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Anyone's dog do this?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Chopper4me, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. Chopper4me

    Chopper4me Big Dog

    Lately when Chopper gets bothered by something his fur stands straight up all the way down the middle of his back, does any one else's dog do this? It bothers the crap out of me! I always brush it back down and tell him "it's ok". He is almost 2 and I notice he it happens more now than ever!
  2. N M PITS

    N M PITS Big Dog

    seen other breeds do this never a pit they usualy just get what i call the scorpion tail i am sure it is not that unusual though
  3. Luigi

    Luigi Top Dog

    Both of mine do, and my female's hair on her neck gets so big that it looks like an extra head.

    Don't forget pitties and even pit mixes can become dog aggressive around 2, (or sooner), and that hair standing up is a warning.

    You might not want to tell him it's o.k., because he may interpret that as it's o.k. to get riled up, when you may not want him to. I use "easy" or if mine is too riled, I use "stop." Takes some time to train them, but it works.

    Good luck. :)
  4. Big Papa

    Big Papa CH Dog

    just watch out when they are standing
  5. missybee16

    missybee16 CH Dog

    I have one dog that does, it's weird. The rest just curl their lips up, and bark.
  6. Marty

    Marty Guest

    This is your sign that something is not right, this is called body language, watch it closely your dog is trying to warn you, they can sense thing you can't. ;)
  7. c.knight

    c.knight Big Dog

    my dog does the same thing when ever she mad it like a str8 line of hair goes up her back
  8. DryCreek

    DryCreek CH Dog

    Your dog is basically trying to make itself look larger and more intimidating, putting its hackles up. Its part of the fight or flight mechanism. What is Chopper looking at when he does this?


    I don't like to see this in a dog because it is a sign that its trying to avoid the fight by intimidation other than just waiting for the right time to hit!
  10. Chopper4me

    Chopper4me Big Dog

    Usually it's when he is bothered by someone being outside, or if we're out for a walk and he sees a cat or most recently halloween decorations!
  11. Chopper4me

    Chopper4me Big Dog

    Yes i don't like it either! He actually does it the most when he is on a walk! He'll growl a little bit sometimes too!
  12. Mrsdano

    Mrsdano Big Dog

    Our dogs dont usually do that but I have read and seen on t.v that dogs sence when you are scared,mad, sad, sick, gonna get sick, alot of things, Has anyone noticed that you dog likes to cuddle more when you sad, or sick, I do all the time. Also ALL dogs have the ability to sence out almost anything (why do u think there used as drug sniffer, instead of us?lol,) being a person, another dog, A Ghost, omg thats scary, when they just stand there starring into a corner thats when our dogs hair actually does stand up. But I always use it as an advantage for me cause then I know somethings wrong if there goin nuts, and I just TRY and calm them down by saying " okay no more" or "No" or "Stop".
  13. DryCreek

    DryCreek CH Dog

    The cats I can understand LOL Halloween decorations and strangers.......sounds like he is lacking a bit of self confidence,i.e. he's intimidated by what he doesn't know, whats not familiar.
    I would try the jolly routine....reacting by reassuring your dog,or using discipline, might reinforce the negative behavior, instead, as soon as the behavior starts, act as if your having the greatest of time, distracting him with your happy playful mood. As soon as he stops the stressful behavior, praise and good boy. You want him to look at things that are strange to him as positive, not threatening.
    Just my thoughts.
  14. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    my dog does the same thing but I thik he is seeing ghost because when he does it he is just saring at nothing
  15. lockjaw

    lockjaw CH Dog

    as a young dog my male did that..when they stop doing that then you need to really worry...that's when they "go and get it.".so to speak.
  16. Luigi

    Luigi Top Dog

    If you don't allow him to give any warning, he will, like "JUST BGFU" said, just "hit."

    I don't know what you do with your dog, or what you hope to do with your dog, but that's the LAST thing I would want any of my dogs to do, particularly when it comes to other dogs, cats, or even Halloween decorations, lol. :)

    Let him give warning so you can train him what he should be warning about and what he shouldn't.
  17. Mrsdano

    Mrsdano Big Dog

    Lockjaw?? Can I ask about the name??
  18. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    I dont like a dog that stands his hair up either, same thing as a dog who will immediately show teeth and growl and bark. I know it sounds strange to those who havent seen it but gamedogs GENERALLY arent intrested in threat displays and this means teeth arent shown and growling, no standing up hair, dont get up on their back legs, etc. etc. And to answer the question, no my dogs dont do it. When they really they want something they will whine like its the worst torture ever to hold them back. So for those of you with dogs coming of age, dont confuse this behavior with wanting to innocently play, as in this breed it usually means they do want to play, but not in a way you would like to happen!
  19. Luigi

    Luigi Top Dog

    Good warning.

    It is my understanding that the more "game" dogs will show no threat displays.

    I have not found any correlation between the hair raising and a growling, snarling, or biting dog. Not to say they don't exist, but the two I own raise their hair, and neither raises their lips, growls, or bites, for what it's worth---however, they are both well-trained.
  20. Chopper4me

    Chopper4me Big Dog

    He can do his fair share of whining when he wasts something too! Hopefully this is just a growing pain and I will diffently work with him on this matter, someone else posted that it sounded like he was almost unsure of himself around unfamiliar things and I think that may just be it! Thanks for your help everyone!

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