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Dog Chases Stick, Orca Chases Dog

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Vicki, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Vicki

    Vicki Administrator Staff Member

    Dog Chases Stick, Orca Chases Dog
    By Eli MacKinnon, Life's Little Mysteries Staff Writer | Science News – Science Articles and Current Events | LiveScience – Tue, Nov 20, 2012

    As a species, dogs put a high emphasis on retrieving sticks and a comparatively low emphasis on avoiding contact with killer whales.

    That seems to be the clear lesson of a new video out of Leigh, New Zealand, which shows a black Labrador retriever briefly carousing with an orca before thinking better of it and returning to shore.

    The video, filmed by Auckland resident Deonette De Jongh, according to The New Zealand Herald, also shows a spear fisherman who makes a quick break to a cluster of rocks when he realizes he's hunting alongside an orca pod.

    A man claiming to be the spear fisherman commented on the YouTube video and corroborated De Jongh's explanation of the encounters, alleging that the Labrador had first been led into the orca-stirred water after a man threw a stick in that direction. The purported spear fisherman, who goes by the name Tin Arse on YouTube, further commented that the man said he threw the stick, because he "wanted to see what would happen." [Watch the video]

    What happened is that the dog bounded into the water, abruptly realized the massive size of the animal beneath the surf and then chose to go back to shore, where it leveled a few face-saving barks at its pursuer.

    The stick thrower's actions have been called "irresponsible and stupid" by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Herald reports, but thankfully neither the spear fisherman nor the dog were likely in extreme danger.

    Despite the menacing name, killer whales have never been known to kill humans or dogs in the wild. Different orca pods in different regions have their own preferred diets, none of which include humans or dogs, and the black-and-white mammals are not typically adventurous eaters. (Alaskan orcas do put an occasional swimming moose on their menu.)

    The orcas in the video had probably approached the shore to trawl for stingrays, a favorite snack for the New Zealand wing of the species. Kiwi orcas are even known to toss around stingrays like Frisbees before eating them, something dogs might like to do if they could figure out how.

    A screengrab from Deonette De Jongh's video of a dog's encounter with an orca.

    Dog Chases Stick, Orca Chases Dog - Yahoo! News

  2. babedulce

    babedulce Big Dog

    This is a perfect example of how we as a human species have lost our natural instinct.

  3. Foundation

    Foundation Big Dog

    There are two species of killer whale and they do not interact with each other much.. ORCAs eat fish only.. Killer Whales on the other hand kill and eat everything mammals, sharks, squid, etc... The ORCAs you see like shamu and so on, are the fish eating species and have no killer drive to kill and eat animals.

    That dog looked like a seal to the killer whale Im sure and it was a small one, if the killer whale was like the one in the 2nd video.. A man and a dog gone..

    That was just tragic...
  4. Foundation

    Foundation Big Dog

    IRONICALLY that 2nd clip of the man getting ate is a comericial south of the border for pencils.. "stay sharp" :)
  5. Mr.Revolution

    Mr.Revolution CH Dog

    foundation I dont know where your getting your info from but Killer whales and Orcas r the same thing.
  6. Foundation

    Foundation Big Dog

    do your research... its called slang. and slang changes everything. There are two different types of killer whales. One eats only fish ORCAs the other Kills and eats what it'd like.. thus killer whale ... and people judge everything by the cover first until we take a long look at the big picture, as a whole..
  7. Foundation

    Foundation Big Dog

    witnessed it myself .. a pod of fish eating orcas surrounding its young as it passed a pod of Killer Whales which also had young but didn't act the same way as far as defending them; instead they harassed the fish eating orca pod. ... I always thought they were the same myself until proven otherwise by native alaskan..
  8. cromsboss

    cromsboss Big Dog

    u are right and wrong
    there is a sub species of killer whale/orca that eat fish only, but they have not been given a name
    there are three different sub species classified as type a, type b and type c
    the different types are classified due to differences in appearance and behavior

    orca is another name for killer whale
  9. Holy crap. That dog will properly think twice about chaseing another stick ha ha
  10. blackcloud

    blackcloud Big Dog

  11. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Killer whale is a slang for Orcas. Killer whales do not only eat fish. I think your the one that needs to do some research LMAO.
  12. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    thats what ive grew up thinkin too saiy!!

    on the flipside, that video that dulce posted was awesome!
  13. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    There is a false killer whale known as the Pseudorca.

    Killers whales from different parts of the world change due to adapting to there environment.

    Only time there is a new species of Orca is if its a HYBRID. I am not sure if a False Killer what can mate with a Killer whale but its possible.
  14. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    I am not sure if that video is real LWC. LOL
  15. the.peon

    the.peon Top Dog

    Who gives a shit?
  16. zohan

    zohan Pup

    its bad photoshop
  17. therealjudge

    therealjudge CH Dog

    From I have seen from National Geographic documentaries and so on.... The whales that swim in a school are the ones that are "safe" for humans to be around, and the ones that fly solo are the ones that are not. Other than that, I got nothing.

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