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Vet. carged me $400 for 2 lump removals and one is still there

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by djarvisgirl, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. djarvisgirl

    djarvisgirl Banned

    i got charged 400 for a vet. to remove two lumps on my pit.he said they were cancer but ended up being benign growths or fatty tuomors one is sill there.
  2. sajoseph

    sajoseph Pup

    My Sas had lumps starting on her about 3 years ago. One grew out of her ear, and became so large so fast it was oozing. I took her to the vet, and he put a rubber band around it!!! In one day, the lump shrank like a deflated balloon, in 5 days it fell off and was gone. I was told these lumps were cancerous and to be greatful they were growing OUTSIDE of her and not inside. When asked about the rubberbands, he said it was an old remedy still used today on dogs too old to go "under" for surgeries. She has gotten many since then, on her belly, legs, other ears, nipples, and we use a braces rubber band and they fall off. I dont know if yours were similar or on the inside, I suppose they would be more difficult to remove. But thats too bad, I hope your dog doesnt get anymore!
  3. 420puffer

    420puffer Big Dog

    I just had my vet remove a cist (think thats how its spelled) removed for $50. But it was only that cheap cuz he was neutured at the same time so there was no need for bloodwork or anesthesia. After the removal, there is still a lump but the vet said the tissues are inflamed
  4. djarvisgirl

    djarvisgirl Banned

    I swear i can feel a lump .i'll give it time and let you all know
  5. missybee16

    missybee16 CH Dog

    Sometimes if the vet doesn't feel like all things should be removed, he won't take it. I think it's wrong if you are paying, but what can one do. I had my vet take off a small tumor on my dogs elbow, and glad he did. He said, sometimes they really don't need to be removed. But, I wasn't going to take that chance. Hope all turns out for the better, with your dog.
  6. 420puffer

    420puffer Big Dog

    Thats what they told me. That it didnt need to be removed, but i chose to have it removed anyway as a safety measure.
  7. djarvisgirl

    djarvisgirl Banned

    ok thanks you all.i was concernd because there is stitching where this lump is.the weird thing is the lump is more off to the side of the stitching.they removed em cause they thought they were cancer but turned out to be fatty cycsts on her breasts
  8. missybee16

    missybee16 CH Dog

    Good to hear, that it wasn't something more bad. Hope all is better soon.

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