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puppy shots

Discussion in 'Breeder Discussion' started by jkpitts, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. jkpitts

    jkpitts Pup

    Say..what do yal know about giving ur puppies 8 n 1 shot?is 5 weeks to early?some say its fine depends?
  2. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    Start at 6 weeks, 5 way first one & 7 way for the rest.... 3 shots (i do 4)
    No less then 2 , no more than 3 weeks apart...
  3. Mr.Mr.203

    Mr.Mr.203 AKA ladybug

    @2,4,6,8,16 wks then switch to adult worming scheduling
  4. It's not about worming it's about vaccinations smfh

    OP I do the same as LWG, 5 weeks is too soon. Start at 6 week, give a total of 4 shots, exactly 3 weeks apart each time. I use 7 way every time.
  5. poorfarmkennels

    poorfarmkennels Big Dog

    5 weeks works for me(I do @4) but DONT use a shot with lepto vac. try something like neopars parvo only and then do the 5/1 a few weeks later.
  6. I would do it at 6wks, unless they are still on the bitch. If they are still nursing I would wait untill 7wks. Bitchs' milk produces colostrum till around 6wks which will make giving a shot a waste till that is out of their system. And why do some of you say to wait 3wks? I have always done my shots at 7, 9, and 11wks. And most of the time I do a total of 4 shots.
  7. jkpitts

    jkpitts Pup

    Thanks helpful info.
  8. jkpitts

    jkpitts Pup

    thanks for the feed back. I diddnt know about the colostrum! Good to know.
  9. The recommended protocol is to wait 3 weeks in between shots.

    Also a female does not produce colostrum for 6 weeks. It's more like 24 hours from the time of finishing the litter. That is why it is so important to get puppies to nurse very soon after birth. It not only gives them anti-bodies, but it also activates their digestive system. Now the colostrum does make the anti-bodies in the puppy for quite a few weeks, but they are not getting any from the mama after the first day. It is true that the anti-bodies will render a vaccination useless if given too early. 6 weeks or 7 either choice is fine. The reason for giving a series of shots is the anti-bodies in the puppies fight off the vaccination some and each one becomes more effective. You should finish at no sooner than 16 weeks. I start at 6 weeks, give 4 shots, 3 weeks apart.
  10. jkpitts

    jkpitts Pup

    Again good info on the colostrum.thanks like to here opinions.
  11. Thanks for the info, more knowledge is always a plus. Good to know about the 3wks inbetween too. No one has ever told me that, even vets. But then I don't always trust the vet. Thankfully been using a pretty good one for the past couple of years.

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