Interesting theory.......

    I believe that you have missed an important point in your reasoning. The auditory abilities of a canine are much more sensitive than a humans. What we find slightly irritating, they find excruciating.

    So cropping the dogs ears not only opens it up to more dirt and possible infection, it opens it up to a higher likelyhood of auditory canal damage. Loud noise damages the fine hairs in the canal that transfer the soundwaves to our eardrum. Damage to those hairs inhibits the travel of soundwaves and lessons the ability to hear.

    I, too, would be interested in reading a study about this point, cropped or uncropped.

    Thank you both, Kensloft and Mia, for making me think,;)

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