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Wanted complete sdj on pdf ?

Discussion in 'APBT History' started by kasperian, May 17, 2024.

  1. kasperian

    kasperian Real deal

    Hi all. I'm looking for the complete sdj's Inc yearbooks on pdf.
    If anyone has em,or knows who does.
    Willing to pay.

    Best success
  2. I have the paper version of all
    david63, tomjones2 and oldguy like this.
  3. tomjones2

    tomjones2 Big Dog

    I would be interested to purchase the PDF also
  4. Ssdd

    Ssdd CH Dog

    Shit I'd buy the paper copies lol

    The tangible history is worth WAY more than pdf reads.

    Had an opportunity to buy EVERY single copy, some unreleased, and personal write ups of scratch back from the owner/editor for an insane deal. Just didn't have it on hand the day he was in town with everything in tow. Still regret it to this day.
    tomjones2 and david63 like this.

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