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Inside edition last night....

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by 14rock, Feb 7, 2006.

  1. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Did anyone else catch I believe it was "Inside edition" last night? I cant say I've ever watched the show but I turned on the t.v. and immediately heard "mauled by family pet that just snapped.....stay tuned for details". I knew immediately what they were going to report and sadly, I wasnt mistaken. They had a story on "vicious pitbulls "snapping" on its owner and tearing off her lip". The story went on further to perpetuate the "blood lust", "loose cannon", "attack at anytime" stereotype. After the story, they noted the dog had been put down and the owner will never trust another pitbull again. The story goes the dog was sitting on the owners lap like usual, and she was petting it when all of a sudden it just reached up and bit her lip and hand (as she went to block the bite). I want to know if the dog just up and "snapped" unexpectadly, why did she have time to move her hand to cover her mouth? After the biting I believe they said the dog jumped down and looked at her questioningly. When the mother came to check on her...the dog picked up his/her tennis ball and wanted to go play. To me it sounds clearly like the dog bit on accident, and she mis-interpretted it. All the signs point to that conclusion. I have been bitten by a couple dogs on accident, but the only time a APBT has ever bit me was my fault in one of two ways. I was either getting my hands in the middle of a flurry of a working dog (springpole, tug-of-war, accidental fight)...or I was teasing the dog during play-time. The few times I was bitten during one of these...the symptoms were the same. Once the dog realized it had bitten me and not what it was intending to bite (hide, rope, etc)...it let go immediately and looked at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen. Pitbulls do not just "snap", and no other healthy dog will either. I am enraged this myth is so often put out by the media. You'd think they would want to do a story on the 6-year old bitten by the police dog in school? I guess nothing sells papers and BS (i.e. Bull shi*) legislation like one "Pitbull mauling". Nothing new....just wondering if anyone else caught it.
  2. 420puffer

    420puffer Big Dog

    I missed it. But I have personally never been bit by any pitbull. Ive been bitten hard by a Pomerian which was our family pet.
  3. I agree with you boss. This is another case of an APBT in the wrong hands. I hope that family does not get another dog, any dog. Fish is more appropriate for those!

    My boy loves me to death but once, he saw a larger Bully dog passing by and went bananas! Never seen him so crazy. Jumping and trying to get me off balance attempting to charge. He got so frustrated; he attempted to nip me once or twice. Luckily, my hands were too quick for him:cool: (well, I had my hand on his collar and couldn't reach my hand). Anyway, I am sure he would have nipped me but I would not have called it a BITE.

    If you want to ride bikes, expect bruises.
  4. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    I have seen that story before,,I heard it just the way u did,,the girl minding her own business and the dog just snaps,,I bet 10 to 1 she blew in his face or ear or did something that caused him to turn around and snap out of play,,I have seen the stupid people in my family do this as well,,I can't believe that nothing was happening and the dog just turned around and bit her lip off,,she might not want to admit what she really did.
  5. SEAL

    SEAL CH Dog

    unexpected dog bite to me usually means uneducated human. out of all the dogs i have ever seen very few were just biters. usually our own ignorance is what causes an UNEXPECTED BITE
  6. 1Pit_ManyLuvs

    1Pit_ManyLuvs Big Dog

    Although Ive already replied to this topic I'll reply here too LOL :D

    I, too, took it as the dog got overzealous in playing. I almost got my jaw dislocated once when a Doberman I had tossed his head up while playing and it slammed into my face. He didnt do it intentially just got to excited.

    I already said it BUT if that dog wanted to maul her (as the press has made it sound like) the dog would have mauled her and probably took off more then her lip. And her lip was actually ripped off because she stood up and the weight of the dog hanging there pulled it off, the dog (per se) didnt rip it off.

  7. I agree....an acident...if the dog means serious busines, he get a hold...and then you know what....but you know...if it where a shepherd...it where no story at all:)
  8. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Is there another thread concerning the show?
  9. Defend2DaEnd

    Defend2DaEnd CH Dog

    I heard about this someone was telling me taht I should get rid of my dogs because of this. Sad sad and stupid.
  10. simms

    simms CH Dog

    I posted the link yesterday. It is another case of ppl who have owned this breed that shouldn't of. This breed even kept as a pet should be handled at all times, as this is not your average breed. This owner, couldn't even decern what or how or why....all they know and all they want to know is that in their mind their family pet turned on them.

    The dog was never handled correctly and they had No biz owning the dog to begin with.

    Makin Headlines!
  11. Nigerino.com/

    Nigerino.com/ CH Dog

    There is a big chance the dog was not even full blooded.
  12. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Dog looked like a larger pampered "petbull"....definetly not bred with working ability in mind ;)
  13. Osorino

    Osorino Pup

    When I was 15 I was bit by one of my pits. Mr. Wrinkles had just been bred for the very first time and I went to put him back on his chain he bit me right on the butt! Didn't even break the skin. I have had MANY dogs in my life and that is the only time I have ever got nipped. Even at that it was my fault. Instead of bringing his chain out I left it in his circle. He was VERY excited and wanted to play.

    Love the Pits:Insanity:
  14. heavyhemi

    heavyhemi Pup

    once again its the 2 legged animal that is the beast and i bet they get another one even though they said they wouldn't truly saddens great owners
  15. T.B.K

    T.B.K Pup

    history is written by the ones that have the money to put it in the pubic eye! the day before the lady was just telling her friends how great the dog was with her family and kids! but some that she didnt see changed her stand point! the girl was probably playing with the dog and it misjudged where the toy was and bit the child! Sad but not what was reported! what is truly sad is that she would blaspheme a pet that would have died to protect her and her child! Put a cam in an idiots face and they will say anything there told! I have called our local news and offered (for free) and expert opinion on any dog attack! I was told that once they get the report they consider it fact! and there is no need for my profession! But they called after a ladie was bit by a k-9 unit and they wanted to assure the public that everything was safe! lol I told them to pull there head out of there ass and then they would start to make the plubic safer!

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011

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