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Can u explain this ??

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Mickeyg, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. Mickeyg

    Mickeyg Top Dog

    It was tea time in my house the mrs was cooking some chicken breast she always trims the fatty bits off and puts them a side for the dogs in sted of chucking them away my Stafford could do with tha chicken fat more then my bandog do offered it to her as a treat wen the other dog was some were eles she wouldn't eat it and she loves raw chicken she has never turn down food of any kind me and the mes laugh coz she will eat anything at all things dogs don't eat she will lol so I got worried instantly at her refusal to eat it we had already eat our dinner and the meat wasn't bad it was fresh chicken my bandog got a wiff of the food and came and eat the lot quick time and then had the shits for 4 days till I hate to starve him ti dry him up he had a very upset tummy and it can only be the chicken as the staff eat her kibble as normal that night a long with him we was fine and my 1.5 year old girl was fine to and I would imagine if the meat was a lil bad at all she would feel it befor a big strong dog so what did my Stafford know that no one eles did ??? Coz it's very very very out of charter for her not leave food ???
  2. pit#5

    pit#5 Banned

    I am not expert with raw ,but I have been under the impression any raw food fed should be in the freezer for a bit of time , Fat from a chicken from the supermarket fresh will have bacterias like salmonella and parasites will be alive also . Was it fresh from the market ?? . Any time I have had fresh from the market chicken I will cook the fat a little in the microwave . As such i have fed them the gizzard and necks also , but a little cooked .
    I have a tid bit of a story, years ago My friend gave me a turkey to cook and eat
    well I cooked it up and - it was dried out looking - I went to give some to my dogs at the time and they did not want it . I tossed the bird to the trash and asked my friend WHAT was up with the turkey & he starts laughing chuckling UMM well it's been in the freezer for 3 years -- Dogs can eat most any thing but some know better then others
  3. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    One of the down sides of feeding anything raw is catching a parasite, bacteria etc...although most healthy dogs can tolerate salmonella or Ecoli etc. to a degree , if the meat has a lot of salmonella or whatever on it, it CAN affect the dog to a degree depending on each individual dog as every dog is different. Although most dogs can sense if food is contaminated or spoiled only a few are smart enough not to eat it.
  4. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Tried to edit my post but ran out of time LOL......Even dog Kibble can get contaminated with salmonella or E coli and shit if not processed right or handled carefully.


    Mickey, the chicken fat you fed could have been too rich for your dogs stomach if it's not used to eating such, or it could have been spoiled it's not unheard of. If your dog has loose stool starving him is not the way to solve the problem. Diarrhea will cause dehydration, weakness etc. same as in humans. Keep your dog hydrated during bouts of diarrhea (if it refuses to drink try low sodium chicken stock mixed w/water) and feed him canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie bullshit, real canned pumpkin) or cooked white rice with chicken stock. If it continues into the next day and you don't have the means to run your own fluids and medicate the dog yourself take it to the vet for fluids and a Rx of metronidazole. If your dog has bloody or dark colored stool take it to the vet because there is severe intestinal inflammation or worse going on that needs to be attended to. Pick up a MERCK vet manual... educate yourself and find a good vet!
  6. Mickeyg

    Mickeyg Top Dog

    Cheers guys he's right as rain now I have a electrolyte mix I give in such a case to keep them hydrated and if he wont drink i squrit it down his kneck lol I was ready to go to the vet but I didn't want them to charge me a packet for nothing luckily he dried up quick I think he only eat it quick because he didn't want the staffy eatin it so scoffed it down

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