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Well, it happened...

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by celangant, Dec 19, 2012.

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  1. celangant

    celangant Pup

    I was taking my dog for his daily walk. We weren't even at the end of our street when the neighbor's dog jumped the wall and they got into it. Nobody was around to help me separate and I had forgotten my break stick (bat handle). The only thing I could think of doing was to take out my knife..and well..their dog is gone. Funny how everyone only looks out their window when they hear a loud commotion and only come out when everything stops.. Anyway, now my dog has two puncture wounds I on his shoulder and I have some pissed off neighbors. I'm keeping his wounds clean and keeping a close eye on his discharge, making sure it's clear. I gave him some pro-pen-g. I read about not applying hydrogen peroxide and keeping the hole clear so it heals from the inside first but I'm taking him to the vet today but I'm just wondering what else I should do before I take him..
  2. Sabong1

    Sabong1 Big Dog

    I hear ya on the neighbors only coming out when all the commotion is over. You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. It's not your fault that your neighbor can't contain their dog. What breed was the other dog?
  3. celangant

    celangant Pup

    Thanks.. It was a blue mutt..but it wasn't the typical bully style..he was small, wiry, deep chest and tuck..he was in pretty good shape hence the ability to scale a six foot block wall.. He was a bit smaller than my forty five pound mutt..I'd say thirty five to forty pounds.
  4. tigerboy5

    tigerboy5 Big Dog

    If the 2 puncture wounds arent too big or deep you may be able to exscaoe a trip to the vet and take care of it yourself and the peroxide would be good for the initial cleaning but after the first time you should stop using it.
  5. Currdog

    Currdog Pup

    Yea just keep it clean an some wound spray helps. No need to go to vet except for antibiotics for extra precaution. We get dogs cut all the time an rarely go tongue vet. Usually only for deep mucle cuts tendons or cants ge the bleeding to stop. Dog shud be fine if u just take care of it
  6. D.Dogg

    D.Dogg Big Dog

    antiseptic soap wash daily and fill holes with neosporin type cream. Be healed in a week.

    Hopefully the neighbor doesnt come after you over slaying his dog with a knife, animal cruelty charge maybe filed. What a bad situation to be in. Sorry and hope you neighbor is an open minded person and understands their dog was the problem.

    Defense, defense, preach how you feared for your dogs life and injury to yourself and you had no option but to defend him. Best of luck.
  7. celangant

    celangant Pup

    Thanks for the advice..I did apply some triple amniotic ointment on him after washing him with green soap.. The cops were called and said I was well within my rights to protect myself and my dog.. This was the second time I've had problems with this guy's dogs getting loose.
  8. devonte151

    devonte151 Fast Lane Bulldogs

    Yea my dog have a few fights I have healed in up hydogen peroxide and triple ointment will do the trick and get some tape so he can't fool with.the fights my dog has got in was for protect from cousin dog and territoral same dog.
  9. dayair1

    dayair1 Big Dog

    Lol, two puncture wounds are the least of your worries, just keep them clean. I would be worried about retaliation if I where you. Keep your dog out of sight for a good while.
  10. Cadibuck

    Cadibuck Big Dog

    ^^^ X2.. You had every right to protect yourself and your dog, but If someone poked one of my dogs to death, I'm coming for you! I agree with dayair, keep your hound out of sight and your head on a swivel. Good luck.
  11. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    My thoughts exactly! Doesn't sound like your dog is to banged up at all honestly. I would make sure to keep the dog inside until you have a chance to speak with the neighbor to fiigure out where his head is at as far as charges or revenge. And while you're online goto Home :: Parting Device
  12. sega

    sega Big Dog

    You know bra I can't help but ask what kinda dog do you have? Your pretty much on here trying to justify killing someones pet, a house dog saying Ohh u had no choice cause you didn't have a breakin stick, u telling me u can break yr dog off another pit who's giving u 10 - 15 lbs??
    I'm gonna assume u have a bull dog and not a trophy medium size poddle. U can talk defence all u want but its falling on def ears my way, yea sure their dog jumped a 6 ft wall, Maby u should have to chain that fucker but it just drives me fckin crazy that u just think u have the right to kill someones pet, it pissed me off. Don't feed me that defence line dude you on a site called GAME DOG. you owe that man a Danm dog and a heart felt apolodgy, think abt if he's got kids now he's gotta tell the kids their dog ain't gonna be arnd anymore cause you could handle a situation. Just cause he was in the wrong by law don't make what u did right and I hope u will do what's right and give that man a new dog
  13. celangant

    celangant Pup

    Listen sega, I tried replying to your other questions before they got taken down..all I was asking was if there was more I could about his holes..scroll up and read carefully..that's all I was asking..
  14. babedulce

    babedulce Big Dog

    Aside from the advice already given to the OP, nothing productive can be added.

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