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BSL/Pitbull Ban Help

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Big Papa, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. Big Papa

    Big Papa CH Dog

    I'm writing a persuasive writing on not to ban pitbulls so i need help can you all give me points or notes on this, your help will be appreciated......thank you
  2. your best bet is to write a classical argument paper
    - introduce the topic at hand and state your claim
    - present your position as to why its not a good idea 2 ban pit bulls and y bsl is bad
    - show the opposing views
    - show the problem with the opposing views
    - state ur conclusion

    and this might help

    (hope u don't mind mydawgs, its just a really good paper)
  3. Suki

    Suki Guest

  4. Mrsdano

    Mrsdano Big Dog

    I was actually going to suggest to ask Mydawgs about that paper but seems someone beat me to it,lol, it was a awsome paper. Could be used for alot of things.
  5. Suki

    Suki Guest

    a little more info:

    Fighting Breed Specific Legislation (BSL)

    What should you do when you learn of a proposed breed-specific bylaw that you want to fight?

    The best thing you can do is to realize that there are others out there who are already informed and want to help.

    • Don't waste valuable time re-inventing the wheel.
    • Do get involved and work with a network of people who can help you to take action effectively.
    • Keep one thing at the centre of your thoughts: your goal is to do what it takes to ensure that breed specific legislation is not passed.
    • Offer a better alternative to legislators.

    Here are some sample media kits that you can look to if and when BSL affects your area. Take a good look at these packages, and call your local kennel club and breed clubs for contact names of others already involved. There are people who keep track of proposed legislation in most countries, and these should be the people you look to first when you decide to get involved. Remember: act strategically and don't re-invent the wheel!

    How to Respond to a Dog Bit Incident in your Community
    Quite often BSL goes hand-in-hand with a bite incident in a community. This is an excellent media kit with statistics and guidance when something like this happens in your community. The most excellent advice on this page is: "Do not talk to any reporters until you have some information in front of you to work with." Be prepared, and you better your chances of successfully meeting your goals. There is also good advice about preventing this type of incident.

    Sample Letters to Send to your Legislators
    Writing letters to your legislators, and encouraging others in your area to do the same, really does help. Here are some form letters that you can use to effectively present your position to politicians. Download one, fill it out, and send it to your legislator. Encourage others in your community to do the same. Remember that -- like it or not -- politicians are elected, and to be effective you need to speak to their political agendas and concerns.

    California's Non-Breed Specific Dangerous Dog Laws
    There are better options than breed-specific laws, and this California law is one of the best. Have a look, and present it to your legislators as a better option to the BSL that they bylaw have proposed. Better yet, why not take proactive action before BSL comes to your area? There are many things you can do to help before there is a problem. According to Ann Lettis, who has had a longtime involvement in both fighting BSL and educating the public about dogs, the first thing you should do is find out what laws currently exist in your area. Once you have this information, review those laws and suggest positive, effective changes to politicians.
  6. Starr

    Starr Pup

    I argue this crap way too much. Check out the CDC website. Nothing like using someone's own ammo against them.

    One of the most common statistics used in BSL is the CDC's report on ppl killed by specific breeds of dog. The CDC has put a disclaimer on their site now-stating that the study cannot predict behavior of any breed of dog and should not be used for BSL. They suggest non-breed specific alternatives and link you to a statement by the AVMA!

    IMO the CDC report was not very accurate. The CDC study followed up on fatal attacks reported by emergency room visits in 17 States over a period of about 20 years. They did not require any professional to I.D. the breed of dog-just took it from the E.R. They used three breeds- American Pit Bull Terrier;American Staffordshire Terrier;and Staffordshire Bull Terrier and classified them as "Pit Bull types" for statistical purposes.

    Of course that makes "pit bull types" 25-90 lbs. Any color. Ears long or cropped....

    The statistic of 66 deaths is all three breeds combined as reported by non-professionals. Even if you go by that it's about 2 deaths a year. You're about 300x more likely to get struck by lightning than killed by a pit bull type.

    Another statistic is the ATTS. (American Temperment Test Society). They rank dogs by breed. They give percentages of how many dogs have passed. APBT and AST are similar to a Golden Retriever and very high. On The low end are the Herding dogs like Border Collies.

    Another argument that I use selectivly depending on the audience is the constitution.
    People have a right to property. We own dogs. Dogs are property.
    We also have a right to bear arms. ("The Pit Bull is a loaded gun waiting to go off" argument) Although a Pit Bull is not a loaded gun by any measure-people own other dogs that are. For example trained guard dogs. That is legal. If the issue is weather a dog is dangerous shouldn't you make it illegal to train a dog to protect your home? And what about the whole right to bear arms. In the U.S.A. I can go buy an AK-47 but I can't own a dog? Again-that argument is walking on eggshells but It's definatly a good one when used in the right context.

    Hope that's helpful.
  7. Big Papa

    Big Papa CH Dog

    thank you i really appreciate this ppl
  8. apbtluver

    apbtluver Top Dog

  9. Big Papa

    Big Papa CH Dog

    thank you very much these are helpful links

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